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    Visions in the Dark

    Lucid Dreams in red.
    Non-Lucid Dreams in blue.
    Dream Conversations in purple.
    Comments in black.

    My spelling and grammar are terrible. Expect mistakes.
    Thank you for reading!

    1. Boats

      by , 11-12-2011 at 07:45 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      I dreamed that my two brothers, my father, myself (at a younger age then I am now) and a few other men I do not recognize were by the sea side somewhere warm. There were no roads but narrow chanels for small boats and canoes to navigate.

      My dad tells me and one of my brothers that he and the other men are going a head in another boat and leave me and R in the first boat. R makes me sit in the back ignores my complains that the back of the boat is sinking. I was arguing with him to let me sit up front but he ignored me and soon i'm up to my waist in water. My father and my other brother came along in another boat and got into ours. All the older and heavier men were sitting at the front of the boat, yet is was only sinking and below water at the back where I was sitting.

      After complaining and whining I finally convinced my father to let me switch places with them and they all went into the back and I went into the font. The back of the boat suddenly became boyant and the front of the boat sank and I could not lift it above the waterline to help steer. I remember feeling angry and frustrated and sick of it all, like I expected this to happen all the time and I was tired of it.

      Eventually I found a small boat of my own and got out of my father's and brother's boat and tried to make my way through the maze of channels on my own. My both didn't sink this time, but I had no control and would often get pushed backwards by incoming waves or the tide. Even though I couldn't really go anywhere, I was happier in my own boat for some reason. I remember at the end of the dream missing my mom and wondering where she was, and being upset that I could not get to her because I had no control over my own little boat.

      Updated 11-12-2011 at 11:28 PM by 6048 (formatting and spelling)

      non-lucid , nightmare
    2. The City in the Sea

      by , 01-20-2011 at 08:49 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      The dream starts off with me standing at the edge of a river. On the other side there is a fight going on between a team of strong looking men riding big cats (lead by someone who looks like Heman) fighting some other dudes on horses and chariots. I cannot see any of their faces because they are wearing animal masks, but there is a man with long black riding a Siberian tiger that I keep looking at. For some reason he seems familiar to me.

      Suddenly I am in a stone built circular city that is an island of itself and in the middle of a turmoltuous sea. There are many waterways on the lowest level of the city to allow water to flow through, but occassionally there are mini tsunamis that rush through the tunnels and often flood the lowest level of the city, which sometimes even sweeps people not quick enough to move away. There are only two to four levels of the city, depending on what area you are in. The center and the east areas of the city are wealthy and technologically advanced while the west and south edges of the city are downtrodden and poor. The north edge of the city is a huge wall and many breakers to protect the city from the turbulent water and to lessen the inpact of the many tsunamis that hit.

      I am at the northern edge of the central part of the city (the "downtown" if you will) looking up at this glass box cars that move along rails in the air, like elevators that move horizonally instead of vertically. I am wandering around looking into shop windows because I am too poor to buy much and I meet a man with long black hair outside of a small museum. He is handsome and really nice and I do know it in the dream but he is the young man I saw the other day riding the tiger. There is an instant connection between us and we spend all day wandering the streets and talking and he asks me out to which I respond positively.

      We go on a few dates and I learn that the is the son of a wealthy bookseller in the eastern part of town but I am too embarassed about where I live and always arrange to meet him downtown so he doesn't know I am poor. We develop a quircky way of expressing our feelings but saying "I have a confession to make..." and then revealing something deep and personal. I am able to tell him everything I feel except that I am poor and live in the western edge of the city.

      I am totally crazy in love with him and even travel to his father's bookstore in the east (where he works) to visit him one day. When I first enter the bookstore the entrance hall is stacked with old war books and the such and I see one book cover that says "Sexual Trauma for Police Regarding..." I cannot see the last work but I think it is "Women." There is an old man milling about just outside the store. He looks like a scruffy Gordon Pincette and he eyes me warily. As I leave the store a mini tidal wave hits and floods the lowest level of the city.

      Inside the store I meet my boyfriend and ask when he is getting off work, to which he says 2:30pm. He then asks me if I would like to go out with him for the weekend to the only hotel on the island city to which I say yes. I visit the resturant beforehand to determine how nice of a place it is and find that it is so posh that I will have to go out and buy a new dress, which will not be easy because I do not have a lot of money. On the weekend my boyfriend treats me to a wonderful meal and then we return to our lavish hotel room and drink wine and make love all night.

      The next day my boyfriend is called away unexpectedly and we have to cut our weekend date short. He has been called away because the heman crew needs him, but since his identity is supposed to be a secret I do not know this. He makes up an excuse about his father being ill. Later in the week I drop by his father's bookstore to see him but he is out and I am confronted by his father, the Gordon Pincette character, who is unhappy about his son's relationship with me and tells me that I have to stay away from him because I am a distraction. When I ask what that means the father threatens me and says that if I see his son again, or tell him about the threats, that he will have me killed. I am scared and heartbroken and run home. I do believe that the father could kill me because he is very rich and has a lot of political power in the city

      That night I am working on a soapstone turtle by candlelight (it is how I make money) when I hear two men fighting outside. There is a terrible scream and I open my window and look out to see the two men, both whom I do not know; one man running away and the other man laying on the ground badly bleeding. I run outside and try to stop the bleeding but the man dies just as the police show up. They see me covered in blood and try to arrest me, but some of my neighbours come out and tell them that I was just trying to help. The police take me downtown anyway and after questioning me all night they release me in the morning.

      While I am walking home I run into my boyfriend and he asks why I have been avoided him. I say that I cannot tell him and start crying which caused him to insist more. He tells me how much he loves me and misses me and I turn away from him, saying that I just cannot see him anymore. I run away from there and to the northern point of the city where the breakers are and contemplate throwing myself into the sea. The two police men who questioned me earlier suddenly show up just stand there and watch me from the highest platform.

      In the distance I can see a tsunami approaching rapidly and I make no effort to reach higher ground because I am so depressed that I do not care if the water takes me away. I can hear the policemen shouting too me to get off the breakers and back onto the safe platform but I ignore them. There is a pole nearby and when the water hits I wrap my arms around it at the last moment and avoid being washed away. Afterwards the policemen make their way over to me and asked how I survived because they say that they have seen many people try to grab the pole and get washed away anyway. I remember saying something about crossing my arms around the poll rather then just hugging it or something but the dream changes and the policemen suddenly disappear.

      My boyfriend is there instead and he puts his arm around me in comfort and says "I have a confession to make..." and than proceeds to tell me about his secret identity as the tiger riding man. I also say the confession line and than tell him that I am poor and live in the western end of the city. He tells me that he doesn't care where I am from and wonders why I ran away from him earlier. I tell him about his father threatening me and he doesn't seem surprised at all. My boyfriend tells me that his father knows about his secret crime fighting life and told me to stay away from his son because he was afraid that his son would forget about being a crimefighter.

      I am relieved and happy, but still feel unsettled about something I cannot describe when the dream ends.

      Updated 01-20-2011 at 08:52 PM by 6048

    3. The Sea King

      by , 09-25-2008 at 08:33 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      This is the second dream I had on September 25th, 2008.

      I am floating above a large inland sea surrounded by high cliffs and thick forests. There is a long winding railroad track that runs along the circumferance of the sea by I do not know if it is used because some parts of it dip down and are sumberged. There are two islands near the center of the sea where tiny humans live. Or at least they seem tiny compared to me and everything appears in minature. I am invisible and no one can see me. There are two groups of people that identify themselves by colour; the red people on the eastern island and the blue people on the westen island. The people have different cultures and beliefs and though they have everything to survive independantly of each other, they constantly war with each other because of their differing spiritual beliefs or something.

      I suddenly find myself at the same scale as everything else and walking along the train tracks along the northern edge of the sea. After a while the track dips down into the water and heads towards the center of the sea. I keep walking and find that I can continue walking along the track without drowning or becoming bouyant. I follow the track down to the center where a submerged but seemingly abandoned city exists. Some of the buildings look modern, even futuristic, while others are made of a slightly glowing coral. There are many colourful lights around the city and they illuminate a giant bearded merman sleeping in the very center. He looks a lot like the classical sea god image but he makes me think of the father from Disney's The Little Mermaid, King Triton. There is a mighty golden trident at his side which is almost as large as he.

      The is suddenly a great deal of tension coming from up above and I can sense this telepathically. The energy of the tension is so strong that it wakes the giant Sea King, who sighs wearily. He sits up and grabs me with his massive right hand (though very gently, and I know somehow that he isn't going to hurt me) and grabs his trident with his left hand before surfacing quite rapidly. On the surface nighttime has come and the Sea King and I can see that the two islands of people have amassed great armies on their respective islands, seemingly to destroy the other once and for all. The giant merman quietly tells me that he is the god of these people and protects them, and that they fight each other because each believes that they are more favoured by the god over the other, which they believe makes them superior and that the 'lesser' island should submit. Thus the fighting never stops.

      The Sea King tells me he is tired of the fighting because he cares for the red and blue people equally and though he wishes neither any harm he is considering letting them destroy each other so that the constant warring will finally stop. He places me on a giant clam shell and sends me towards the islands, to warn the warring sides of the god's growing apathy. I am visible again and I talk first to the red people but most ignore me while others threaten me. I then go over the the western island where the blue people live. They are suspicious because they saw me come from their enemy's island, but are more willing to listen to my warning. In the end though, the blue people say they will still fight, partly because they know the red army is going to attack anyway.

      I return to the Sea King and tell him what happened at which point he becomes very angry. He swims between the two islands and raises himself up out of the water as far as he can and towers over the tiny islands, whose people cover is fear. The Sea King declares loudly that neither island is favoured over the other, that they are both equal and that the fighting has to stop. He also says that their unique and seperate cultures should be celebrated as complements to each other, not as opposites.

      The red army suddenly lunges forward and makes its way over to the blue island. They continue from their little boats and charge forward as if to attack. They reach the blue army and it looks as if the two sides are going to violently clash with each other, but instead the armies merge and walk through each other as if they were transparent. As this happens the blue and red peoples become different shades of purple. The armies and people mingle together and laugh and hug and dance. There is a drunken reverie to celebrate their coming together as the Sea King returns to his place at the bottom of the sea and goes back to sleep. I watch the partying from afar, feeling like an outsider and do not participate in the celebration because I seem to have become invisible again. My last feelings in this dream were of isolation and loneliness, then I woke up.
    4. Island Air Raid and the Translucent Stones.

      by , 07-17-2007 at 05:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      This dream starts off on some sort of island. There is one small town near the north side of the island, but it is a very poor slum. Most of the houses are small trailers or huts that are dirty and barely standing. The town is surrounded by a temperate forest and the entire island is elevated several meters above the sea level. Because there are only steep cliffs along the sea sides, crudely constructed wooden piers and ladders have been built to allow access to the water. It is never explained why or by who, in the dream, but the little island is subject to frequent air raids.

      I am standing outside of my hut/trailer and I am looking at the clear blue sky. I can hear an air raid siren blaring through the town, and even though I can not see where the sound is coming from, I know what it means. I can see black dots in the distance and they are rapidly approaching the island. Everyone in the town is scrambling to find shelter, most heading for the forest because they know that the slum town is the target of the on coming attack. I run into the forest also, but still feel exposed being so close to the town and head for the closest pier on the seafront. I am hoping to escape the attack by boat.

      When I am at the outside edge of the forest (at a cliff that overlooks the sea) and I can see the on coming attack planes. There are about 12 of them and they are flying in a diamond formation. Most of the planes look like WW2 bombers, while two or three look like sea planes. All of them are painted entirely black except for the wing tips which are painted bright red.

      I am afraid that I will be seen and scramble down the cliff side and underneath the long wooden pier. I remember that the wood of the pier was dark brown and smelled like it was rotting. The planes suddenly decend rapidly, break formation and start bombing everything in sight that is moving. My plans of escape by boat are thwarted when several people attempting a similar escape in their watercraft are obliterated by the attack planes before they can get very far. The very end of the long pier I am hidding under is blown apart by a bomb and I am too afraid to move from my spot.

      I cannot see what is happening to the town but I can hear a constant barage of bombs, planes wizzing close by and screams from people in the forest behind me. To my right I suddenly see one of the sea planes land in the water and come towards the pier that I am hiding under. I panic and try to climb up the cliff but it is suddenly muddy and I slip down and into a large cravat. There is an outcropping of the cliff that I can hide under and I do so.

      While still aware of the sea plane coming towards me, I feel something hard in the mud below me and thinking it is a rock, I dig it out. It turns out to be translucent yellow stone about the size of my fist. It's not shiny and cut but I think it is jewel and I put it in the pocket of my tattered pants. I try to adjust my weight in the mud underneath the outcropping but doing so causes me to slip out from my hiding place. I grab onto something that I think is a stick to steady myself and discover that is a cylindrical, translucent red stone. There are actually three of them sticking out of the mud but I only grab one and stick it in my other pocket.

      The sounds of the air raid have stopped, though I can still hear several bombers flying overhead. The sea plane reaches the wooded pier and because I think I can be seen I make another attempt to climb up the muddy cliff. I am successful this time and dash into the forest. I do not look back and see the face of the enemy. The forest is thick with smoke from things burning and I am quickly lost. I run towards where I think the town is and trip on several bodies or body parts. I do not see anyone alive along the way.

      I do eventually find the town but the damage doesn't seem to be as bad as I thought it would. My home has been destroyed and I scurry between burning ruins and debris until I find a trailer that is elevated off the ground with cinder blocks. I crawl underneath the trailer and dig a small hole. I rip off a peice of my shirt and wrap the yellow and red stones in it, which I then bury, believing that they are valuable or will be useful to me later. I remain hidden under the trailer, even after I can no longer hear any bombers flying overhead.

      People start emerging from the forest and return to the town. I don't know any of them nor do I feel anything for them. Even at the beginning of the dream I felt very detatched from the other people in the town. I watch from my hiding place as people try to find anything valuable to salvage or their loved ones. I am chased from my hiding spot when the owner of the trailer returns and yells at me to get lost, probably thinking that I was going to try and move into his place or something. I make a mental note to retrieve the stones later.

      I don't know if it is the next day or later in the week but the dream skips ahead a bit and I am talking with someone in the middle of the slum, most of which is still smoldering ruins. There are a few people trying to rebuild but many people don't see the point since they know the island will probably be bombed again in the near future. The young man I am talking to says that there is a man who lives in a cave on the other side of the island who grants wishes or something to anyone who brings him rare or precious items. I remember my yellow and red stones (having forgotten them until now, apparently) and wait until night to try and dig them up.

      Thankfully the stones are still there and I make my way along the island's outer edge to try and find the cave. The full moon is large and supplies ample lumination for me to find my way. The muddy cliffs give way to icy formations that are just as difficult to traverse. I slip several times and almost drop my stones in the sea, which seems to have gone calm to violent and frothing the farther I get from the slum town. The sea is also freezing and I assume that is why the cliff face is covered in ice.

      I feel like I have been walking forever, and indeed the sun starts to rise before I see the cave in the distance. The icy cliff gives way to sand, but not before I pluck a peculiar looking stone from the frigid ice. It is similar to my yellow and red stones, being translucent and about fist size, but is a bright blue. I put it in with the others and continue on my way. I am happy to reach the sand because it is warm and soft, though I have to avoid being sweapt away by large waves that are crashing onto the beach. The tide must be coming in or something because even when I walk directly away from the sea, the waves still reach my feet no matter how far inshore I go.

      What looked like a cave from a distance now looks like a large door made of gold and encrusted with shining jems. There are gold and silver gears and chains surrounding it and there does not seem to be a door handle. I think at first that it is some sort of puzzle but before I can get much further in my thoughts, the gears start turning, the chains squeak and the door swings open. It is all dark inside and I cannot see anything at first, but with the sea level rapidly rising behind me, I do not hesitate to go inside.

      I am exhausted and cold and am hoping that this journey has not been in vain. I feel my way through the dark until I find a wooden door. I open it and am stunned by what I see behind it. It looks like a standard, modern day home (kitchen to my right, living room dead ahead, bedroom to my left), but everything is made of precious material and jewels. The walls are solid gold, the light fixtures are made of crystal, the carpet under my feet is soft and luxuriant. I am appauled by the excess of the place, thinking of the utter poverty and slum conditions in which my town on the other side of the island exists.

      As I walk towards the large high ceiling living room. A tall, handsome, muscular man (in his late 20s/early 30s) comes out of no where and greats me. A woman appears by his side and offers to make me some tea. She seems kind of "empty," and does not even look directly at me. She is forcing a smile. I can not see them, but I can hear children playing somewhere. Still overwhelmed by the opulance of the place I forgot what I had come for, even thought I still clutched the stones closely to my chest. Despite their apparently welcoming demenor, I do not feel safe because everything feels "fake."

      The dream ends there.
    5. Pirate Gang in the Wharf Town

      by , 06-21-2006 at 11:39 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      There are several old "tall ships" lined up along a huge wharf, which was the base of a Gang (they all looked like stereotypical, scruffy pirates). There were buildings in the middle that ran from the land all the way to the end - sort of like a small town built right on the sea.

      There was even an alleyway that runs between many of the buildings. I looked like an oriental lady with a long dark brown skirt and a wooly tan-coloured sweater. I was with three men I do not recognize from waking life, and they were unnamed in the dream but they each had a distinct appearance: the youngest man in his late teens was blond; the man slightly older than him had dark brown hair, and the oldest man had fiery red hair and a goatee to match.

      In the beginning of the dream, the three men and I were in the hull of one of the ships, even though we were not a part of the Gang. I think we were prisoners or something but I cannot remember now. Somehow, the four of us got to the deck of the ship and found out that the only way off the boat was jumping motorcycles off a ramp. The three men I was with had no problem with this but it took me a few times before I had the courage to take the motorbike over the ramp (even though it was not that big of a jump at all) - when I finally did it I was to short of the goal and almost fell into the water, but the blond and the red-head grabbed me and pulled me onto the wharf.

      We avoided running into the Gang (who were patrolling the wharf but did not see us escape the ship) by going between some buildings and into the alleyway. The three men told me to find a hiding spot and stay there while they dealt with the Gang. Before they took off, the brown haired man gave me a small knife for protection and I hid it in my sweater.

      I sat between some shipping crates for a while before I became bored and wandered the alleyway to pass the time. Just then a Gang member (who looked like an ordinary old fisherman) ran around a corner and grabbed me, threw me over his shoulder in a fireman's carry and started running. I pulled out the small knife that I had hidden in my sweater and stabbed him in the back. He yelped and fell forward, and I went flying into the crates that I used as a hiding spot before. I got up and went over to the Gang member, who was writhing in pain on his stomach, rolled him over with my foot and held the knife to his face and threatened him.

      This dream marks the first appearence of several characters who appear often together in my dreams. The chinese lady I have named Chun-li. The red haired man with goatee is Walter. The young blond man is Trevor. The brown haired man I have named Vincent but he has only appeared in this dream as of yet.

      Updated 06-20-2010 at 11:49 AM by 6048

      non-lucid , memorable