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    The Dream Journal

    Digital version of my dream journal. I leave out the names and events that have to do directly with me.

    1. 010116: Have to Isolate the Attacker, the Doorman and Trump, On the Hood of a Car?!?!

      by , 01-07-2016 at 05:56 PM (The Dream Journal)
      Crazy Brother Attacking Us
      I'm in a house, it is fairly large and modern looking. It is dark inside, it's night, but there is some light coming from little cracks in doors and from streetlights shining through windows. I'm in trouble. I'm with a woman I don't know, she is my age, and her brother has gone insane and is attacking us. We have lost him as we ran away through a hall leaving him behind. I try to think of a way to lock him in a room to trap him. I close a bug heavy door like something in a bomb shelter, thinking he is trapped in the room ahead of me.

      The woman leaves, trying to escape just in case. I stay behind. The brother appears, he is a skinny and crazy looking guy. He attacks me and he feels very weak. I put him in a sleeper hold and keep on squeezing, I know I have to kill him, it is the only way he won't chase us. I keep him in the hold, squeezing really tight, feeling very sad that I'm killing the guy. I sense that he too knows why this has to happen, or I try to explain it to him? At the last moment I let him go, I can't do it, the guilt would destroy me.

      He's limp on the floor, unconscious but still alive I think. I reason to myself, he must be alive. It is now daytime, morning. The sister is now there as well with a mutual friend of ours (not in real life but in the dream). Now that things have calmed down we can relax. I see the brother's jacket, a red college jacket, and the pocket is full of cigarettes, reds. I join the sister on the bed, what a crazy night.

      Old Apartment
      I'm in my childhood home. I'm in the stairwell, it is a summer day, I see the golden sun shining through the windows. I get up to our floor. I see they have put a new outdoor entrance to the right where the stairs are. That will be convenient but how did they build it? We are on the second floor!

      The Doorman at the Club. Meeting Trump
      I enter a dingy club in a far-off part of town. It's evening, a grey day. I go up the stairs until I reach the jacket check-in. The light is a stained, dirty type coming from dirty fluorescent lamps overhead. I see a doorman by the jacket racks. I say hi and he tells me to check in my jacket. I'm reluctant to but I confidently give it to him. I'm weary a very fine leather jacket and I take it off and give it to him. He says that the door charge is 7.50. I have a wallet full of money so I pay him with a 10, asking for a receipt, I'm on business. Am I meeting Donald Trump?!? I tell the doorman I haven't been to this club in years. It has really been run into the ground, I think to myself.

      On the Hood of a Car
      Suddenly I'm on the hood of a car. It is a grey day, looks like a place out further from the city. I think the car passes a McDonald's. The car suddenly stops and I almost fly off the hood, I'm just able to stay on. The guy who is driving it, a friend of mine, a guy my age (but who I don't know in real life) apologizes he had to stop to avoid hitting someone. He turns to the right and starts accelerating. I notice he is now on a road leading to the highway. Uh oh. I look to my right and see a man yelling, what am I doing?!?! I see the ground is raised by to the right of the road, I try to find a place to jump off. We pass under a small overhead bridge made of concrete. On the column to the right I see someone had made a 3D picture of the Illuminati symbol, very impressive. Street art?

      Am I becoming lucid?-illuminati.jpg

      Stop at the Machine Shop
      It's dark, could be late afternoon, the sun sets so early. I'm at the machine shop. I see many rooms in there, lots of people I don't know. A woman who works there has dreadlocks now? Even has a tab of a can in it. Weird. I see the actual dreaded hippie person who works there. She is about to go for a cigarette. I go outside, circle around the back of the shop where the cargo bay is. I see my boss there, I flag him down and tell him about the model I made for him. He is excited but I get carried away and as I follow him to his office asking for more details he is obviously annoyed. I try to tie my questions up and leave to not annoy him anymore.

      It feels like I'm back in the big house from the beginning, a fancy modern building in the night, in the kitchen, the lights are on. The kitchen is large. I stand there with my own sister and a friend of mine I know a little bit. I talk to him, I think my sister is pushing me to, asking why we don't know each other that well. He seems to feel awkward about the question. He says he has always tried to be social with me. I tell him I know him quite well to be honest, more than others.

      Updated 01-07-2016 at 06:19 PM by 80544

    2. 201215: In Outer Space

      by , 12-20-2015 at 11:33 AM (The Dream Journal)
      I'm floating in a spaceship. I'm amazed that I made it to space, I feel amazing. I remember a dream I had where I was in space before (!) and reflect that at least now it's real. I float through the craft.

      Back on Earth, I'm in a machine shop. I see people I know, I take off my space suit and the helmet. The helmet's air filter is full of gold dust. I screw it off it's like a gas mask filter. I take out the compacted dust, it's solid now and looks like the blade for a milling machine. I think of a way of processing it to make something valuable.

      I go to a bomb shelter type of area. Through a big, thick door I get to a machine or a strongbox I'm supposed to fix. A shady looking guy pushes me to the side and says he's going to take whatever is in it and I better stay quiet about it. I slowly try to walk away and I close the door behind me, leaving him trapped inside. I get the impression that I tricked him. I go back to the hall and tell the people inside about the thief. Some time has passed and I think he's been in there for a long time without any water or food. When someone finally looks into the space I'm told he is so dehydrated that holes have formed in his tongue and he is in bad shape.
    3. 081115:A Fragment of an Embarrassing Trip to the Bathroom

      by , 11-08-2015 at 10:26 AM (The Dream Journal)
      I'm in a machine shop. It's pretty large, it has an office area and large dividers with Plexiglas windows. I'm going to head off to the main hall but I have to use the bathroom. As I go to the toilet bowl I see that the divider in front of me is really low and I can see right over it but more importantly people can see me taking a whizz. I see a woman who works at the office looking at me in a strange way and I duck down try to pee in a weird crunched up ball with my back bent
    4. 101015: Nuclear war, people caring massive piles, 90's video game nostalgia.

      by , 10-10-2015 at 12:00 PM (The Dream Journal)
      A fragment: Going to my redhead friend's parent's place. It's a grey day. I get there and see a mutual friend of ours is already waiting, doing some kind of work in the bathroom. I try to go around and knock on the back door so I don't disturb his parents. Right as I start to round the building his mom and dad come out the front door. It's a bit awkward. I see my mom is now there too, all our parents are there for some reason and they start to talk to each other.

      I'm outside my old apartment, sky is grey. There is a tension in the air, as if something big and bad is about to happen. A war is on the horizon. I really hope they don't launch nukes. As I walk away, I scan the skies for missiles. I think I see an airplane, it makes me jumpy. Is there a nuke going above it? People are upset.

      I'm in a plane, it's late at night and dark outside. I'm in the cockpit. The crew is silent and grim. The captain is trying to make sense of readings from the controls, I hear weird pings, a red glow. The nuclear war has started. Being in the air means we've been spared from the worst of the explosions. Where are we going to land? What are we going to do?

      I'm in a metal shop. I've made it here with some survivors, an African-American woman with her young daughter, a bearded man and another young guy. We look up and see that the lights are still on, how long will they last? Surely the power plants are not going to last too long without workers or infrastructure, I think of how coal will not be able to be shipped at all. I look around and see some welding equipment, that will come in handy. As people get set up and huddle in a corner I try to get the MAG welder working. I pull on the trigger and line comes out and doesn't stop. I try to get the coiling line under control, have the nukes caused the machine to malfunction? The young guy comes and take the head of the welding gun and gets it under control.

      I turn my head to the left and look outside the wide open sliding door of the shop. I see a bunch of grim, old, butch looking men there, all in their 40's with leather cuts. At first I'm glad more survivors have made their way here but as they enter I feel apprehensive. A guy that looks like Detective Munch from Law&Order comes in, he's also wearing a leather cut. I have this sense that he was a part of our group but left for the new one. They are a weird slaver cult of some kind and the only people who are afforded any rights are the men who earned a vest.

      Munch has just gotten his and the power has gone to his head. He wants us to submit and offer the shop to the gang. I angrily yell that we are never going to hand it over to slavers. I go on a long rant about how he could possibly be part of a group like that? What if his children are not up to it to get a vest? How can he want to be a part of such an unequal society? He then proudly claims that men with vests are given all the best virgins and that they bear the best children, ones up for the cut, the vest. I berate him, saying that such a group is absolutely awful. He turns and leaves with the rest of the group.

      I turn to the woman and her child. They are relieved that the men have left. There is an old woman with them, she too is relieved however I turn and tell her that they are going to come back and kill all of us and take the women as brides. Our time has come. A relief that comes with giving up washes over me.

      I am with my best friend, we go to a large store near our childhood neighborhood. The sky is a purplish grey of setting sun. We enter and see another short friend of ours. We wave and say hi. He's in line for ice cream.

      By the fruit section I see a gypsy man carrying an outlandishly large pile of bags on his head. There is even another guy clinging onto the pile, what strength. Next to me one gypsy man is about to lift up a massive pile onto his head. My arm suddenly shoots up and enters his armpit. Why did my arm do that? I feel a bit embarrassed as I walk off.

      I see an envelope on an empty fruit stand. It is full of large bills, there must be thousands of euros in it. I'm tempted to take it but as I reach out for it I pull my hand back, it is surely someones money. My sister is next to me and get the attention of a man on the other side of the stand and tells him that the envelope is behind him. He tales it, relieved but looking at me suspiciously.

      We get to the frozen section and my sister is about to get some frozen vegetables to fry up. I get the wok warmed up by the end of the aisle, I put oil in and it starts to fizzle right away. I didn't even have the time to chop up any garlic. What am I going to do with all this hot oil? I take out a bag of french fries and put them in. They start to cook beautifully. I take one out and it is almost perfect, a little cold. I walk away to my right, deeper into the dark store.

      I'm in my old room from childhood, grey daylight shines from the windows. There is the old computer I had as a kid. What a rush of nostalgia. I'm with some childhood friends, they ask me to boot up a game. I put on a really old game from back in the day, one of those 8-bit classics. I then remember a really cool game and put on Grim Fandango and start to play the beginning, a dark alley. I turn and mention if anyone remembers Riven and I go on to say how much I loved Myst. I find the CD's to my right and hand them to my friends behind me. I quit the game and my friend cries out that he wants to know how Grim Fandango ends. I then continue to play the game,

      I sink into the game and it's like a Simpsons version of GTA, shot from above. It's a the center of Springfield at night. Bart is on a rampage, stealing a car and driving over everything. He is then stopped by a cop but then as the cop gets out of his car and tries to apprehend him, Bart takes the cop car and keep on going. Bart is a lot more hardcore these days. He drives into Moe's tavern. It is now closed and abandoned, there is nothing inside but Lenny sitting alone.
    5. 081015: On the water on a grey day, being aggressive, becoming an instructor

      by , 10-08-2015 at 07:43 PM (The Dream Journal)
      I'm on the water of a lake on a grey day. I think I''m floating on something like a log. I float away from the rocky shore, there is a bit of a sheer cliff by it, trees on either side. My grandfather and sister are there. I try to make my way back. My grandfather tries to pull me in but suddenly I zoom in the opposite direction at great speed. I fall into the water and I immediately fish for my cellphone from my jeans pocket, it can't get wet. To my surprise it's still working. I try to swim to the opposite shore where my grandfather and sister are.

      In an industrial warehouse kind of place at night. The windows are all black. There are bright, yellowish lights coming from the ceiling. I see two young kids I know, they are being very annoying and aggressive, walking all over me and not listening to me. I have to stand up for myself. I begin to fight with them, we struggle as we fight. They run off and hide to catch their breath. I'm with another person I can't remember who is helping me fend them off. I feel bad for being so aggressive, can't these kinds of things be resolved peacefully? They come at me again and I have to fight them.

      I'm at the metal shop, I'm talking to a guy who's asking me if I want to be an instructor here. I say I could, but I only Inventor (a CAD program) and still need practice with SolidWorks (another CAD program). He says that's ok, or just bypasses my comment, and we go deeper into the shop.
    6. 041015: New X-files episodes, running in slush, getting caught snooping.

      by , 10-04-2015 at 08:07 AM (The Dream Journal)
      A fragment: In some kind of large living room, grey daylight streaming in from windows to the left Talking about a menstruation article I read yesterday (IRL), I find the science very interesting and go into it in length. People look at me a bit dazed, I feel self-conscious. Is this a weird thing to talk about? I see my sister and her old friend. Is her friend floating about?

      I'm watching an episode of the new X-files. I see mixed shots of Mulder and Scully, they look noticeably older now. It cuts to a scene where an older Scully is sitting at the desk in the X-files office talking to a naval officer that looks like a younger version of herself to her left. It's as if she is giving her advice about how to investigate cases. The older Scully shows a odd, jellyfish-shaped type of foam thing behind her. It pulses softly like the way a jellyfish moves upward in the water. It is made of a white, porous cloth with small streaks of light green and red on it. She say if she gets stressed out she uses this machine to calm down.

      After a few vague blurry scenes, I suddenly get up from the TV, I'm in my family's old apartment. It's dark outside, a lamp glares brightly in a corner. I get up and start running. It's winter, the sun is right about to set, orange in the sky. The streets are covered in slush and snow as I run barefoot. I look down as I run, why isn't it cold? I then start thinking why I'm running in the first place, I'm going to miss the X-files episode! I turn back and run on a forested path. It's dark and gloomy there. It's like the sun has set.

      I pass a middle-aged guy on the narrow path, snow on either side, the path goes up and down along the terrain. I see that to the right the forest begins to thin out and there are buildings there, it reminds me of where my grandparents used to live. I see a large barn like structure with floodlights around it, there is some kind of tape around it to prevent people passing through it, I'm too curious and have to find out what's happening there. I sneak up by a ledge that runs to the left of the barn-like structure. I crawl trying to hide. Looking down I see some foreign construction workers talking. This place has a paranormal vibe, like something I'm not supposed to know is happening. I see two guys turn and walk up a path that goes up to the ledge I'm on, but they turn and walk away from the direction I'm in. I try to stay completely flat and still, maybe they won't turn around, my face is in the cold snow. As they are about to walk away the lights get brighter and one of them turns around and looks right at me. I stay completely still, petrified, perhaps he'll just turn and leave.

      He yells out what I'm doing here. The gig is up. I get up and go down the ramp to the construction area. They scold me, bot severely, just telling me I'm not supposed to be there. A teacher of mine comes up and tells me to follow him, I'm meant to be at the other side of the site. My teacher tells the construction crew that I'm from the other side of the site and tells them I can weld and machine. I nod in agreement, I tell them I can actually help them here, I need to know what's happening here. I begin doing chin-ups on a set of bunk beds. It's surprisingly easy. The rattling it causes gets the top bunk of the three to get slightly out of place. I push it back into place with two other people.

      In an industrial hall, grey daylight from the windows, I see the nice, old machining teacher sitting and talking to a student. The students are messing around after he leaves the table, it's aggravating.
    7. 300915: Abandoned classroom, an evil raygun, Chinese vendors.

      by , 09-30-2015 at 02:56 PM (The Dream Journal)
      I enter a large classroom in what seems like some kind of industrial hall. I enter from a small window to the right. The sun is bright and sunny, afternoon, perhaps morning? I look at the blackboard and the high ceiling, this is an impressive space, why has it been abandoned? I pull out my camera to take a picture, a great urban exploration pic. As I take the picture I hear someone coming, a janitor. I try to move fast to get out of there but I feel slow, like I'm moving through molasses. The janitor notices me and yells at me to get out. I shamefully comply.

      I walk through a hall, it has many floors, there are lathes and milling machines about. I see students walk by, I try to make my way silently as to not disturb anyone.

      Entering another hall I see a teacher of mine showing a machine to his class. It looks wooden and old. It is a ray gun for a space fighter. It runs on steam and evil energy from the pilot. When the pilot has evil thoughts it mixes with the steam to shoot of dark tentacles of bad energy. It's as if I see an 8-bit energy gauge with a pilot's picture to the right of it.

      The teacher gets in an argument with a student and as he's distracted pressure from the steam gathers inside the machine, it's going critical. I want to alert the teacher to this but the argument is getting pretty intense. I can't get a word in. I try to slowly walk away and position myself in a way that would minimize my exposure to an explosion, trying to get behind a corner. My teacher sees a Facebook update where another teacher tells him to lower the pressure already before there is an accident. Despite this, he continues to ignore the problem.

      I see my mom in the cafeteria, she is there for a union meeting. The room in a bit dark and shadowy. In a display case by the lunch line I see pieces of carrot cake, like ones I've seen in childhood. If only I had money to buy one.

      It's night time, I'm in a suburban center. Inside the shopping mall there are Chinese vendors selling things in small charts. I look at their wares. I see a middle-aged woman ask what's inside one of the large bags in one of the stalls. It is a pink bag of pecan marshmallows. I tell her they are good and she decides to buy them.

      Outside I somehow get onto a low-lying roof with my bike. I look at the walls and the poorly executed tags to my left, I look for a place to put mine. With no good place and too much exposure, I hop down with my bike.