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    Semi-Lucid Non-Lucid

    I stopped posting my DJ's for various reasons, one of them being the amount of work required. I do believe the time you spend posting your DJ online helps keep your mind on dreams and reinforces your dream recall, both of which definitely help with lucid dreaming in my experience. If you want to view my dj without the Photobucket stamp on all the pictures, you may want to pull it up on archive.org where you can view past versions of webpages. Easy link: https://web.archive.org/web/20171208055654/https://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/fogelbise/ and at the bottom of each page you can choose page 2, 3 etc.

    1. Lucid Robbery, Rainy Cityscape, Bank Party Sex, 2 FA's Caught, Lady's Locker Room

      by , 04-26-2016 at 07:34 PM

      Lucid Semi-lucid

      24th April 2016
      I'm going to try to get back to posting my DJ's at least occasionally. No frills, just raw from my DJ (but with sexual spoilers and color added).
      Reverse order memory/recall (from end of experience, working backwards for transitions). End: I recite my full name and address with so much ease that I think for a second could I be awake in bed...no, I can still see the store I'm robbing. I do think for a second earlier in this scene, is there any way that because my dream image might look quite a bit like my waking self that someone in the store could report me, thinking along the lines of how Robert Waggoner believes that there may be other people in your dreams but I quickly dismiss that and it's a dream anyway so who would report something done in a dream especially something that causes no harm in the (real) world. Obviously I was getting a little bit off track and my lucidity was being challenged a little bit. Rob store, closing, darkish. So when I first was kind of pulled towards the store after flying outside in the rain at night I see at the store is somewhat dark like they're getting ready to close and I get the idea to see what it feels like to rob the store and I summon a gun and say give me all the money and there are two different cash registers counting money and they start piling the money up on the counter. It's not as fun as I thought it could be but of course I knew it was a dream and the money is meaningless. It went rather slow and boring, they put the money together matter-of-factly and I asked for a bag to put it in and I got one of those plastic grocery bags. I thought about summoning a big canvas bag but lost interest. Prior: Flying outside in the rain!! with 2 ladies. I think about how I hardly ever experienced rain in my lucid dreams and I relish the fact but I wouldn't say that the rain felt super realistic. I definitely got the sound and the visuals very realistically but not so much the water patterning off my skin. Dream pulling me where to fly. Prior: Left 3 story bank building party. Russian lady please choose a lady to come with us… chooses Shirley, Asian somewhat nerdy but cute 30 year old as I was thinking she should choose (mind suggest to her maybe). Russian best dream
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      ever! When I fly up to the Russian looking lady with dirty blonde hair, but more blonde than not, I look into her beautiful eyes, somewhat blue and probably inspired by the beautiful young lady sitting in front of me last night iwl at the musical. I see she wants my
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      in Dreamland. I am so infatuated by her that I pull her face up to mine and I kiss her passionately . She has strawberry taste in her mouth probably inspired by the strawberry soap sniffed strongly while washing my hands IWL while repeating my mantra to get Lucid tonight.
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      After void and attempting beach and getting some ocean water floating I see myself in a mirror across the bare room as a sexy woman in a white short simple dress. I walk up to the mirror and want to see her/me naked so
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      ..it transformed into a ecstatic state that took me into the void again, this void felt like I wanted to stay there in the simple enjoyment for a while. (To bank party). The ocean movement void came from

      **spoiler for minor schema poisoning, read at your own schema's risk:
      Spoiler for minor schema poisoning, read at your own schema's risk:
      but despite feeling some weak attempts from my brain to tell me that I'm waking and feeling parts of my bed, I say not so fast and immediately feel my feet dragging along and then lifting off the bed. I knew it!...and felt a little pride. Before the ceiling phase through which seems most like it was involuntarily, I caught two FA's in my bedroom.
      One involved dream recall and pulling out my earplugs and noticing my ears still feel plugged and after at first thinking my ear plugs did my ears some harm thus still feeling plugged, then found that I could pull out another pair of earplugs and realized I was dreaming. And the other false Awakening I walked up to my sink and open the drawer to get a Q-tip and found that the drawer was completely empty and realized I was dreaming again. <<Beginning of Lucid period for night.

      26th April 2016
      Shorter LD where I am in a lady's locker room and I am basically invisible through expectation that I won't get any reaction. I create a soft pad of grass (maybe not entirely intentionally and maybe why it worked so well) to lay on inside the locker room and just relax and enjoy the beauty and variety of the female form.
    2. Dec 17th - Jan 10th 2015 Super Brief Notes LD's #254 to 263 With Dry Spell

      by , 01-19-2015 at 05:10 AM
      Dec 17th - Jan 19th 2015 Super Brief Notes LD's #254 to 270 With Dry Spell

      Super quick notes to catch up.

      12/17/14 FA "back to sleep" vibrations, stay patient then visuals with eyes closed. Flight to Girl Friday's house and lose patience. Decide to fly up to moon but can't find it and decide I will drop down a bit and land on the moon but end up in a living room with my son about 12 years younger! Hold his hand and talk. #254


      12/18 cute DC gets me thinking about dream options turns into LD. woman in black is creepy and other weird DC's. Talk to them all searching for SC insight but dumb answers. I mostly ignore woman in black until she re-asserts herself. 255

      12/19 with Wife on bench, a sexy woman approaches. Semi to full LD. Boldness initiated. Telepathically tell them to kiss and remove clothes. Sexy! 256

      <vacation starts and I change everything I'm doing and pay the price with a dry streak after which I am slow to get back in the groove. Up to this point I was rolling strong 16 LD's in the first 19 days of December.>

      12/30 I feel bold early in dream probably assisted by bold visualizations after WBTB. I tell all of the female DC's to follow and gather around me and I float up to a mezzanine overlooking a wide open library-like indoor space to get a good look around at the women. Sex and watching another woman undress sexily. 257

      12/31 lucid at seeing deceased father-in-law. Happy to see this dream sign back! 258

      Trying to DEILD. Clump of simple images in mostly empty void becomes more complete and I start air swimming towards the scene. Explore a video game-like green landscape by air. 259

      1/5/15 become lucid in doctors office probably from seeing cute woman. 260

      FA caught: semi to full LD. Crawl over bed. What if someone in bed? Sure enough. Must be a dream! End up in void. Another FA in bed caught due to unlikely scenario. Nudge vibrations. Void. Closed eye teleport. Eventually scene forms in bedroom. Cool courtyard between buildings do backwards TOTM while attempting to find crystal ball for other advanced task. Western shoot'em up! See TOTM thread 1/5 for more complete description. Only counting one LD in this FA series. 261

      1/10 on couch with Wife I get dreamy ideas bring another woman in. Sexual then end up outdoors confusion then regain lucidity. Dance with beautiful woman and she becomes this glowing gorgeous bright eyed blonde. 262

      Riding down street trucks passing I recognize the street from earlier dream and realize I'm dreaming. Billboard. 263

      Praying for someone who seemed to get news of terminal illness my eyes are closed and I see the words "me too" and right below "smile." I take this as a sign that I am being given the opportunity to be lucid but wake. Not counting.

      1/11 epic night...to be continued...
    3. Awesome! Exploring a Beautiful Hotel Felt Like I Travelled to the 1920's

      by , 07-14-2014 at 03:00 AM
      7/13/14* Awesome! Finally one of my recent vivid dreams became lucid! Similar calm, highly lucid, exploration like my grassy sea lucid and right after seeing the closest thing I have seen to a grassy sea: I just watched Gravity for the first time last night and there is a scene where you see a grassy vegetation growing up out of a large body of water. When I saw that scene in the movie IWL my heart fluttered emotionally with the memory of the wonderful lucid dream it so much reminded me of and it must have inspired another awesome LD. I think it solidified the point for me to slow down and explore all of the wonder right around you. I have also had similar experiences IWL.

      One of my earlier dreams was very vivid. At the end there is a squirrel that got into a house with a gathering or party. After trying to lead him out an open door, I was able to catch it but it reached back and bit my hand. I moved my hands further up his body to the base of his head to keep him from biting me again. All I could see from the injury was what looked more like a bloody scratch. I woke with the thought that the squirrel biting me should have made me lucid.

      I am on a trip again, a common theme. My family and I are heading to quarantine area where they are going to apply some treatment to everyone via spray in the room so that no one carries any diseases into this foreign country. In a seemingly semi lucid moment I put my arms around this beautiful woman who takes to it kindly at first but then pushes me away. I sit on the floor apparently wearing a baseball cap as my view is slightly obscured looking upwards. Two cute kids are playing with me as I sit there. My wife is sitting on a ledge above on the perimeter of the room and a guy next to her is apparently stinky and she makes a face. I asked my wife where our son is. She didn't seem sure and didn't seem worried. Doors to the room opened up to let everyone out and transport trolleys are coming in and I'm the last one still in there and the doors closed but I'm able to scurry my way to the door and open it and go out. It is a beautiful countryside with
      green hills reminding me of where I was in 1993. Lots of people hanging around outside but no wife and son. I just wait knowing they would know where to find me. People are sitting at an outdoor table talking while most others mingling much like a party but it is daytime, outside and of course in the beautiful scenery. I see a group walking down the road maybe they are with them up that way. I pass a place that raises collies apparently, the dog breed. I strain my neck to see and a dog runs up to me to jump or bite me...ah dog dream sign (One of the dream signs I thought about during WBTB...I'm dreaming.. fades and I clench my eyes to try to reenter the dream. It probably never ended, probably just the void, it's hazy but I can see a little bit and I think of the task of the month and I start to visualize an elevator...nothing at first but then a big red button appears and I press it and at this point it is more like I am visualizing an elevator door opening and seeing the elevator car and stepping in.
      I can feel myself going up up up in what feels more like an open-air elevator car and still hazy. I am not satisfied with experience due to the lack of visuals. I think that I wake up but wait remember always check when waking up. I do feel that I'm still in a dream, an FA, laying in bed. I get out of bed. I'm in a hotel room with strange striped wallpaper. I end up face down on the floor and struggle to crawl up to the wall to lift myself up. How tricky the transition is to an FA. Try to stick my finger through my palm and it indicates that I am awake. No! I am sure that I'm dreaming so I look at my left hand and there are five fingers. But, I have a small appendage or extra little finger sticking out to the right of my left index finger going out from a spot about 3/4 of an inch down my finger. I think again of the elevator task...a hotel should be perfect. I go through two sets of doors to exit my hotel room but before I close the door I take one
      more look at my hand and it looks just like before surprisingly...five fingers with a little extra one. The hallway of the hotel is awesome it looks maybe 1920s!! The walls are adorned with a beautiful rich dark wood paneling up and down. I go down to one end of the hall and there's a short flight of stairs up straight ahead, maybe 5 stairs and I start to go up and I think this wouldn't be the way to an elevator but at the top I see there's a small opening or space and there is a small door not more than a foot and a half tall . I go back the other way down the hall past where I came out and circle around to the right and I see a man and a woman in an open area with curtains that are opened. It looks like an opium den and/or a brothel. I keep going then I come to an opening in the hall there is a weird creature or boy sitting on the floor with his back to me. I decide to turn my back to him...out of sight out of mind. I continue down another hall and
      walk past this man who had first looks like a guy in a suit and tie. Still not seeing an elevator I decide to go back to the man who now looks more like a bellman , an old fashioned one. I asked him if there's an elevator here. He says that the elevator will be ready in 1 to 2 weeks. I then think perhaps I can teleport to one of the neighboring buildings it seems like I'm in a big city downtown with lots of buildings back at the early part of the century from everything I see in this hotel and the way that guy is dressed. I'm amazed how vivid this dream is and how beautiful everything is. I ask if there's another building around with an elevator. The guy says that actually I can ride their elevator but I just have to sign a waiver. I ask him where will it take me. He says it will take me up to the top. I ask him what is there? He says the tree. I say the tree? Is this construction, unfinished? No he says it is solid. It used to house our Communications
      department(?). I follow him towards the elevator down the hall that looks like a maintenance corridor and I'm having trouble standing up straight. I am leaning heavily as if I will fall to my left down a stairwell but I am hanging on to some bars or pipes that line the right side. It seems like the guy I am following is growing impatient at how slow I am. I'm in a dilemma. I'm not sure if I should let go and have faith that I can walk straight or keep going while holding on. I think it's okay if I fall it is just a dream but I might lose the scene and my path to the elevator. I also I think that I could teleport. I got probably 20 feet down this hall hanging on
      before I finally woke up for real. Still very cool lucid scenes and I wake up smiling. My day practices up until yesterday were focusing on doing the elevator task next for whatever reason. Yesterday I thought I started incubating the idea that I should meet up with Dreamer first, but next need to incubate that a bit more. Might have gotten to that task if I had ever completed the elevator one! 173