• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    DJ Comments

    1. JadeGreen's Avatar
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      Hmm. Interesting. I've never heard of anything quite like this.
    2. Arngeir's Avatar
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      Ive been reading though your DJ. I can tell you are trying to get lucid by spotting abnormalities in the world. The reason you might be failing is because you are not paying attention when you are awake. The best thing to do is to stop every once in awhile and ask yourself: How did I get here? Are these surroundings REALLY logical? (A form of reality check). Now if you're already doing that, great.
      For example in one of your dreams, you said that you were in some kind of skateboard room that was like 200 feet tall. If you were to ask yourself those questions, there is probably a 99 percent chance you catch yourself and become lucid.
      I have difficulty with this sort of technique because for the most part, my dreams take place in a forest/park or at my school, or at home, and generally they aren't very abnormal. My environment rarely changes so I can rarely employ that kind of reality check.
      Continue what you are doing, but if you're getting frustrated or impatient waiting to get lucid, perhaps change your approach after awhile. But be sure to give each technique a fair trial. Also remember that for most people getting their first lucid takes a rather long time. Stick with it.
      I've started doing those mental reality checks and there especially good for my dreams. All my dream are usaully in places that I've been before but it looks totally different. I've had a lucid and it was very short and I did the finger through palm and count your fingers RC. I don't remember why I did it, I think it was random. I have a lot of dream signs so that helps too. Thanks for the help.
    3. JadeGreen's Avatar
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      Ive been reading though your DJ. I can tell you are trying to get lucid by spotting abnormalities in the world. The reason you might be failing is because you are not paying attention when you are awake. The best thing to do is to stop every once in awhile and ask yourself: How did I get here? Are these surroundings REALLY logical? (A form of reality check). Now if you're already doing that, great.
      For example in one of your dreams, you said that you were in some kind of skateboard room that was like 200 feet tall. If you were to ask yourself those questions, there is probably a 99 percent chance you catch yourself and become lucid.
      I have difficulty with this sort of technique because for the most part, my dreams take place in a forest/park or at my school, or at home, and generally they aren't very abnormal. My environment rarely changes so I can rarely employ that kind of reality check.
      Continue what you are doing, but if you're getting frustrated or impatient waiting to get lucid, perhaps change your approach after awhile. But be sure to give each technique a fair trial. Also remember that for most people getting their first lucid takes a rather long time. Stick with it.