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    A World In My Head!!

    1. Dreamers, Friends and Freaks

      by , 02-16-2012 at 10:38 PM (A World In My Head!!)
      February 12, 2012

      Synopsis: After helping two lost kids I become lucid and meet "dreamers". I chase down dannon, dive into a mucky river, and visit a Moroccan like city

      Note: I had just woken up from a night of random nonsense dreams. So at 7:30 am I refocus on dreamsharing and on the pyramids.

      Lost Children
      I'm walking to work and I pass by two children who looked so sad. Wait a minute, I turn around and realize these two young kids, a boy and a girl no older than eight were walking without their parents in the warehouse district.

      I asked them if their mom was nearby and they told me they were running away. They looked like they had been walking for days. So I took them with me to work and hid them behind the receptionist desk. I'm starting to get this weird feeling. Like I'm dreaming.

      I ignore the feeling and focus on the kids. Boss is already giving me work but instead I look for food and water to give the kids. I had a giant subway sandwich *what I hate subway* and found water under the boss' desk. Damn, I've got to be dreaming!

      My vision is blurring in and out, this only happens in dreams and in dreams where Im close to waking up. I bang on the wall and scream "VISION!" My right eye clears up. I bang on the wall a couple of more times just to feel the pounding sensation and solidify the dream. "LEFT VISION!" My left eye clears up. Well no one is looking at me like I'm a freak so I've go to be dreaming. I levitate just to double check.

      Yay! Lucid, I still give the kids their water and hoggie and then I run out of work - free!

      Part Two: Dreamers Friends and Freaks
      There's so many people downtown! And they all looked like dreamers to me. I realized I didn't know anyone in iosdp well enough to even know who I was looking for. So I remained curious and skeptical that maybe these dreamers were just DCs trying to fool me.

      A large group wanted to go out to eat. But one tall slightly heavy blond says "I don't want to waste my time eating in a dream when I could be doing something more exciting!"

      "Yeah you're right!" So I grow bat wings and start to fly around town, over the park and light-posts. And then I see Dannon down below. I land and talk to him. "Are you the real Dannon?" He tells me something but I don't remember it. Suddenly he transforms into a golden colored lion and makes a mad dash across the city. I was scared he was going to pounce me so I flew away again.

      I fly over a river. Except you can't tell its a river because its so mucky. There's a thick film of slimy green stuff, you can't even see the water below. I float for a second or two debating it but I cant fight my dream instinct. When I see water I've got to jump in. I dive into the mucky water head first.

      I first I regret it, it was scary down here. The water is black, I see something floating, is that a dead body? Then I see something swimming towards me, a dolphin! I pet its large forehead and then I fly out of the nasty water.

      My vision is blurring again. So much I can't really tell where I'm going or who I just walked past. It lasted for several minutes.

      I find a courtyard where a man was teaching something to a group of kids. I don't remember what but it seamed relative to dreaming. I turn into a bat creature again, scare the kids and fly away.

      I find the dreamers and Dannon one more time downtown. The dreamers finally decided they would eat at Pei Wei. Dannon says "I love pei wei!" but he wasn't hungry so he turns into a lion and runs off again

      After a while I enter a desert city with beautiful arabic like buildings. My vision cleared up and I wanted to remember the architectural details so I start shouting "BROWN, RED, OCHRE!" The colors of the details, the doors, the windows. But this city was empty.

      I keep flying but now I don't remember what it was I was looking for. I fly through someones house and out the other end was a beautiful grassy plush field surrounded by forest. But the husband of the house, an old black man, thought I was the spawn of satan with my bat wings and hurled harpoons at me. His aim was horrible so he gets his son out and yells "Get'er!". Scared I flew into the forest, my vision blurs and blurs and blurs until the dream dissolves and I wake up.
    2. Tribal Rites and Swamp Swimming Deers

      by , 02-03-2012 at 06:27 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      February 2, 2012

      Synopsis: I witness a strange tribal rite of passage that left a child unloved by her parents. Lucid, I jump into a golden swamp with swimming deer and trash.

      Tribal Rites and Swamp Swimming Deers
      Inside a hotel room, me and a reporter get a first look at an ancient tribal rite of passage from Africa. A young female teenager, naked, sits supported on top of a boys back. She slowly dances using only her upper torso while the boy crawls around with his head tucked into his chest. It was a wierd visual effect, making it look like she had six legs. The dim lights helped with the eerieness.

      The dance is over and now the rest of the female teenagers line up to have their bodies inspected by an elder in the tribe. To do so, they strip off their bathing suits. I was talking to the reporter and we both agreed that technically none of the girls were afraid to be naked because this was a nudist tribe, they were only wearing bathing suits because we were in a hotel.

      A mother is so proud of her daughter, its like the kids just graduated. Just when I thought the ritual was over I noticed two girls quickly squat down on command, in front of the elder. They were completed folded over, with their foreheads to their knees and their hands tucked in.

      But somethings wrong, their backs are completely flat, and so is the back of their heads. Its like something squashed them. They were squished into table shaped people. What could do this? Then I realized their backs were being used as the ground for the ritual, and after so many years, their backs flattened. The elder rearranges them like boxes and yells at one of the girls to stand up.

      The reporter was recording the entire event.

      The box-girl wanted to perform the rite of passage herself. But before she can even try she's insulted by her own parents for being too fat and ugly. She frowns and chokes back her tears. At this point the reporter says 'Im sorry, I have to stop, her expression is too sour" and walks out the room. The parents insult the girls hideousness some more, then summons everyone to dinner.

      I was horrified and pissed off! Magically at this point the family went from black to white.

      The family was eating dinner in a private restuarant they rented out. I remember the father screaming at the hungry reporter "Family only!" I had something to say to that man that could make him choke.

      "What are you standing there for, youre family too, come on eat J"

      I didn't say anything and just left myself. I waited for what felt like hours for the family to finish their over priced meal. I snuck in, into the hotel room of the sleeping girls. I found the "ugly" girl, her hair was curly like mine but softer and lighter in color (like mom). She had a frown even while dreaming. I whispered softly to her

      "Not matter what your parents say or think, you will grow up to be the most beautiful"

      Then her frown changed into a smile and she continued to dream sweetly. I felt like my dream mission was done, which made me realize - hey Im dreaming.

      Excited to be lucid I run around looking for something to do. A whole laundry lists of dream tasks pops into mind. Maybe I should do that, maybe this. I found a library. Maybe that can offer me intriguing information about the subconscious, nah that sounds like it'll take forever. So I continue running. Then I find an air hockey table. But playing made my dream abstract. Afraid it'll make my dream unstable, I stopped playing and looked for something more useful.

      Thats when I finally find a door out of the hotel.

      Outside was a swampy marshland, with golden grass growing in the water, and golden water shimmering with the morning sun.

      "THAT!" I was so excited I couldn't even finish my sentance, but I found what my lucid dream was about.

      I noticed deer were swimming in the swamp, with only their heads above the water. So its deeper than it looks. I dive on in! The water feels so real it makes me think for a moment that maybe ive lost my mind and im really awake. Its cold. Its slimy. It smells like a swamp smells, and theres a dead frog floating next to me.

      Im grossed out but I remind myself its just a dream and im not going to get any diseases. I swim with the swamp deer for a few minutes. The waves grow and grow. The height of the waves covered my view, hiding the human boats on the other side creating them. We were almost run over. Its so hard to swim fast! Giant boxes and random items float our way atop the waves. It felt like the humans were trying to corner the deer. It was working. Scared, the deer swim away to the other end of the swamp where the water was shallow. Theres a fence and more boxes preventing them from fleeing.

      I look at the humans on their boats and im pretty mad at them for ruining my swamp. Then I wake up.

      Updated 02-16-2012 at 07:23 PM by 6004

    3. Red Tornado - Calm Beach

      by , 01-06-2012 at 07:13 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      January 5, 2012

      Synopsis: we take refuge from a red raging tornado, lucid, escape military and imagine a new scene - a beach

      Note: I woke up in the middle of the night and tried to recall the dream I just had. All I remember was that it had something to do with someone being healed. Their legs? Ayurveda? I realized now's a good time to try a lucid dream induction. I didn't, I just fell asleep instead. But its the thought that counts!

      Red Tornado - Calm Beach
      I'm walking with a group of friends in the industrial part of the city and were just having a good time. That was until I saw the red storm. "What is that? Do you see that?"

      A massive thunderhead was sweeping down in a funnel shape just next to the lake under the highway overpass. The storm was glowing red. And as the funnel became a tornado it was like the red was a shaft of light in its center.

      "We need to take cover!"

      There was an abandoned warehouse like building nearby. But it was also right next to the path of the red tornado. As we ran inside I thought it was strange that the red tornado was stationary. It didn't seem to be moving and it was silent.

      The inside of the building was weird. It was mostly empty, with dark concrete walls. Dark because of the lack of lightning, kind of like a parking garage.

      "There's a basement level, that'll be the safest spot" said an older man who was now leading our group that grew into 20+ people.

      We ran down the flight of stairs, which were really abstract. When we got down there I looked out the windows.

      "Why are we on the third level? I thought we were going down?"

      Its true, some how running down the stairs took us several floors up. We examined the staircase and determined it was missing a level or somehow that level was twisted the wrong way. We can see the ground level with the cars from way up here.

      Back up we go, which takes us down. All is quiet now. There's only one light on in the "living room" of this vast empty basement. Without the company of friends, this place is creepy.

      I don't remember why but I went down *back up* by myself - to get something or look for something. When I came back up to the basement everyone was gone. There was no way they could leave without me noticing, there's only one door and I crossed it going back up.

      They vanished.

      "Hello? Hello?"

      I get that strange feeling I've gotten before, they vanished because they never were. I don't want to stay here anymore, the place only feels darker. I quickly run out of the closest window, lucid. The storm is gone. Excited that I'm dreaming I observe my environment. I start with the items closest to me. The brick wall. I touch it, its gritty. There's a vase on top of a post.

      So shiny it looks so real! I tap on it and it makes a hollow sound. I put my palm on it and try to merge my hand into it but I can't. It feels too solid. I realized I do this a lot as a RC in waking life, and that its not a very good reliable RC for me.

      The military show up on the scene. What do they want? I just try to mind my own business and go the other way, into this weird cityscape that looks like a bad video game layout. But they follow me. I try to lose them and they give chase.

      They chase me into an area that looks like the isles of a walmart were tossed into a field, and lots and lots of boxes. Dream characters start to shout at me as the military men get closer. They're blaming, they're telling me how horrible this dream world is and its all my fault.

      "Get her!"

      I finally lose them in the field of isles and boxes. I hide underneath a table hidden by cardboard, I hope they didn't see me. I want to change this dream scene!

      I close my eyes and imagine the ocean instead. At first it feels like nothing is happening, I swear I'm still just underneath this table. But I give it a few moments, waiting for a cue. There. I felt it. I dunno, it just feels different. I open my eyes to a sandy strip with Hawaiians and tourists dancing.

      Cool. I saw people I recognized from waking life. Happy I shouted "were dreaming! were dreaming! hey, are you listening? this is a dream!". But they just nodded their head at me. I couldn't remember where I met them from, so my dream gave me dream-memories. I remembered them from a strange class.

      The dance is over and everyone is gathered by a stone wall. My vision blurs in and out. I can't feel the ground. There's almost no sound. I figured this was sign I could wake up anytime soon. So I didn't feel like sitting by the wall listening to some old bearded man yap on.

      I saw a tree with huge candy fruit of every color. I take a huge bite, but instead of something sweet, its more like a mild lemon.

      I woke up. Its a FA actually. I tell my sisters about my dream. My room is totally facing the wrong wall. And then I wake up for real. (or did I?)

      Updated 02-16-2012 at 09:33 PM by 6004

    4. Sensation: Pain

      by , 11-22-2011 at 05:00 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      November 20, 2011

      Synopsis: A restless night where short dream offers me - pain

      Note: Hallucinated fruit flies upon waking

      Sensation: Pain
      Mom is driving me home, she's come to visit for the week. As well pull in the parking lot I show her a strange fruit I found recently growing on the local trees.

      When you first peel it it looks like a pomegranate. But it has this pit, like a peach. And the two halves of the fruit can rotate around that pit - making the fruit take entirely new shape. Now it kinda looks like two lungs attacked to a dark brown pit.

      When I step out the car I noticed an ant hill. I carefully walk over it - but floating ants catch me by surprise.

      At first I didn't know what it was - I thought it was a strange bug hanging from a web strand. It swung back and forth, scared to touch it I'd jump back. But I got a close look at it. It was ants, holding onto eachother and making themselves appear much larger as they swing on this web.

      Well I'm glad I avoided them becuase they look aggressive.

      Mom is opening the door and I try to walk - but I can't move. Theres ants in my pants and they're biting places they shouldn't. Ow! Ow! I try to swipe them off and run inside so I can get my pants off. Ow! Ow! Their burning stings wake me up. The pain is instantly gone.

      In another dream - I don't remember all the details, but at some point I get a paper cut. The really itchy burning kind.

      There was a third dream, but I don't remember this one anymore or the pain sensation it gave me.

      When I woke up there's a giant cloud of fruit flies buzzing over my head, and a few house flies. They were so real looking. The way they buzzed around bumping into each other. Their tiny wings. Damn. Why are they flying over my head? Are we infested with fruit flies again, I thought we got rid of them?

      After a few moments the flies flew away as if they knew they were spotted.

      The next morning I went looking for the flies. We had three house flies. But I only found one fruit fly buzzing around the kitchen. The swarm of flies couldn't have really been there - plus such a large swarm would make noise and it was silent. Damn - I'm still seeing gnats when I wake up.