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    The Oneironaut's Odyssey

    An Argonaut of the dream world, the Oneironaut. Every night a journey, every dream an adventure, every moment a treasure.

    1. #267 - Ape lucid

      by , 08-29-2016 at 06:37 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Wasn't able to write this up straight away but I'll try remember what I can..

      I think this was a dream where me and someone else were running from this ape-like beast. At some point I think I was climbing across a few beams.. I saw my hands and became lucid, but I woke shortly after. I was too tired for a lucid and eventually fell back asleep to the same dream.
      lucid , non-lucid
    2. #258 - Cyberman / Interstellar

      by , 07-23-2016 at 12:04 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      I remember that I was outside during the day and there was a metal robot thing that kind of reminded me of the cybermen from Doctor Who. It was chasing me slowly, I turned to run away and it teleported in front of me. I tried scrambling away and then woke up.

      I watched Interstellar for the first time a couple nights ago and it inspired this dream. I was in a spaceship but there were aliens on board, I had to get my suit on so I could open the hatchway to outside and still be able to breathe or something. The area I was in was pretty much a laboratory, and the alien that was chasing me kind of reminded me of a two-legged triceratops, there was also an elephant that started chasing me. I clambered over tables trying to fix my suit on as the creatures were chasing me and then woke up.
    3. #207 - Escape

      by , 03-08-2016 at 09:48 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Only remembered a small part of the last dream I had, and it wasn't very vivid. This might be because I ended up vomiting my guts out violently for no reason before going to bed last night.

      Me and some others are in a wooden rampart + wall building, we're running away from guards. One of the people I'm running with is a bear I'm pretty sure... As we're running we grab makeshift weapons like sticks, I remember hurling them back as I see the guards round the corner. There are some moments where it's like "No, go on without me" and then we grab them and pull them onwards. No man left behind .
      Apparently the people in this world have devices similar to walky talkies or phones which they can contact each other with. Though they don't have screens. As we're running we loot a whole bunch of them and spread the word that there's a revolution coming.
    4. #160 - Bird of Paradise / Museum

      by , 11-18-2015 at 05:05 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream fragment - Bird of Paradise
      I remember seeing a whole bunch of these flowers known as 'Bird of Paradise'. I thought to myself that I should tell my friend about them so he could come get one for his girlfriend.

      Note: yesterday my friend told me he was looking to find a bird of paradise flower for his gf because they were her favourite, surprised this manifested in my dreams O_O

      Dream - Museum
      I'm in a museum with my friend Matt and a girl (I think it might be his ex gf?), there's some sort of god who resides here and owns the place. We head downstairs into a room with all these ancient greek mythology related artifacts, everything had a grey-black rock material that covered them. It was sleek and smooth, and fitted the form of each item perfectly and I think it was meant to 'freeze' them in time and preserve them. I remember I went off into a side room and knocked a Cupid angel (isn't this Roman?) statue by accident which cracked a little. Oops. I head out of the room, noting that there are special techniques and stuff in there too (like in little CDs that you somehow download into yourself?). I walk back to the downstairs room where Matt and the girl are perusing the artifacts on display. It was things like the Aegis shield, the head of Hercules which had an intensely ornate helmet on it, or the head of Medusa etc. Matt accidentally knocks another Cupid angel... It cracks. "Damn dude you broke it" . Suddenly I see something flesh-like beneath the rock layer of the statue which twitches and moves... "Hey it's moving" I say, and the grey-black layer coating the statue starts crumbling off. Oh shit. Me, Matt and the girl all run towards the side room. In this room an arrow is let loose at us, it's the other Cupid statue! It came to life as well. I quickly grabbed a handful of those CD techniques and we all scrambled back out and continued to run. I also remember some of the CDs having references to Star Wars. The pictures on the front of one had Luke Skywalker holding a lightsaber.

      Felt too sleepy to bother remembering my dreams, and I got up earlier.
    5. #93 - I remember more dreams when I'm stressed...

      by , 06-28-2015 at 01:30 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: non-dream
      Blue: non-lucid
      Red: lucid

      Dream 1 - Earthquake
      I just remember a clip from a dream where I thought we were having another earthquake or something... At first I thought I felt tremors, then I thought that maybe it was an earthquake about to come, then all of a sudden the whole bloody world just started shaking violently. I think I tried ducking underneath something but I can't remember the context very well.

      Dream 2 - Fresh baked bread
      I bake bread from time to time to save money and because I enjoy it, it's a fairly new hobby and I made my best loaf last night.. I had a dream about cutting a piece off and then tearing it up to share around with my flatmates, they tried it and I knew it was good, but for some reason I think there was a lack of interaction and I was a bit skeptical to the realism of the dream.

      Dream 3 - Fucking evil thing chasing me
      The kind of fucked up dream where you just KNOW that something is after you even though you haven't seen anything... I was in a sort of combination between the chemistry labs at uni and the chemistry labs at my old high school, I was trying to get away from something and I ran into a room with an exit on each side. The doors were getting smacked on and the walls were closing in.. Like really fast.. I just knew I had to get out of there, at some point it became SUPER realistic as I kind of tapped into a semi-lucid state and decided to dispel the dream. At first I thought I had woken up and was pretty stoked, but then I wondered why I wasn't in my room O_O so I concluded that I must still be dreaming... Then I started getting chased again >_<
      So now I'm back in the same room and the walls close in again, this time everything is fast-paced-super-realistic-action-like, I see a small window and run towards it pushing it open and then climbing through. I think something happens and I have to climb back inside, and everything is just chaos but super vivid.

      Seems like the more stressed I am about something, the more stressful my dreams, which also helps me remember them a bit.
    6. #78 + #79

      by , 03-20-2015 at 09:44 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      4 dreams on the first night
      - sex scene
      - running from armed men
      - zombie chases me
      -ex gf got assaulted by a stranger, I look after her, then me and my other friends go running through a mall

      2 dreams second night
      - in the 'Wild', crazy cool. lots of interesting alien species
      - go to a chefs kitchen, i get in the way, then i go to a beach, shit gets messy (literally)

      Note: I typed up all these dreams then accidentally deleted them all, so screw writing them up again >_<

      'The Wild' dream - tagged as memorable.
    7. #55 - Tardis + Rescue/Sex/Rock throwing

      by , 11-13-2014 at 01:06 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      I had a near WILD experience again last night, the 3rd I've ever had. I was lying in bed after a WBTB at around 5ish, I could feel some intense vibrations, I could hear them buzzing too. I could also see some slight visuals starting to manifest, like a small light in a sea of darkness. The whole thing was short lived as I once again screw up the transition. I also noticed my jaw being clenched up and offset in an odd position as I was coming out of the experience, I do a few reality checks to make sure I wasn't having an infamous SSILD false awakening but I wasn't sadly .

      Dream 1 - Tardis + Rescue
      Me and someone else are planning to steal the Tardis (for those of you who don't know what this is, it's the time travelling police box from the Doctor Who series), we look around for the area where it's supposed to appear. We seem to be peering through a window into an area that is so indescribable... Like a 70s trippy visuals effect was going on in the background and everything was floating. Now I'm somehow in a library but it looks extremely similar to my kitchen. I see a book outside that contains more information on the Tardis, I go outside to read it. I seem to be sitting down on the bricks by the doors where I usually sit to relax on a sunny day, a crew member from the Tardis walks past the glass window behind me, he has his daughter with him. The crew member scowls at me. I find a box that contains lots of little books in it for reading to little kids and babies etc. They're the same as what I read to my daughter in WL, and I think to myself how I should have stolen these instead of buying brand new ones. I think about this and decide that this a dumb idea. I read through the books for about a minute, they're worn out and missing bits of the cover photo. I then blur into a new scene where I'm trying to save a girls family from a guy with a sub machine gun. We're in a woodland area that has tall thin evergreens and light brown dirt, it reminds me of American-type forests (at least from what I've gathered from movies). The crook is hiding in a wooden-log house, I can't remember what happened but somehow I win against him, I realize now that his weapon has no ammo. He says something along the lines of "I guess it still counts as a criminal offense...", insinuating that even though the family was never in danger he will still get in trouble. The girls family is no where to be seen, and it's now the girl who I was actually saving (some kind of dream screw up in the plot). The girl runs up to me and hugs me, I feel like she's my daughter. A woman nearby comments on me saying "That's what you call a good role model".

      Dream 2 - Sex
      Fooling around with a girl, shouldn't need to go into details. We were in my home though and it was daytime.

      Dream 3 - Rock Throwing
      I'm on a beach and I'm getting chased, I run across rocks and sand, leaping acrobatically around. I leap onto the edge of a ledge a few metres high and hook my leg into a crevice to support myself. There is a girl reading a book on the top of the ledge not even noticing me, and there's four people below me on the beach who were chasing me. They're looking up at me, I throws down at them and they throw a few back. I catch 2 of the bigger rocks and hurl them back, 1 of them cracks into 3 rocks and hits 3 of the people on the top of their heads. I can feel myself slipping ever so gradually as the feel of the dirt on the ledge slides a bit. I decide to get a better vantage point, and swing myself into the crevice I'm supporting myself on. It's tight and dark, I'm lying flat and there's no room to move. I shouldn't have even been able to get into such a place. The entrance is horizontally oriented and is only open a crack, I seem to realize though that I won't have trouble getting out if I just realized a certain something (slight awareness increase), but I wake up.
    8. #34 - Zombies at Uni/Giant Cockroaches

      by , 10-20-2014 at 09:48 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Slept a bit better, had okay-ish dream recall but I let some details slip by lying in bed and not being diligent enough about writing them down sooner. I even had a decent stab at the SSILD cycles, but the consecutive run of bad sleeps over the past few nights probably didn't give me a good base mindset for lucidity.

      Dream Fragment
      Standing on the driveway to my parents house at night-time, reminds me of when I used to sneak home late.

      Dream 1 - Zombies at Uni
      For some reason there's a zombie Apocalypse, me and some others have kind of gathered together. We're near the northern exit of the university (I know there was more to this, but I forgot most of what happened prior to this point) and we jump into this massive armoured vehicle. There's zombies off somewhere, I don't recall seeing them much except on the sidelines/backgrounds of the dream. The armoured vehicle can't move or something, but luckily there's another car loaded in the back compartment of it, all hooked up and tied down. I run to the back of the armoured vehicle and kick the back door open, then jump back and flick a hook off of the car, the rest simultaneously come free letting the car roll back. We proceed to hop inside, and then I think I woke up.

      Dream 2 - Giant Cockroaches
      I seem to remember dropping something at the very start of the dream... It was dark with only a little amount of light which made shadow-outlines of things. Whatever I dropped didn't hit the ground, because a size-able cockroach with pincers clamped it, I notice the sprawling crawling mass of these covering the floor. Fast-forward to later on, I'm running, there are GIANT cockroaches now, comparable to the spiders in the 'Eight-Legged Freaks' movie. It's still dark and I'm running, I'm in an old building (19th century Victorian brickwork or something) and I dash to the side, into a closed off room. I hide on the floor, near a big wooden table. I know they can't get in here.
      "what was that?"
      I look at a small cockroach scuttling across the floor near me, I realize that maybe the little ones can get in though... It feels like a few minutes pass, and I notice even more of them, they seem to amass into a swarm on the floor and I decide to rethink the idea of hiding, with the feeling that the larger ones are actually able to break into the room too now. I head to the exit on the other side of the room, and I think 'hmmm what if they've blocked off the other exit...?' but as I'm about to exit the room I wake up.

      Was pretty bored with these dreams, didn't feel scared or fearful of anything in them (they sound like they should have been nightmares in retrospect, but weren't), they weren't strongly emotional.