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    1. Harry Potter: Rithmatist

      by , 12-31-2013 at 08:15 PM
      12-28-2013 -- I am Harry Potter, and while doing a Runescape herb run, I have discovered that I have the ability to bring chalk drawings to life, like in Brandon Sanderson's teen book The Rithmatists. I have been working on it for a while, and am finally starting to get it all working, and decide I am ready to start teaching it to my friends.

      Hermione is getting nowhere, because she is just simply incapable of believing that chalk drawings can come to life ... it doesn't fit her view of the world, even if she can see the proof of it in my own attempts. Ron is getting slightly further, managing to make his small drawing of a butterfly float a little unsteadily by somehow crossing his drawing with wingardium leviosa, but it is a very limited success. Neville is turning out to be the expert of the group, quickly surpassing even me, as he manages to bring his chalk plant drawings to life. He is really something.

      Flash forward in time a little bit, and we are running around, fighting off Death Eaters in a setting that seems very reminiscent of the Chinese Bakery dream I had which either never got entered, or perhaps was only a fragment. The location and feel seems to combine the Death Eater fight with more hints of Runescape, and just a bit of the whole spy thing from Covert Affairs (a show I just started watching today). I am doing an herb run while under heavy fire from the Death Eaters, next to a large building.

      I suddenly see a large chalk-drawing pumpkin-like vine sneaking up on one of the Death Eaters from behind the building. Rather than come directly at him, it has grown to circle the entire building in just a few seconds, and pounces on him from behind, wrapping him in vines and somehow not just capturing him, but starting to take him over.

      The scene is shifting to become more sort of the Calico Square in Knott's Berry Farm, as Neville's chalkling has kind of taken on a complete life of its own, and is grabbing real life plants, animals, and even people, and mutating them into a half-whatever, half-chalkling creature, creating a new species. Thankfully it seems to have a sort of a sense of morals. While it takes over any plants it wants to, the animals it takes over seem to be damaged or abused, so that it's new species may give them a better life, and it is leaving us alone, but only taking over, mutating, and controlling evil humans like the Death Eaters. We're still a little nervous about what Neville has done here.
    2. Harry Potter, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and the Church Balcony

      by , 12-24-2013 at 09:33 AM
      11-24-2013 -- [First lengthy, detailed dream I have had in several days.] Am in a church which is a cross between Pine Castle UMC (the balcony above the narthex) and Buena Park First Church of the Nazarene (the physical location and the rest of the building layout.) I seem to be Harry Potter, and it is dark and quite late at night. There are no lights, but I am sitting on the floor of the balcony watching a small television that seems to somehow be showing one of the later Harry Potter movies or something, and I am learning secrets that will eventually let me beat Voldemort. Problem is, I hear angry muttering, and when I peer over the balcony, I can see Voldemort down by the pulpit. He is watching the same thing on a much larger screen, and is getting more and more angry about what he is seeing.

      At this point I am a very young Harry Potter, and I know Voldemort could probably destroy me easily, and he can see the flickering light of the television I am watching from where he is, even if he can't see me. I somehow know that as he gets angrier, he will end up destroying me and the balcony. But then I realize, he can't see me, he can't hear me, and there are no lights anywhere except the slight flicker from the tv screens, if I am slow and quiet, I can open up one of the doors to the stairs, climb down into the narthex, then exit out one of the double glass doors on the side, and I should be able to run away without being seen. Perhaps I can put enough distance between us that I should be able to hide for a while.

      I follow my plan, and make it out the doors, expecting an explosion all the while, but I manage to get outside before anything happens. I run along the side of Shamlin Hall, then reach the brick fence and start to climb it. Oddly, unlike all the past dreams I have had about climbing these fences, and into these yards, there are no big dogs chasing at me. As soon as I think this, a gray dog comes running up, but it is a little smaller than usual, and isn't barking nearly so much. I hold out a hand for it to sniff, then pick it up, and seem to have made a friend of it, which is a nice change. [I have dreamed about climbing fences in the area and cutting through or hiding in yards through here many times, but this time is a lot smoother than usual.]

      I am cutting across to reach Orangethorpe as usual, but I soon find myself in the middle of a sort of park with a couple of softball fields, and some people are playing. I have no intention of joining in, but I do pass through the area, avoiding both the kids and adults who are playing. Oddly, I run into Captain Jack (character from Doctor Who), dressed as a ball player, and flirting with everyone around him, whether male, female, or child.

      I continue on, and soon find myself standing on Orangethorpe, at a cross between a sort of bus stop and a food truck, and I run into some of the Scoobie Gang. Giles is here, though he almost immediately takes off looking for help. I think Buffy is on patrol. But Willow is here, and is seriously injured. She has a badly mangled arm that will probably never be whole again, unless I do something. I pick her up in my arms, and twist her bad arm in a way that it really shouldn't bend, but then I start pouring healing magic into it, and it starts to heal and straighten in a remarkable way. With some time to rest, she is going to end up being just fine. I leave her with her friends, and wander off into the night, worn and exhausted.

      I am weak and tired, I have exhausted all my magic in healing Willow, and I am just stumbling through the parking lot of a somewhat worn apartment complex. There is a dirty blonde, probably in her mid-30s, sleeping in her car in the parking lot. She is poor, dirty, not in the best shape, and she is kind of propositioning me. I guess in this dream the power Voldemort knows not is probably sex, rather than love, because I decide to have sex with her, knowing that will recharge my core. I climb into the car, and have sex with her, though the dream kind of skips past that. I am feeling a bit better, and have kind of partly recharged, when I get the odd feeling we are being watched.

      We are parked next to a sort of a repair truck ... the kind that might be a real repair truck, or might be something that the FBI is using to spy on people. I am trying to stare into this truck, somehow thinking it is where they are spying on us from, when I hear someone opening up the passenger side door of the car, and I am not able to react fast enough as the door is torn open, I am pulled out, and am beaten and knocked unconscious. When I come to, I am being dragged through a parking lot by a guy in fatigues, as he also pulls along the dirty blonde I was with. Problem is, though he knocked me out, and my head hurts, I did finish 'recharging' my core, first. He doesn't even know what is happening at first, as I morph my body to look like his, then morph his to look like me. After that, I hit him with a kind of an imperious, so he won't be able to say anything. I am still dizzy from being knocked out, and he is dizzy from the mind control, so we're kind of stumbling along keeping each other upright.

      We're in a sort of large junk yard, with scrap all around us, and I am guessing he and his people have made their base here. Another soldier dressed in fatigues comes up, and seems to think he has the right to beat up on the other guy (since he looks like me and I him) and he starts to attack him, but I turn around and kill him, then stick him through a narrow hole in the fence that leads to a sort of truck yard, and I hope he won't be found until after I find my way out of here. We keep staggering through the junk yard, and we eventually find our way back to Orangethorpe. By this time I am nearly back to 100%. I let the girl go, then I knock out the soldier who had originally knocked me out, and finally I morph into an entirely new disguise so hopefully nobody can recognize me.

      I make my way back to the food truck (which is slowly changing into a couple of tents containing some sort of buffet at what is seeming to be turning into a college campus) looking for any of the Scoobies, as well as anybody who may be spying on them for Voldemort (how I figure I must have been captured), and ready to thrash any soldiers I might find watching them, while I hope my disguise is good enough if Voldy himself should come by.
    3. Harry Potter and the Summer with Hermione

      by , 12-24-2013 at 09:28 AM
      11-20-2013 -- [Getting back to the dreams after a bad few days, at least I think I am.] I am Harry Potter, and I think the time is the summer before the fourth year. I am not sure about everything, but there is just a hint that this may be a time travel dream. (ie I have already been through the entire Harry Potter book series, and have now traveled back in time, and may be able to do things differently, this time around.)

      I find myself going through some battles and situations that I can barely remember, but may involve some pranks and something with the Weasley twins, and in some way that I can't quite bring to mind, we have given Snape something that he wanted, which has caused him to retire, so he won't be bothering us anymore. I now find myself in some kind of a cross between a school and a church, talking with Dumbledore and Mcgonagall. Hermione is here, and is working on some sort of 'important' summer project that seems to be planning out a summer menu (how much food will be needed, etc) for herself, her parents, and her six animals, which to me doesn't seem all that important of a project after all.

      But after dealing with magic and powers and making things fly and the like, I am more than willing to take a few minutes to help Hermione with her project. So I am sitting down to read everything she has done on it so far, including accidentally knocking off a couple of the lightly taped sheets that show each days' food choices. So I am reading the project and trying to re-affix loose papers and make all the right comments. Meanwhile, Dumbledore and Mcgonagall are not too sure about our plans, and is worried I might do something stupid. But I am explaining that I understand all of Hermione's project, so I must be nearly as brilliant as she is.

      Dumbledore brings up my poor grades in math and my almost failing the class, and I mention that it has nothing to do with not understanding and being able to do the math, but with being late all the time, missing classes, and not turning in homework. I think about offering to take an additional test, right now, to prove that I really know the stuff, but also find myself remembering the teacher at the beginning of Brandon Sanderson's The Rithmatists and figuring it might not work, anyway. While I am discussing this with the two professors (who don't really believe me) we all seem to be climbing around the stands in a stadium.

      Finally the professors decide to leave me be, and I soon find myself spending a little time with Hermione and her parents, trying to get permission for our plans for the summer. Somehow I have managed to claim my inheritance, or my position as head of house Potter or something, and have broken things off with the Dursleys, and Hermione and I plan to stay together for the summer as we make plans. But of course, her parents aren't too sure about this, and her dad needs to try and intimidate me a bit to make sure we aren't planning to do anything untoward. He doesn't need to worry right now, though, as we are still a little too young for such things. Maybe next year.

      Anyway, eventually Hermione's parents have agreed, and now all we have to do is to convince the Church of England that it is OK. They seem to be the only ones who we still have to convince, and as we are sitting in the large church building, waiting for the priest or minister that we need to convince that everything is all right, I am petting a black and white cat who usually runs from everybody, but is in just the right mood to be petted today. Meanwhile, Hermione is complaining that things are boring here in the church, and she wishes we were somewhere else. I point out that it is only for a short time, and that all we have to do is be good, and we can do almost anything (just nothing naughty) to pass the time.

      James Earl Jones turns out to be the minister, looking and sounding like the version of him I just saw yesterday in an episode of Frasier (where he is a blind man in a rest home, and Frasier breaks the life mask of his dead wife), and it only takes a little bit of conversation with him to convince him that all is good. Unfortunately he has another person with him, who is a church elder or something, and he seems to be the prig who played the Principal in Ferris Bueller's Day Off (which I also watched part of in the last two days) and who is a huge prude who doesn't want these two young people to be spending any time alone together. He is asking me about my history, and I am kind of explaining about the Dursleys neglect and abuse, and he doesn't believe it, and claims the Dursleys are upstanding members of the congregation. But the minister explains that he has seen hints of the things I have been talking about.

      Asked about our immediate plans, I seem to have something to do for a day or two, then Hermione and I are going to be staying with the Weasleys for a few days, and we may be getting a room at the Leaky Cauldron, which in this dream is located near Covington Cross, not Kings Cross. The guy is still with us, and it seems we were going to a theater to see a movie, so he follows us there, and tries to tell us to sit in front of him, but Hermione confronts him about this, then leads me by the hand to a different section where we are out of his sight, then holds my hand and leans into me as we get comfortable and start to watch the movie. [Nothing super exciting, but some interesting guest stars and some detail to enjoy. Beats the last few days, anyway.]
    4. Turning Muggles into Wizards

      by , 11-16-2013 at 08:16 AM
      11-01-2013 -- I am Harry Potter, and with Neville Longbottom at my side, I am deep into a large battle with a bunch of Death Eaters. It is quite a long battle, and covers a lot of ground, though I can't really remember a lot of the details. At least part of it seems to take a place in a hotel, probably a muggle hotel. We manage to defeat the Death Eaters, but the wizarding world decides to blame us for letting people in the muggle world see us casting spells, and they snap our wands and banish us from the wizarding world.

      Thing is, I quickly find that almost all of the regular people have one special ability, if they can only discover it, and learn how to use it. Whether you want to call it the X-Gene or say it is a Heroes world or how you want to look at it, the humans only need to discover what their unique ability is, and how to use it. Thankfully, I find that, having been trained to use my magic, even with a wand, now that I have had it snapped, I can somehow use my magic to access all these other peoples' individual powers, and know (at least partly) how to use them all.

      There is a class on strange abilities at the local community college, and I decide to attend and learn something, but the professor is just talking about powers and abilities as something theoretical, something that is rumored to be possible, but nobody believes in. I decide this just won't do, and decide to take over the class. The professor watches, somewhat bemused, as I start demonstrating a few powers. I slow down time around me, so that I seem to move at super speed. I speed up time, so everything seems to be happening in slow motion. I even try to figure out how to travel in time (which just looks, to the students, like I disappear from one spot, and reappear in another.)

      On another day, we are holding class outside in a sort of amphitheater, and there is confetti in the air, when I decide to play around with weather control. I make it start to snow for a short time, then start turning the snow into rain. I keep it very controlled and local, it is only snowing, then raining, over us and about half the pool we are standing next to, which also leads to demonstrating control over the elements, and making the pool part, ala the red sea, which really impresses everybody. Meanwhile, each class, I help another few students discover what their power is, and help them start to learn a little about how to control it.

      Soon it is the last day of the semester, in the last five minutes of class, and I realize I have messed up a bit. I haven't given them any of the warnings that I should have. I try to advise them against using their powers too blatantly, unless it is an emergency, pointing out that they might frighten people, or that people might want them to always be using their powers to help out, in which case they might never have any peace. On the other hand, we tell them to encourage more people to take the class, so we can teach ever more people to fin and learn to use their powers.

      Finally, Neville and I explain about the magical world, and warn them to beware of nutwads wielding short sticks, and warn them that if wizards catch them using their powers, they could attack them, try to erase their memories, and cause them lots of problems. I concentrate, and use a lot of my power, and conjure rings on all their fingers which quickly fade from view, and tell them if they are ever attacked by wizards to hold the ring and call my name, and I will try to come and save them. Then they start heading out into the larger world. The age of powers has begun! Very fun dream!
    5. Harry Potter and the Arrows of Fate

      by , 11-13-2013 at 07:40 PM
      11-04-2013 -- [Three dreams in a row that all sort of tie together, and are kind of short, so I am listing them all as one.] Takes place around year six or so, or possibly might involve some time travel. Some of the evil Blacks (I think Cissy and Bellatrix, and perhaps Sirius' parents) have kidnapped some of the children of other magical families, and have hidden them in a couple of houses protected by a Fidelis-like charm that only allows entry based on blood relations. The spell causes the appearance of a large knocker on the door that kind of looks like a giant eye. It turns silver if you have a slight blood connection, and might be able to force your way through, or gold if you have a strong connection and easy access. If it turns neither, you aren't going to make it in!

      I am trying to rescue the kids, and the first house I manage to find, the eye doesn't change, and I have no chance of getting in. But the second house, it turns silver, and the slight connection between the Potters and the Blacks allows me to force my way in through the outermost wards. I find myself inside a fenced yard, where I can see a pool, a house, and a couple of trees. For some reason, instead of having a wand and using magic, I seem to be wielding a long bow and arrows. I feel like I should know the weapon and be able to use it well, but when I try to take the one test shot I feel I can get away with before people notice I am here, it turns out I seem to be clueless. Though my shot is on target for the tree I aimed at, there is no power behind it, and it just kind of bounces off. This is not good.

      I take another shot at the tree, but as I feared, I am spotted, and somebody comes running out. I take a shot at them, and they fall into the pool, an arrow sticking out of them. I am told I have to shoot the people in the house, but it is quite far away. I concentrate really hard, and it is like my vision goes telephoto, because now I can see right in a window of the house. It seems to be a bedroom, and I see a gorgeous figure just climbing out of bed in some skimpy lingerie. I think it is Narcissa. I take the shot, and manage to hit her, but she simply scrambles out of the bed and goes running off for weapons. I climb in through the window I shot out, and wander around looking for the kidnapped kids, and shooting any of the evil adults I spot. The problem is, the adults ignore me, and just keep wandering around with my arrows sticking out of them, and the kids don't seem to be worried about having been kidnapped at all.

      I come across Veronica (a friend from Tarpon Springs), who is one of the kidnapped kids, and find I have accidentally shot her right through the neck, though she says it is no biggie, and not to worry about it. I head back outside to speak to the rest of my team about what I have found, and even the first person I shot is just swimming laps in the swimming pool. Talk about being ineffective!


      [Woke, then fell asleep again.] Half in a bedroom, and half in a street. The kids of the Death Eaters who did the kidnapping want to be involved, too. It is the usual crowd, Draco, Pansy, Crabb, Goyle. Seems they have made some polyjuice potion to turn themselves into their parents. The problem is, they are still young enough that they don't have enough mass to stretch far enough to make the full transition. So they have their parents' looks and features, but are only about 3/4 size.

      An Oriental-looking Death Eater comes along to find his son looking like a Mini-Me, and asks what's up. The son doesn't want to tell him, so just answers with the typical "nothing," and since his father doesn't believe him, he casts a powerful spell to cause ghostly images to replay the last bit of activity in the area so he can see what they were up to. By this point we are in the middle of the street, and while the ghostly images are wandering around, cars are just calmly driving around him. There must be a powerful notice-me-not charm that allows people to see there is somebody or something they have to drive around, without letting them notice how unusual the situation is, and I think it is a really cool spell!


      [Woke and fell asleep another time.] I am wandering the alley behind the Hickory house, trying to think of a good way of protecting kids from the Death Eaters. For some reason, there are a lot of handicapped kids in the alley at the moment, and the Death Eaters have been concentrating on them, so I am concentrating on them as well. I come across one who has a strangely twisted mouth, like a cross between a cleft lip and really bad plastic surgery that makes for absurdly puffy lips. There is a young woman who is selling little bell earrings, off a cart because it is the only thing she can do to try and raise some money. She can only speak Japanese, so I cast a translation spell so I can speak to her.

      I manage to heal her mouth, and she is very grateful. I try to rearrange the bell earrings on her cart by size and tone, so they are easily set up to try and play a tune on them, hoping that will attract more customers. Soon there are several other handicapped people near the cart, most of them Chinese, including a pair of Siamese twins. I now speak Japanese, but not Chinese. The group of Chinese speak Chinese and perhaps French. The Japanese girl speaks Japanese and French, and we are about to do a complex job of her translating for me and the Chinese in the languages none of them are especially strong in, before I kind of go D'oh! and just cast the translation spell again.

      I tell the group of them that I have strong powers, and may be able to heal them, pointing out how I already healed the Japanese girl, but I cannot guarantee I can heal them, and they don't want to chance it, don't trust me, and try to go running off. I am ticked off, and chase after them, eventually casting some sort of pimple curse at one of them, trying to get them to turn around and come back, so I can try to heal them, but they are still afraid of what the Death Eaters might do to them, not realizing that if I can remove their handicaps, the DEs might not be able to identify them anymore.
    6. Stopping a Time Traveling Killer and Harry Potter in the Heroes World

      by , 10-28-2013 at 02:41 AM
      10-27-2013 -- Not quite sure where I am, as the earliest part of the dream is fuzzy. Might be at the house on Hickory, might be at the Buena Park Mall. Running around, chasing and being chased in the earliest bits. Eventually come across a halfway cute, but young lady (15-16 I'd guess) who seems to be trying to get together with Larry, a roommate I had at the Amidon house. They are in love, and determined to stay so, but her father (who looks like the evil Mexican bandit from the original A-Team pilot (which I watched on Netflix the other day)) seems to intensely dislike the guy, and just glares at him for several seconds, then Larry just disappears into thin air.

      The bandit starts bragging about rewriting time back in 1964, to cause Larry to never have even been born, and the girl is devastated. I can't believe this heartless jerk thinks he has the right to wipe out somebody's very existance just because he doesn't like him. That's just not kosher! "Well, at least you mentioned when you wiped him from existance, so I know when to go to, after I kill you, so I can fix things," I say to him, and I reach for him to kill him with a touch, but he disappears. I hear a slight pop behind me, and start to turn, just to see the bandit reaching for me, and I disappear.

      We have a weird sort of chase around the mall, appearing here, disappearing there, each of us trying to catch the other, but as time goes on, we start to realize that even when we don't actually see the other person, we find ourselves disappearing if they get close enough to touch us. It seems we are not able to use our powers against each other directly. Finally, I give up, and just end up strolling through the mall, though I am still keeping an eye out for the bandit, because he will probably try to kill me in another way.

      By this point the mall has changed from the Buena Park Mall to a strange dream mall I have frequently dreamed of. It has a layout very similar to the Westminster Mall, with it's three 'wings' and three anchor stores, but I always seem to refer to it as the South Coast Plaza, and it's physical location is more like the South Coast Plaza, as well. I am walking to the western end of the mall, which is where I most often seem to enter and exit this mall (odd, since the bus stops are over on the south eastern corner.) I find myself walking through the mall talking with Steve Robinson from PCUMC, while we kind of half watch Bing Crosby, who is dancing through the mall singing to people for some reason. We wander into a clothing store deep in conversation, and don't even notice Bing singing to us until he turns around and starts back out of the store. I turn to Steve and say "Was that ...?" "Yes, it was," he replies. And we call out a belated thank you to him. I decide I have had enough, and walk out the anchor store, planning to catch a bus and go home.

      It's late at night, and I walk out of the mall and am heading toward what is sometimes the Sears auto center, but in this dream, there is a big pizza parlor there, lots of customers, bright lights, and a big lit up sign with a slice of pepperoni pizza on it. As I start walking, I remember my popping around, trying to avoid the bandit guy, and I think if I am able to do that, I ought to be able to teleport, so try to concentrate on teleporting myself home to Buena Park, but it doesn't work. Darn! (That's OK, I end up having a better time where I do end up in the dream.)

      I walk south to the street, near the southwest corner of the property, then start walking toward the southeast corner, where the bus stop is, but as I am passing a driveway a big rig is pulling out, and half runs into me. It is trying to make a left turn, but is making it too tight, and is almost hitting a smaller truck (along the lines of an armoured car) that is trying to turn in to the same driveway, and I am just kind of riding on the front of the truck until it is past the armoured car and I can safely jump off. Then I continue along. There are a couple of guys that are hassling a lady walking toward the bus station, but they see me coming and run off. Unfortunately, she decides she is afraid of me, as well, and is running in terror, even when I call out I am not after her and don't have any desire to hurt her. She doesn't believe me, and there is nothing I can really do but ignore her.

      I walk up to the bus shelter, and as I enter, I see three women standing there, one of them a slightly older, slim, attractive blonde. She looks at me with a desperate longing in her eyes and asks "Can you see me?" but as soon as she asks it, she disappears. I think back to my teleporting, and the bandit traveling through time, and assume random people are developing weird powers, kind of like on Heroes. I figure this woman is turning invisible, and doesn't seem to have any control over it. But she seemed so very afraid, so I just start talking to the air, hoping she can here me. "I'm guessing that usually nobody can see you. The funny thing is, I could, until you spoke, then I no longer was able to." The woman starts laughing almost hysterically, and the others are laughing as well. It seems I have been pranked! Too bad my teleporting is not working!

      Instead I get on a bus. Things are kind of hazy for a brief moment, then I am getting off the bus again, and as I exit I look around, and I have only traveled a block from the bus stop. I didn't actually know where I was going, but it seems I am here. I am at a large apartment complex (or perhaps fancy housing estate) kitty corner from the mall, and while I have never been here before, and don't know any of the details, I know somebody has a room for me to stay at here, and I am kind of drawn to it. The area has a sort of castle-like motif to it, and I walk right into a large mansion that seems to be owned by a nice, mild fellow who looks kind of like Pat Boone, that clean cut sort of look.

      We walk down a hall, and he is asking himself "Now where should we put you?" He starts to open one door and I catch a glance of a bunch of cool balloon sculptures in Qualatex's neon assortment, and some aliens made from lime green balloons, and I find myself remembering my last year at Hogwarts, and how I taught Hermione to twist figures much like that. I miss Hermione! Wouldn't it be a hoot if ... but no, I'm not that lucky. He walks me down a couple more hallways, and opens a door to a large room with a set of bunk beds in it, and a third bed off to the side. There are three guys here playing loud music. They ask me what's up, and I explain part of the dream to them (from about the point of Bing Crosby to the bus trip) and they explain that they only have one more song to reherse, then they'll shut down for the night, and I can get some sleep on the non-bunk bed. Somebody also says something about the new girl with the bushy brown hair. "Is she going to Harvard by any chance?" I ask, and a voice that sounds very familiar comes from the doorway "Well, actually, yes." I can't see her from where I am at, but I jump to my feet and turn to the door to find I'm looking at Hermione!

      She calls my name (though I cannot tell if it is MY name or Harry!) and launches herself at me, crushing me in one of her patented Hermy-hugs. I just wrap my arms around her and hug her just as tight. I didn't quite realize just how much I missed her until I found her back in my arms. I find myself just standing there hugging and kissing her for about five minutes, while the guys playing music get more and more uncomfortable. Then we finally part, and she starts to lead me out of the room and over to hers. (Those were her balloons.) Guess I am going to be staying in that room after all. Hope nobody minds. Wherever we are, whatever this place is, there are a bunch of people staying here, and there are lines three or four people deep waiting to get into either of the restrooms. Hermione needs the restroom, so I just lean against a wall to wait.

      I find myself looking out a large picture window, a huge sheet of glass, overlooking what seems to be a bit of a swamp. I see a swamp boat sitting in the corner with almost a sort of step ladder on it, and on top of the step ladder, Jed Clampett (Beverly Hillbillies) looking much like Granny in her rocking chair on top of the packed truck. I hear this evil cackling, and look up to see a stereotypical witch that looks like she could be straight out of the Wizard of Oz on a collision course with the air boat. So I wave my hand and teleport Jed and the boat somewhere safe, and missing him, the witch crashes into the swamp. Seems I have ticked her off, and in a flaming rage, she throws a large fire ball at me, but I wave my hand again, and cause a portal directly into hell to appear, and it sucks her fire ball and herself into it, and disappears with a pop.

      I find myself really hoping Hermione gets finished with the bathroom quickly, because I'd really like the help of her mind to figure out just what is going on here!
    7. New Hereford or Youfoundmeland?

      by , 09-26-2013 at 02:38 PM
      09-21-2013 -- Somehow I am kind of flying over a mostly dried out drainage ditch as a part of a sort of live-action video game. I'm kind of turning brown squares blue and changing land into water in a sort of odd live version of a combination of Tropico and Roller Coaster Tycoon.

      Soon I have landed and am standing in the drainage ditch, and I seem to be laying out these strange double discs, about the size and shape of dinner plates, except back to back so they look kind of like giant yo-yos. I'm setting them down in a sort of a grid pattern across the width of the drainage ditch in a row, and they somehow either conjure or teleport in large amounts of water. So I lay down a row of these, then shift forward three or four feet and lay down another row (about 8 across each tie), then move another few feet and put down another row, and slowly but surely they are producing enough water to start forming a pretty decent river.

      As time goes on, I continue bulking up the river, but soon I am also starting to place or create the land around the river, laying out this marble-like beige base. As I am creating more and more land and water, and producing what is needed to sustain life in the area, more and more people are kind of being 'generated' to populate the area, and a town name suddenly appears on the map, proclaiming this to be Youfoundmeland, which sounds completely silly to me.

      For some reason, I really want to name the place New Hereford. I guess because I am creating both the river and the ford, and both are here. I think this is in England, and I have been creating the Thames, and they already have a Hereford, hence New Hereford. Meanwhile, since this is the Thames, which has been very polluted for parts of its life, I am wondering if it is really safe to drink, even if the water I have been teleporting or conjuring in seems to be very clean and clear. I still worry it might be being polluted within a foot or two of where it comes gushing out of these 'plates.'

      So I am standing in this city that has just been founded, and they love me and respect me for bringing about this land, which is why they want to name it Youfoundmeland, and I don't want to argue with them because I fear I might hurt their feelings, but I really don't like the name they've chosen. So I decide I won't say anything, I'll just try to change it, and maybe they'll like the new name better ... and if not, I can always change it back.

      So I am looking around, and on a marble-like hillside next to a bend in the river where the major town seems to be springing up, I spot what almost looks like a sort of a key right sticking out of the dirt. It has the look of the kind of key ring with the little latch that flips up, allowing you to easily add keys. I flip it up, which produces a kind of cell phone-like keypad that serves as a controller for the area, and I try to type in the new name.

      Problem is, the keypad seems damaged, and kind of thrown together from spare parts, and keys have been pasted over the top of other keys and what I am trying to type is not coming out right at all. But I keep plugging away at it. Meanwhile, there is a nice lady here who seems kind of disappointed that I am trying to change the name, but really impressed that I am able to. Kind of hints of Tron, like I am a user able to do things that the programs around me can't really do, even if I don't seem all that sure about what I am doing.

      Meanwhile, things seem to start over, kind of like a reset has been pushed or something, except now I seem to be creating the land in a matrix about six squares by eight squares by about six squares deep, three dimensions, programming land and water and a ceiling in a sort of tunnel system while Albus Dumbledore is trying to control me and lecturing me disapprovingly, trying to tell me how he wants me to do it, but I am convinced he is an absolute idiot!

      Meanwhile all this is going on while I have this absolutely lovely woman almost trying to worship me, and I am trying to explain to her that it is no big deal. Two of us just started to try and terraform the area at the same time in the game, which somehow brought it to life or something. Nothing we planned to do, it just happened, so we don't really deserve all this attention for it.
    8. Another Battle in the Wizarding War

      by , 09-19-2013 at 12:30 PM
      09-19-2013 -- Starts out as some sort of Harry Potter dream, though we're going through training that is a little more intense than you usually see at Hogwarts. I can't say if I am Harry Potter or not, but whoever I am, I am very powerful, and oddly, I find I seem to be able to do things nobody else can do.

      Somewhere in our training (which seems to involve fighting our way through various rooms, destroying everything in our paths) we end up being attacked by real bad guys, and I manage to kill several of them, which leads to my being suspended or something. The higher ups don't like that I did this, and because of this, they are trying to block the rest of my training and lock me out of what is turning into some sort of military organization.

      I end up consulting with Tom Drick, who explains that I have made some very powerful enemies, and I am probably doomed as far as the regular chain of command works ... but ... I already have most of the skills, I mostly need the knowledge that goes with them. There are certain tests that, if passed, and backed up with enough knowledge and power, can bypass the regular education channels. If I can pass these tests, and show the required skill and power (which I already have, so I should be able to do so again) then I will have earned a place in the 'army' that they cannot deny me.

      I decide that could be a good way to go, and I soon find myself on what seems like a college campus (not Fullerton College, but it has a lot of that feel to it.) I am walking up the staircase leading to a library, where I need to go in and request the books and things to study what I need to study, and I am also supposed to meet some sort of retired general that Tom arranged a sort of introduction to.

      Problem is, there are a lot of older students hanging out around the door to this library, and I am not sure who is waiting in line, and who is just hanging, but since they don't seem to be forming any sort of obvious organized line, I try to walk right past them and through the door into the library. A couple of the punks seem to object to this, and they start messing with me, demanding to know who I think I am, and why I think I can use their library when I am obviously too young.

      I try to explain my situation slightly without going into too much detail, but they catch on completely, and tell me there is no way in hell they are ever going to serve under me. They are so intense about it that it becomes obvious we will never be able to work together, and they will obviously oppose me at every opportunity, regardless of the consequences. I am left with no other option but to kill them. I take out my gun, they draw their weapons, and we begin to fire on one another.

      One of them, I manage to draw a bead on, and shoot and kill very easily. The other is farther away, and I just seem to miss, almost every time. But I am dangerous enough that he kind of stalks off to find somewhere out of the way to hide and plot for a little while, to regroup. But he is wearing a very rich blue (think Carl's PT Cruiser) shirt that nobody else has, so I ought to be able to spot him fairly easily. I continue into the library to get my study materials.

      But it is now more like a bank counter, or perhaps a court counter at a courthouse (with just a hint of the ice cream counter at Thrifty's thrown in.) I walk up to an older gentleman who I recognize as the one Tom arranged a meeting with, and start to explain things, but the word of the the guy I just killed and the other one I was shooting at has spread, and everybody wants to know what is going on. So I explain exactly what happened, and why I did what I did, and the old guy agrees that I probably did the right thing ... but I have made even more enemies, and the guy says I probably need to take the tests and things to push me even higher in their society. He starts to lay out workbook after workbook on the counter, until I have maybe something like a ten inch stack of books and forms and papers and so on.

      I walk back out of the library/office, and find myself in a small cafe next to a pizza parlor that seems like one of the pizza places that I always dream of in the New York dreams, and while I try to find a spot to sit in the cafe, I can overhear the guy who got away a few minutes before in the pizza parlor. He is going on and on about what he plans to do to me, and meanwhile they are giving away blue shirts that look just like his, which is going to make it more and more difficult for me to recognize him. It's kind of like they are going to be firing the shirts off into the crowd with t-shirt guns or something.

      So I leave my books and stuff, and go hunting him immediately. As I start taking shots when I have a clear one lined up, he starts running again (and firing back) and we have soon made our way to a cross between the wide open space of a large hotel with a huge inner courtyard (think the Renaissance Sea World or the Embassy Suites you once worked in) and a shopping mall. I am looking across the way to another floor, and taking shots at this guy, though the shop he is hiding in is turning into more of a hotel room.

      But there is something odd. I hit the first guy so easily, and my shooting was so on. This guy, it is like everything is clear and sharp until my gun is trained on him, then it just kind of fuzzes up, and it is like I can't get a lock ... almost like he has got some sort of magical anti-targeting system on. He is dodging around his hotel room with the door open, and putting things in the way to make my shot more difficult, and I ought to still easily line up a shot, and make it, but it just doesn't work.

      Eventually, he has run off from the area entirely, so I guess I am at least too scary to stay around, but I know I will have more trouble with him later. Meanwhile, I have to get back to my books and my meal at the cafe, but it is now several hours later, and near closing. When I get back, I find no sign of my waitress, and have to hunt a bit to find my stuff. I have to leave payment and a tip, but I have no idea what would be a good amount, considering the weapons fire, and how many hours my stuff has been here and in the way. I want to tip well, yet I can't afford to go overboard, and I don't even know what my bill was for.

      I pull out a $20 bill and hand it to the waitress, and am waiting to see what her response will be, and she seems at least reasonably pleased, so I am happy, though I find myself thinking back to where I was originally, during this time period, and find myself thinking it is the late 80's, and recalling eating a decent meal at Athenian Burgers for about $5 bucks, and $20 on $5 would be a 300% tip. That feels a little short, but pretty decent, for the circumstances.

      Then I come across the actual receipt, and find my bill was only $2, so I feel even better about how much I paid, though I am still running around on the street mumbling to myself about what I paid for meals 'back in' 1987. The older people in the vehicle (a van or bus) that I am traveling in are looking at me and starting to comment on my wording, and saying I must be part of some government time travel program. But they are all past government workers, so they aren't horrified or disbelieving or anything, just kind of interested.
    9. Neville and Poker, Midget Wrestling, and England Travels

      by , 07-20-2013 at 02:02 AM
      07-15-2013 -- I am standing around Fullerton College, visiting with people and talking to Neville Longbottom. He needs to find a way to make money, and somebody suggests a high-stakes poker game, but he declines, saying he knows how they collect what they are owed if you lose money, and he needs all his limbs, thank-you-very-much! I try to make a joke, saying maybe he ought to try testing new drugs. I did, made a lot of money, and it never had any effect on me, ::spasm, seizure, drool:: but it falls flat. Never was very good at telling jokes.

      Unfortunately, talking about the tough guys seems to bring them about, and they are suddenly after us, even without losing in any high-stakes poker matches. In the process of running from them, we find ourselves in the world of the Wheel of Time, being chased by dark friends as we try to both protect and limit some of the control of the Aes Sedai, while behind us there is a ring where midget wrestling is going on. I don't know why, but every single midget hates every single non-midget, and they are all trying to attack us every chance they get, while we defend ourselves as best we can while trying to ensure nobody gets seriously hurt.

      Eventually I escape from that mess, and do a little travel that leaves me arriving in a small sea port where there are lots of small stalls selling sea-related items like carp and sardines and nets and things. There is also a huge six-floor branch of Harrod's, which seems tremendously out of place in this tiny harbor. I am considering going inside and looking for travel guides, which I have decided I want to collect. Soon I have moved inland a little bit, and find myself standing on a slight slope leading to the entrance of some ancient stone works, or perhaps some kind of coal mine, and somehow I know I am somewhere in Gloughchester or Glastonbury or some such area in England.
    10. Harry Potter and the Evil Spirit / Time Travel with Steve Hite

      by , 06-07-2013 at 05:23 PM
      06-03-2013 -- [Guessing on the date. Was somewhere between 05-30 and 06-05. For once, didn't write the date down.] I am Harry Potter, and I am facing off against some sort of evil spirit. I was trusting Dumbledore to take care of it, but he wasn't firm enough, tried to forgive it and rehabilitate it, and ended up getting himself possessed by it, so now I find myself having to take care of it. Hermione is with me, but has no power against this thing. Thankfully, Cedric is also with us, and he and I both have enough power to try and stand against it, and the two of us join our wills ad magic together and manage to force the black shadow out of the area.

      Soon we find ourselves looking around the small town that we seem to be in, and are getting to know the town and it's people. We are approached by a very military-looking young man who has just wandered into town, and amazingly enough, I find I recognize him. It is Steve Hite, looking younger than the first time I ever met him (when I was a kid, about 6 or 7, he was probably about 25, but now I am in my 40s, and I find myself meeting him when he looks about 19 or 20.)

      We're putting together some sort of town newspaper, and as I tell the people I am working with that Steve is going to be very helpful in helping to train and raise up the kids in the town, they ask me how I know. I can't explain in depth, because I don't know, myself, but I explain there is some kind of time travel thing going on, and that he helped raise me when I was a little kid. They accept that, and tell me that, though each of us has our own story to work on, when we see a reason, we can add information from the other people's stories at the last minute, so lots of helpful stuff about Steve goes into the paper in everybody's stories, and he ends up being made the fire chief of the town.

      Meanwhile, there is some small foreign kid who doesn't know how to eat the way we do, and everybody is freaking out about it, so I am trying to get him to come over to me so I can teach him how we eat around here, but as I keep trying to call him over, he eventually turns into a dog, and nobody expects a dog to have good table manners, anyway. Weird little extra bit.

      Soon we're standing in front of a store with a roll-down chain front (kind of like the rolldown doors the stores have in shopping malls). We've been given some orders by a corrupt politician (kind of Fudge from the Ministry of Magic) to do something inside, and as we head in, we have to descend a small cliff. The guy with me decides to kind of MacGuyver a rickety zip line, and starts down the slope. I just grab the actual, real zip line just a few feet away, and zip down much faster than him. His, however, takes him exactly where he wants it to, while mine is only into the general area.

      Meanwhile, while we are gathering the boxes and things that we are supposed to find, I find myself wondering if I am likely to find the pre-Hite Debbie Hite in this town, as well. In the dream, I know her actual maiden name, but can't remember it, awake. I also have no idea whether or not the dream name was accurate.
    11. The Delivery, the Used Bookstore and the Dementor Attack

      by , 05-21-2013 at 04:42 PM
      05-20-2013 -- [Hints of lots of stuff at the edge of my memory, which might be in the same dream, or from different ones in the night. Might have been bits with Harry Potter, Runescape, and/or Roller Coaster Tycoon.]

      I find myself delivering a package to some place that seems to be a bit of a cross between a hotel or maybe an Orlando Paving plant. I make the delivery, then call in, but dispatch doesn't seem to have anything else for me. It seems to be kind of blending between a courier job, and hints of driving for Mears. I find myself considering exiting the parking lot through the proper exit, which would force me to turn east, where I would have to drive a little way to a place I could make a u-turn, while somebody leaving in a truck or a bus takes a side road they aren't supposed to, but it will allow them to head west immediately, and I am wondering which way will be faster.

      But then I get a call from dispatch telling me to just wait patiently, and soon they'll have something else for me. I remind them that I've been doing this for a while, and I know it is all part of the job. I glance around the parking lot, and notice they seem to be almost setting up a flea market or something, and as I find myself near a stall of used books, I decide to go take a look.

      I find myself carrying my worn paperback of Jordan's Eye of the World, and as I find myself glancing at several other Wheel of Time books on their shelves, I am hoping they won't think it is their book. I am glancing at the titles and see a few Dick Francis novels, a few Gordon Korman books, and several shelves of old Choose Your Own Adventure books, but I find I have no interest in that series, anymore, so I ignore them. I find a bunch of the really early Wodehouse novels, and then, oddly, a 3 Investigators book that I have never seen before, which seems to have the 3 Investigators solving a case at Blandings with Emsworth and Galahad and the rest. Very interesting.

      One of the people who works at the shop is considering getting some of the Korman Macdonald Hall books, and I am putting in a good recommendation for them, then as I try and look at the lowest books on the bookcase I am looking at, I start to sink a couple of feet into the floor, which makes it much easier to look at the lower titles.

      As I am looking at some of the books, the flea market is suddenly attacked by several dementors, and everybody starts screaming and panicking. But it seems a lot of the dementors are finding they aren't as effective as they might be. One dementor has grabbed a young child, and is trying to torture her, but she says the dementor is less painful and horrifying than the cancers she had been fighting, and she sacrifices herself to destroy the dementor.

      [A friend of mine yesterday was explaining something called Live Like Bella, which is about a young girl who, as a baby, had a cancer, and the doctors said she was going to die. She had a miraculous healing. Since then, she has come down with two or three other kinds of cancers, and each time, the doctors say she is doomed, and then she receives another miraculous healing. Through it all, she has remained upbeat, and tried to live her life to the fullest. I expect being told about this brought about the above scene.]

      Another dementor is coming right for me, but a kind of dopey (but very loyal) friend of mine throws himself in the way, and in some way through his sacrifice, manages to half take over the dementor, before they both explode. He seems like one of the Wodehouse male romantic interests, loyal, not too bright, a nice, ineffectual guy. But he sure managed to take out one of the dementors.

      I find myself making the comment that these dementors must be from the movies, not the books, because they seem a lot weaker than the book dementors that can only be scared away by a Patronus. By this point, the vehicle I am driving is a cab, not my own car or a shuttle van, and I somehow kind of see the future, and realize I am just about to be attacked by another dementor, and instead open the trunk of my car just in time for the dementor to fly in, then I shut it again, trapping the thing!
    12. Harry Potter and Vampires, Doctor Who Filming, and Harry with Vampires Redux

      by , 05-15-2013 at 02:18 PM
      05-15-2013 -- Three dreams from last night, all kind of inter-related or tied in with other dreams. Kind of.

      First was a weird Harry Potter dream that I can't remember in all that great of details, but it was a lot of fun. Somehow I was Harry, and was fighting against some kind of very attractive female vampire, except that very quickly we weren't fighting, but instead having sex. This was followed by minor conflicts with several other female vampires and other attractive females, which always seemed to also turn to sex. At more than one point, I would end up with multiple identical vampires from different worlds all at the same time, which was a whole lot of fun. It was lots of great sex while at the same time, fighting evil and making the world a better place.

      At the same time, I was kind of 'responsible' for babysitting the Malfoy from my world, who was nothing more than a petulant, whiny brat. But at one point during the various misadventures, one of the vampires from one of the other dimensions has brought along the Malfoy from her own world, who was pleasant, mature, and her lover, and when at one point myself and several of my vampires and the second Malfoy and his lover all end up in the same bed as the whiny Malfoy who wakes up to see the other version of himself with a vampire, he looses it and starts screaming bloody murder.


      An odd Doctor Who dream where I seem to be traveling with the 7th Doctor in the TARDIS. We've landed somewhere that very much has a feeling of past dreams that include a bathroom or locker room in a sort of construction site, which I may or may not be able to point to another specific dream here. Anyway, at this construction site or hotel or whatever, the TARDIS is sort of acting as an elevator, moving between floors, and I wander into the locker room on maybe the second or third floor, and am just wandering through.

      Though it is the men's locker room, there are many places where you can look right across into the ladies' locker room, and see the women changing, and I kind of enjoy watching and looking a bit, as I slowly walk back out of the locker room. Somehow I've gotten so close to the womens' locker room that it is the one I end up exiting from. I am soon heading back toward the TARDIS.

      Except now it is turning from living Doctor Who into filming an episode of the show. The TARDIS elevator is only a flimsy set which seems to be falling apart, and Sylvester McCoy is wandering around muttering about his lines and rehearsing them. I am trying to get back to the locker rooms using the 'elevator' which is now more of a platform with a rope and pulley painted blue, but it is kind of separating from the side of the building, and when I manage to force myself back to where I think the locker room should be, not even the door is there, much less the room, itself. And though I keep changing floors, I still can't find it.

      Then things somehow switch, and I have gone back in time. The TARDIS elevator is back and sturdy again, and the locker rooms are back, but we are still filming an episode of Doctor Who, and somehow I have gone back too far in time. We aren't ready to film, yet, and while the women are in place in the locker room, they are all frozen in suspended animation, until we're ready to film. I wander around and find a couple of attractive blondes enclosed in ice, and start kissing and cuddling with them to thaw them out. While none of them mind being thawed out like this, some of them are (understandably) quite ticked off about being frozen in the first place, and start stomping around angrily, complaining about it. Very weird stuff.


      Somehow I am in a house where I have a bedroom to live in, and I am recalling the first vampire dream up above, and trying to write it down as a story. It's not going very smoothly. My writing is horrible and stilted, I can't think of how to say what I want to convey, and though I am trying to compare it to something black and white along the lines of film noir, I remember it with colors like red, green and yellow, but all of them mixed with black to give them a more dingy, dirty appearance, but not anything that could really properly be called film noir.

      Meanwhile, I am trying to write it as a big fantasy story taking place on another world, when I suddenly start to realize that it was actually much more along the lines of a police procedural (yeah, a police procedural about having sex with lots of vampires ... right), and wondering just how much that is going to conflict with the garbage I have been writing, or whether I am going to have to scrap the whole thing. It isn't that I can't remember the dream, it's just that I can't seem to put it in words.

      Meanwhile, I am being asked to wash dishes in the kitchen for a meal I didn't have any part in eating, and soon decide I'd rather leave. As I find myself walking around the house, it suddenly changes to walking around the Moran house on the beach that I first dreamed about being chased by Voldemort around it here, and have since dreamed about at least a second time.

      I find myself creating a new (really lousy) song parody to the tune of 'Secret Agent Man' about the dream, humming 'Secret Vampire Man' to myself as I am suddenly riding a bike around the front yard, wondering if Bonnie has the dogs or not, this time, since she has given them away, and then brought them back a couple of times now in my dreams.
    13. Harry Potter and the School Bus of Doom

      by , 05-12-2013 at 06:49 PM
      05-12-2013 -- There was more to this that I've forgotten, but here's the part I do remember. I am trying to reach a couple of buses, though I am not sure if they are school buses or church buses. Anyway, I have managed to catch up with them, and am feeling kind of tired and weary, so as I make my way inside and find there are lots of beds, I decide to lay down in an empty one, hoping they aren't assigned, and I am not going to be ticking somebody off at me.

      I rest for a bit, and as I start to wake up, I find that I am Harry Potter, and Hermione Granger is standing over me. Somehow I have been missing from the wizarding world for several years, though I don't know why, or where I have been. Without me there to save the day, Voldemort has succeeded in taking over the country, and things are pretty bad. Hermione has stayed around, and been beaten down, and she isn't doing that well, and for quite a while, just hasn't cared.

      But now that I am back, she plans to help me escape Voldemort's clutches. As the Death Eaters have gotten closer, many of the wizards have been forced to literally EAT their wealth to keep it out of D.E. hands. But now if we are going on the run, Hermione needs some of her money. So she starts concentrating really hard, and kind of gives birth to a pair of familiars (she hands me a toad that I name Trevor, of course, and she now has a young marmalade kitten who is nothing like Crookshanks) and in the process, she has released some of the gold that she has swallowed.

      Somehow all this has taken place on Main Street in Disneyland (or possibly Disney World) and she is now drawing me along toward the exit gate, as she starts to move faster and faster, afraid they will be after us. So soon we are running toward the exit, and we fly past the security scanning the people who are exiting the park, and thankfully neither of us seem to be carrying anything that sets off their scanners, though because of our hurry, they are staring after us, wondering if they should have stopped us.

      We run along for a bit until we come across a sort of combination halfway house and bed and breakfast, where we decide to stay the night before continuing on our way, but like everywhere, there are Death Eaters here, looking for enemies of the Dark Lord. Thankfully they don't recognize us, but they are still trying to check on us. I don't have a back pack, but I am wearing a magical coat that sort of has a backpack built into it with pocket dimensions all over it holding stuff. Problem is, Trevor has gotten lost in one of the pocket dimensions, and I am trying to find him, and my struggling with the jacket is attracting D.E. attention. Eventually I manage to pull out the toad, while Hermione's marmalade kitten sniffs at it, and the D.E. finally wanders off.

      Hermione is off taking a shower, and I decide to join her for a little wet fun and a nice kiss under the water, but I somehow know that I have to exit the shower early, because I have to move back into the inn's common room, where I know I am going to find that Remus has become a traitor, and is going through our stuff. Don't know how I know it, but I do.
    14. The Gauntlets of the Undead (New Runescape Quest)

      by , 05-12-2013 at 06:09 PM
      05-12-2013 -- A Runescape / Harry Potter / Disney / NCIS dream. I seem to be involved in a major battle with Voldemort, except that it also seems to be a bit of a Runescape quest or something. While I and my friends are fighting against all the big bads, it seems that we've come across a treasure chest which we are looting. As we get the thing open, we find there are three sets of powerful gauntlets, a pair each that are red, green and blue. As we put them on, we find they make us more powerful, and bring back dead heroes to fight for us.

      Of course the 'heroes' are kind of iffy ... at one point I find myself fighting alongside the shades of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Anyway, all these dead characters are brought back to life to fight with us in a sort of spirit form, which somehow lets them score hits pretty well on the bad guys, yet makes them very hard to touch. They have an appearance kind of like somebody wearing ghost robes (or maybe the ghost penguin) in Runescape. They fight for a while until they have used up all their energy, then they disappear, and are replaced by other dead 'heroes' that appear in their place, which make the gauntlets really cool things to have. Some of the 'heroes' are even past villains, but they are compelled to fight on our side, so at one point Maleficent-as-a-dragon is also fighting with us. Neat.

      At one point we are visiting an old castle which is not likely to be interested in helping us, and we are talking to the very surly cook in the kitchen, who amazingly enough is willing to help us because at the moment the gauntlets are making one of our group's members look like the ghost of a dead princess who the cook cared for. He passes on the clue that we are supposed to call a very odd phone number. It is long, maybe 12 or 14 digits, rather than the 7 digits that an American phone number would be, and instead of dialing 1 - 1 for 11, or 1 - 0 for 10, we are supposed to push the '10' or '11' buttons. Very strange.

      Anyway, I make the call on my phone number, and somebody answers after a few rings and asks me to please hold, and somebody will be on to sing to me in a few moments. It seems this is supposed to be a full voice quest, but they haven't got all the voices recorded and into the game, yet, so we have to call to be sung to. Soon a nice female voice starts singing a musical clue to us that gives us a little history and information for the quest, before telling us we've gone as far as we can go, and we'll now have to wait for the next quest in the series to be released to go any further.

      Meanwhile, this fight is turning into something where we have been improperly roped in to help some sort of other government agency, and they have been working us really hard and treating us really badly, and Gibbs has just arrived on the scene and explains to the punks in the other agency that they are in big trouble. They have been treating Palmer the same way as the rest of us, but he is too new of an agent, and they aren't allowed to treat the newest agents so badly, so now they are in deep doo-doo.

      We all head off walking through a shopping mall, me, the NCIS team, and my mom (oddly enough), and we are discussing a part of the quest that involves calling down hundreds of pigeons, and mom doesn't believe such a thing is possible, so she is going to try it to prove it wrong. Problem is, though she doesn't see them, I can see all the birds sitting up in the rafters and under the edges of the roof, and so I am expecting it when she suddenly causes a scene straight out of Hitchcock's 'The Birds'.

      About the point the birds are starting to go away, singing starts playing across the mall loud speakers, and it is the clue we heard on the cell phone a bit ago, now released game-wide, and after they have heard it, Gibbs and mom both agree with our interpretation of back story, and the requirement to wait for the next quest to be released to go on. Then I wake up.
    15. The Amazing Bouncing Ferret: Fragments of Runescape and/or Harry Potter Dreams

      by , 01-10-2013 at 09:27 AM
      01-09-2013 -- [Three fragments in the same night, but separate dreams, all involving Harry Potter, and at least two, maybe all three involving Runescape. Disjointed, short, but kind of neat. (And one long, detailed dream between the last two that will be entered separately and doesn't involve the same settings.]


      01-09-2013 -- I'm Harry Potter, and I'm running around hiding from and being chased by a bunch of Death Eaters, as we fire spells back and forth at each other. Soon I have run into some sort of tower, where I go up to the penthouse, which seems to be where I live. There is a kind of a hint of the wizard tower from the recently re-done Runescape quest, which is why I say this dream might possibly have a Runescape connection, but that's the extent of it for this one.

      Anyway, I am safe in the penthouse, but Malfoy is still down on the ground, trying to find a way in, and he is starting to annoy me. So I exit the tower and head back outside, where I grab Malfoy in my magic, and start bouncing him around, hitting the ground, then flying a few feet in the air, and hitting the ground again, directing it all with my finger. It's kind of like the ferret scene with Moody in Goblet of Fire, but he's still a boy. Still liked the name for the dream, though.

      Eventually I am getting bored, so I swing him about 40 feet in the air, and threaten to just drop him and let him suffer the fall if he doesn't leave me alone and go away. There is something about Tonks, and maybe a hint of romance (or maybe just teasing, not detailed enough to be sure). I go back upstairs to find the penthouse is now swarming with bees, which may not be real bees, but perhaps a large group of bee animagi. The buzzing is bothering me slightly, and I worry of stings since this isn't an uncommon dream situation, but I decide to not worry about it, and trust the wards to take care of them, which is enough faith for them to do so.


      01-09-2013 -- This feels like a continuation of the previous dream, but it is certainly more Runescape centered. Very much a puzzle quest type of thing, and I find myself in a kitchen somewhere baking little tiny plastic beads on some sort of backing (sort of like making those plastic frame sun catchers) in the oven to create runes for this puzzle I am working on. It seems to involve placing runes around a circle, and trying to figure out which runes I'll need to make, and where I will need to place them, whether at 4, 8 and 12 around the circle, or perhaps 3, 6, 9 and 12 or even more.

      I'm making a few of these things, including a couple with catsup on them, at the same time I am preparing lunch, so I have to remember and be careful to eat the right things. The runes wouldn't probably taste that good. The penthouse tower of the last dream seems to be gone for the moment, and instead I find myself in the ruins of the old Wizard Tower from the recently redone quests, except it is not underground, but a ruin open to the air. (The new tower has not been built on top of it yet, I guess.)

      It is surrounded by ghosts? Spirits? Some sort of non-corporeal monsters of large size (20 to 40 feet tall versions of some of the more normal-size Runescape monsters) which stay on the outskirts of the tower grounds, but slowly wander circles about the place. I probably ought to leave them alone, but instead I seem to be sort of taunting them, and soon they are chasing me into the center of the tour ruin, where a wildly coruscating power beam still rises in the air (the tower transport system in the new wizard tower), and I suddenly realize if they get in that beam, it might possibly start to bring them back into a corporeal state where they could be dangerous. This might have been a bad idea!

      I'm trying to lead them back out of the ruins, but not having much luck, until suddenly a sort of non-corporeal, but very powerful, image of Lily suddenly forms in the area, and forces them to flee. Hints of family magic, perhaps related to the fan-fiction story A Marauder's Plan. Anyway, Lily manages to clear them from the area, so I can get back to my quest work.


      01-09-2013 -- I'm in my first bedroom in the Hickory house, though I'm very tiny, and the bedroom is very large. The entirety of the Runescape world is laid out in front of me on the floor, and I am living Runescape in my bedroom. Hints of the above dreams are still around, as well as hints of the Ozan quests in the Desert.

      The desert areas seem to be right near the tiny hall section leading to the door ('hall' caused by the closet next to the door) and the floor is covered in sand. There seems to be a cross between the hourglass stations from the Ozan quest and a version of the entrance to the rune alters that seems slightly based on the last dream, above, where I was baking the runes. Approaching the area, there is nothing to really see, until you get close enough. As you walk into the area, a variety of colored runes on the ground start to glow, and a stone circle sort of rises out of the ground. The runes almost look like holographic projections ... very neat.

      I can see a sort of tunnel (with a half-escalator kind of feel to it) stretching into the floor of my room, leading into an underground temple, and I head down to see what is there. With the rune alter hints above, you might expect nothing more than an actual alter to approach, but there are all kinds of small 'critters' running around, slightly digital looking. They remind me of video game characters from Wreck-It Ralph. Some of them may need to be destroyed, some of them may need to be made allies, and I really don't have the least clue as to which are which. I soon find myself being approached by Amelia Bones, who wants to know what on Earth I am doing here, and it begins to feel like this underground temple might be in the Department of Mysteries,
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