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    1. Success with different ways of Teleportation; memorable Lucids; TOTM; Rhino & Unicorn and more

      by , 11-13-2015 at 05:40 PM
      Bettime: 23:15 no meditation, visualisation

      missed first awakening because fall asleep before tagging and had a dream where i wrote down some notes about interesting thoughts/some energy i felt?

      woke up at 4 am. i had a dream, tried to remember a fragment and lost the dream. i squeezed my brain and got in the end 4 short fragments. the squeezing made me pretty awake.
      i´ve tried to wild on my back but noticed after some minutes that i am to awake. got negative thoughts cycling in my head like i hadn't it for nearly a year before i start with meditation. was awake for about 2h...
      at 5:36 my roomates fu**in alarm clock ringed every three or four minutes for half an hour... so i stood up go to the toilet and sit down on my meditation cushion and tried to calm my mind. after about 15-20min i got back to bed again and noticed that i now had more control over my toughts again and could block the negativity. i noticed how i drifted into dreamy toughts and repeated my mantra. (fall asleep aprox. 6:20)

      7:30 LD:

      some NLD stuff with transition from a room into a bus into a room again with a baby turning into my brother and crazy stuff like that. back in front of the building where my brother and i was inside. a house party is going on. some windows are open and i see young adults that seem pretty drunk and on drugs kissing and yelling. i enter the building and on the entrance there are two bowels of food. i recognize that one of them is mine and i put it there previously. i pick it up and see a lot of fruitflies and similar stuff. i´m wondering a bit and wave them away with my hands. the food consists of pretty big balls with food that is nonexistent in real life or maybe can be found in asia somewhere O.o (i´ve had an NLD where i eat similar stuff) my awareness rises and i remember that this is a dream. i eat up the last spoon and move up the stairs. its pretty dark and while moving im doing a RC and think about the dream. i open a door and wonder that my subconscious rendered this room i was before although i was in my thoughts and looking down. the party is over and on my left site i see a dude lying on a couch sleeping. i keep going and there is another door. i wish to myself to find at least an attractive redhead somewhere behind. i go thru the door and turn right in the direction of the room i saw from outside with the open windows. i see a lot of sleeping people. a dude builds up in front of me and is trying to tell me that its private here. we somehow start a little talk and he tells me that he watched up the whole time for the others. he smiles and looks proud of himself. i walk some more and look around but find nothing interesting. i turn around and walk back. on my way an average looking redhead girl crosses my way. i turn around stop her and kiss her directly. i´ve ask her if she might tell me a joke. "hmm nah dont know one...". my hair is in my face and bothering me. i put it away and fall into the void. i know i am still dreaming because some music is playing so i am singing with it and move my hips like i would do naughty things or lets say dance. i wait some time and suddenly are in my bed. a really really beautiful girl with relatively short reddish purple hair is sitting on my and wants to kiss me. while she approaches me i do a nosepinch just to be sure. she kisses me and i tell her something like "unfortunately this is just a dream" she looks sad for a moment like i would have degraded her. i smile to her and we talk a little. i ask her if she wants us to undress our underclothes. i start with my boxers and she with her top. while we undress i ask her if she might tell me a joke. she answers straight forward: "hmm all jokes i have are incubated" i look at her and am surprised. she lay down on me but a sleeping bag is between us. i put it away and we lie now skin on skin and i wake up.

      she made me think. she was really really beautiful in a very natural way and seem to be more intelligent/independent than all the previous DC. she was sad when i mention that she is "just a DC" and irritated me with her answer for my joke question. i would love to see her again. maybe i can summon her again but dont see her face clearly anymore... but maybe it can work nevertheless! i wouldnt say this is my dreamguide or anything but it was an extraordinary encounter!

      take some notes and fall asleep again

      8:35 LD:
      i wake up in my bed and instantly know this is a dream. i am in a dull room with white walls and nothing inside. i stand up and hear my roommates alarm go on again i start singing something to not hear the alarm so i dont wake up (the alarm must have been in my dream because at this time my roommate wasnt here anymore i think) i think about what to do and remember that i want to practice teleportation. i dont want to try blink eye teleportation and think about lay back in bad and fall asleep. i sit in my bed but i remember ~Dreamer~ way of teleporation. i stand up again go to the wall and point my finger on the wall and think "Red" so i can paint. i paint a oval portal that is not red but more a faint line. i try to push it some times and it the wall give away. i push so hard that i just fall right into the hole and find myself in the void. i use it to incubate where i want to go because i forgot to do it before. i think and repeat "meadow with a tree" and suddenly after some moments i´m standing on a way and infront of me is a field. a little further are some trees and a railway lines. i am alone. not what i aimed for exactly but close enough i think and start flying near the ground over the field. i see some flowers that have deep blue stems and leaves and bright red blooms. i pick one while flying, land and try to smell it but it has no odor. i look on the ground and notice that the soil is pretty dry and there are alot of ankle high plants with short little spikes. hm no barefeet walking i think to myself and start flying again in the direction of the railway lines. i land there and look around. i see some mushrooms and some plants that remindes me of a yellow narcissus flower. i see a feet big snail. with a second look i see that it is made of earthenware. i look around and see an old truck and a little further a rhino i fly over to the truck to get a better sight on the rhino. i land there and look at him. he is lying down. i think about fly a little closer but in this moment it notice me and runs in my direction. its an big adult rhino. he stops infront of the truck and scrape with the hooves. i remember the tasks of the month again and see that it wont tell me a joke but i might communicate with it via telepathy. i climb a little bit down so i get closer and hold my hand on my temple and think "let us be friends". i repeat it over and over. i decide to climb down a little further but the rhino starts running again furious in my direction i go up a little so he cant hit me. he runs past me and i think telepathically "HEY!" and he stops and turns and look at me. i again repeat let us be friends and he runs back where he was standing before. i repeat the sentence some times more and decide to climb down "what the hell should happen. this is a dream he cant really hurt me" i climb down on the ground and he starts running in my direction again. i kneel down and open my arms. he turns into a small (baby?) rhino who jumps into my arms and starts licking my face like a dog would do.
      i wake up and feel really happy.

      i think about standing up but still feel tired and fall asleep again after some notes

      10:15 LD:
      I have a FA in my bed. this time my room looks more realistic and i am a little confused although i am pretty sure i am dreaming. i stand up and look around and see for example my couch missing. i still do a nosepinch and remember that i could teleport again. i search a wall with some space and draw a small portal like before. i push again and the cycle falls insight the wall i feel a pulling force again but can resist to fall insight. i sit infront of the hole/portal and climb insight. i feel like falling and this time i dont see black but greyish like when you pick the wrong tv channel. it changes a bit and gets more sharp like a loading screen and suddenly i hear a sound and enter a game? everything looks a little pixelated. it is a futuristic theme and i think i see some startrek guys. i am a bit confused and move around. i enter a bath and look into the mirror. i look like a pixelated game figure but my appearance is changing. now i look pretty normal but have black curled hair with some dreads. in those dreads is some metal ring that looks nice. i pick the ring and put it in my pocket for later. i smile because i know i cant bring it back to waking. i move some feet away but then thinking about that i could teleport right again this time with a mirror. i go back but now the mirror is just a small vertical stripe. i tap against it and after some times it gets fluid. i put in my arm till my shoulder but then it doesnt go any further because the mirror is to small. i back off and while heading to the next room i yell "Commander i need a bigger Mirror!" i enter the next room and see "Data and Riker" (i dont watch Startrek so dont know what rank they have or anything; i talked to a friend one or two days ago about Startrek because there is an episode about lucid dreaming he told me). Riker starts going away to get me a bigger mirror while data is just standing around. i see an mirror on a shelf and take it. it is a little dusty and i put it on the ground thinking this might be big enough. i strife of some of the dust and tip on it again. it starts to be fluid again and i stand on the mirror sinking in. i leave with a Ciao! while Data is just looking at me with no motion. i fall again into the void and imagine my "meadow and tree" i appear on a forest path and see a farm infront of me. some feet away is a guy working. hm i think people... i move in the direction of the big building and see some horses. i look closer and notice that they are no horses but unicorns. one has cut of wings. i pet him a little and keep going. i see an orangutan crossing my way and again i put my hand to my temple and say telepathically "hey come to me" he looks shortly at me but keeps running. i look determining and he stops and approaches me. i sit on the ground and he jumps into my lap and i pet him. we communicate a little (cant tell if with words or telepathically) he tells me something i dont remember and i tell him he smells good (i actually cant remember a smell) he says thanks but the thing he put in his fur is itching or something. i stand up and keep going to a table where two or three men are sitting. i talk to one of them a little and then ask him if he might tell me a joke. "nah i dont know/remember any jokes......... no good atleast" i say "nevermind tell me one" the second guy intermeddle with some stupid stuff i dont remember. next to him is a box or a travel case with some small items and stuff. i try to get something with telekinesis but it only moves a little and dont levitate to me. he tells me that i am not allowed to take something from there. i get a little angry and decide to Kamehameha the table away. i connect my hands and notice i have something in them. a bag and something different in the other hand. i put both into my pockets and start over again. i do the motion and the words but nothing happens :/ i move some feet away from them and try again and i feel shortly some energy between my hands but nothing to see and nothing happens again. one of the guys stands up and approach me like nothing happens. i am in a room now and another guy stands next to me. he has three eyes like the dude from dragon ball. i ask him if he might show me how this works and he says yes but not now its not the time. i say: now please? have no time! but he just walks away... never mind i think and see some big coins. i take one and start to levitate it in my hand. the guy from the table stands next to me and is watching. i do some tricks and try to hold it in the air without movement. i have some problems but change my mindset to i want it to freeze in the air. the coin stops moving around and just spins a little but this stops to and the coin stands motionless in the air. the guy is cheers and i explain to him that the trick is to think that it freezes in the air. i want to morph the coin into another but then i wake up because of our postman...
    2. Epic long LD with DEILDS+rescues and first Portal made and walked trough and morphing in front of me

      by , 09-28-2015 at 08:54 PM
      wow what a night. i think my longest LD so far. awesome new dreamcontrol level.

      wake up after 4h and WBTB after about 50-60min (not intended but needed so long to write my dreams down + toilet) i used SSILD again. it works like a sharm and i really like the technique how it feels and how it helps me to fall asleep again even if i felt a little bit to awake and pumped. if i would say up my mantras MILD style or try a wild i wouldnt have fall asleep that good i think.

      dont remember the nonlucid dream before the Lucid because it was too long
      I get lucid and am in a building. phase thru the wall fall outside on the street. do a long noseplug with deep breathing (thank you ~Dreamer~).
      First task is to summon a Angel. i picture one behind me. dont work. i imagine there is a point in the sky that gets bigger and will be an angel. i see the point but no angel. i keep going. try to summon Nightfeather dont work neither but other people appear that now stand around me. nevermind second goal: making a portal with a portalgun. i expect one to be in my backpack and even describe a woman what i want to get out of my backpack and how it looks like (i am for a portalgun rick and morty style). i take of my backpack and look insight but nothing more insight than some tape... so a old woman passes us. i stop her and say to her that i think my portal gun is in her bag. she wants to look insight but somehow she gets pissed and dont want me to look in it. she tries to walk away but i raise her with TK and turn her around. she pisses around so i think fuck that, next goal: look into a mirror and talk to yourself. i go into a floor with some shops that are all closed. i expect a mirror to be behind me, turn around and yes there is one but way to small. i look at it and start to wipe with my hands to make it bigger. it starts morphing but a litte clumsy the frame gets bigger but totally crooked and not how i like it. i stop because i dont see that this will get better and bigger like i would like it. a guy passes me and i turn to him and ask him if the mirror behind be now got bigger. he negates it and i ask him if he knows where i find a bigger one. i follow him and find a mirror behind a shop window. i phase thru and take the mirror wit TK to me. i now am searching for a good place where i can put the mirror so i can see myself as a whole but just cant find a good place (damn dreamlogic^^)
      i notice the dream fading and start rubbing a pillar. it feels rough wet and sandy. i swap somehow and am in a dark wet dungeon or something?
      memory gap

      DEILD i think a short NLD part

      i cross a street. a car is driving fast. i try to stop it with TK it dont work but he stops anyway because he dont want to drive over me. because i move so slow he starts driving again and i earn a angry look. i remember that i want to make a portal. so i search a wall that is straight and have some space for a portal. but i just cant find a suitable place. i want to do it on a white car i see but when i approach it i see its a normal car and have a lobsided back. so what do? ah just do it on the ground i think. i move with my hands and i even hear a sound (something like the TP sound in Diablo i think) but there is no portal but some red glowing symbols on the ground. unfortunately under the white car... so i use TK again to lift the car and put it away so i can see the whole symbols on the ground. i got some audience now that watches what i do. i try again and the location of the symbols changes. now i try to "open up" with a gesture the circle. after some time a little hole originates and i see a bright light. i feel really happy and now i just rip the hole bigger with a guesture. this part fees way more simpler. i jump in and i feel and see crazy shit like a little bit in stargate but the wormhole is not blueish but it looks like distorted and twisted surroundings. i get spit out out and i think i landed at the same place or maybe not far away. memory gap/maybe short NLD

      i am getting out of a building (in the same street i know) and i investigate something with somebody? a car wants to flee or drive away i stop and lift it again with TK. memory gap

      i am in a hut and phase through the wall outside. i want to have some sexytime now and move to another hut and expect there to be a nice woman. and there i find a black goodlooking woman. i move to her and open up my pants and sit right next to her. she is a little bit complain that i cant do that and we are in public but i just kiss her. she starts to like it and i knead her naked nippels. it feels realistic and good. we think about to go somewhere else. short memory gap

      i move down the same street and see some more huts. infront of some of them there are some dead animals like rabbits and pheasants hanging around to dry or to smoke. [Played Skyrim yesterday ] i wonder a bit but keep on moving. a friend of mine is calling and asks me where i am. i dont know exactly and she tells me to take the bus home. i think about it and tell her " while saying that i try to phase through a wall what is not working. "but if this is a dream it shouldnt matter where i go because i would wake up anyway. on the other hand i could do that because i am not lucid anymore anyway..." i see the bus she wants me to take. in the background i see a huge amusement park. i tell her "damn if i would new that this is here i would have been there a long time" i look at my hand shortly. she tells me to take the bus again. now he is near me. i look on my hand again and count mindful my fingers and count seven. i am lucid again and tell her "yea i take the bus" replace the phone. I breath again a long time through my plugged nose to ground myself again and fly over there and in a pretty height. i see a big rollercoaster that i want to ride. i fly straight downwards and i feel again a very strong gut feeling so need to stop the nosedive i do this like two or three times until i am at the ground. i look around and see that its night, there are no visitors and everything is turned of. damn i think and want to make it day. i turn around and look at the horizon and imagine it to get there a little bit lighter and it happens. i see a little bit of the sun and from there on it is easy again i rip the sun up in the air in that of a speed that some stars wasnt fast enough and are still up there. never mind i think they dont bother me at least it is bright now. i look down again and its snowing now. i think about to change the weather too but ahh who cares its not cold and the machines should work anyway. i start flying and searching for the entrance to the rollercoaster. i fly by some attractions but nothing that interest me. i look up to see the rollercoaster and find it. i fly low near the ground and fly right trough a car and a tube up where i think is the entrance. i see the seats and pick one. there are the safetystraps and i try to find out the mechanism. i fly next to it and put the straps down. damn now i dont sit inside... i let it pass me. the next seat is taken by some DC i want to take the one after him. i fly there but somehow tumble a bit and do some swimming moves to come near the seats that are moving in the air the whole time. i sit in and know now that the safetystraps go down by themselves when its time to. i look to the front on the passanger before me and i see how he gets nearly shaken of his seat as a little teaser before the ride. i am happy like a little child and singing "i am still lucid and that for some long time now yuppyduppydoo..." i get accelerated fast in my seat and take a turn. memory gap

      dont know if the following part was after the rest or in between. forgot to write it down and just remembered:

      i am outside at a parking lot. i want to try another portal with the intention to teleport home. i start some gestures and the symbols apear at the ground again. there are two old women standing next to me looking what i do. with some effort a little portal apears again and i stretch it with a guesture. one grandmother tells the other to go away not that she falls insight. i intent to land at home and jump in. (i think i didnt set or visualise the intent enough it was more like a home?! jump) i land in the void, everything black, no effects like before. i hear some voices (of the grannies?) and i say something. and wake up five minutes before my alarm clock.

      i´ve fallen more than one time into the void but just didnt care waited for some seconds in the dark, didnt move and a new dream formed. this was awesome because normally i would just wake up, move and thats it. once i even thought: "oh dark... damn just wait....nothing happens damn its over...oh wait picture aaaaand there you are dream"
      --> therefor i used for the first time while going first to bed "i wont move after waking up" because i just yesterday read a thread about DEILD, so nice it worked that fast
      i think i was like for an hour lucid with some lost fragments and some short NLD moments but overall gained lucidity over and over again and had a lot of fun! i had a super mood this day because of this awesome night!

      Updated 09-28-2015 at 09:48 PM by 87116

      memorable , lucid , non-lucid
    3. Totm´s Ride a dino, Black hole, new level of dreamcontrol, some caveman action

      by , 08-17-2015 at 10:47 AM
      got to bed at 10 pm

      i sit with someone in a car and we are on a bridge. Someone from down is provoking me with some rubbish talking. i jump out of the car into the water under the bridge. the water is deep and i swim and swim up again to the surface. i start slowly to breath under water.
      i realize that i am dreaming and doing a nosepinch (not only i can breath underwater, i can even breath with my nose shut under water xD)i leave the water and there is a kiosk under the bridge. the guy i there and first thing first i let him eat a booger freshly out of my nose... kind of disgusting i think but he deserved it. i let him buy me some club mate (limonade) and keep going.
      i am in supermarket with a firend of mine. i want to summon a known person. i think about a acquaintance that is right behind me. i turn around and look around and find some feet away at a table the person sitting with her back to me (lets call her P). i shout her name and she turns around. i am happy that it worked.
      we keep going and i am in a litte room now. the friend of mine is still with me. i want to try something new again and i ask a random guy to bring me something. i cant think of anything usefull so i ask him to go to P and ask her what time it is. he goes away and i see a clock on the wall. he come back after some time. he need a second to "remember". my friend wants to say something like "hey but there is a clock" but i raise my hand to stop her. the guy says: "P said it is 30 min after 3 o´clock. " i say: "You mean half past 3?" "Yes he answers" i smile because the clock is saying it is 4:50 [after i woke up i looked at the clock and it was 3:34...coincidence?] he wants to have something for his effort and i dont want to give him anything. he gets a little bit sad and i tell him he can have one of my club mate i get.
      we keep going again.
      my friend and i are now outside at a fireplace. i am really happy how well my LD is going on and i am really self-confident. i tell her it would be soooo good if she would remember the dream too not just me. i think about what to do next and the TOTM´s come in my head. i can remember riding a dino and go fishing but i alrdy have basic wings so i decide to ride some dinos. i think about how i could manage this and just try like i did with P. i expect in front of me some dinos. on the first try it dont work. i decide to turn my back and think about dinos that are behind me i just have a vague imagination of a dino and that i want to sit on it. i turn back again but instead of dinos there are three horses which are mostly black or dark brown. my friend is laughing and we aproach them. i turn again and this time i think more specific about some little t-rexes and as i turn they turned into hip high little t-rexes but they act still shy like horses or dogs. i whistle and one of them is coming to me. i climb on him and we start to ride. he is uncomfortable because his hip bones push into my ass. as i think about it that they are more like little dogs i am riding on he morphs into a dog. nonetheless i still riding him and we jump over a fence. someone wants something from me but i just ignore him and ride here and there. i think we enter then a rail station?!
      i am infront of a railstation and think about what to do next. the friend of mine is still there. i think about the black hole task and remember that some of you dont needed to fly into space but just summon a black hole somewhere. again i think about that somewhere behind me is a black hole and i then turn around and keep running because i know that it is just around the corner of the station. i keep running and i see the black hole. it is 1.5 to 2 meters big and is more like a portal transparent and in the middle black and dark. i jump in and while jumping asking myself where i will land?
      i jump through it, roll of and i am still there. in the first moment i think "him this was more boring than expected but then time slowed down and everything got a hint of blue or yellow. the effect didnt last long and everything got normal again. i think what tasks i have and i remember that i want to find my mentor in my dreams. i go to a guy sitting on a bench and ask him if he knows where my mentor is. but even before he answers i know that he is just a stupid dumb guy from whom i wont get any answers. he just answers "no" and shakes his head... too bad...
      i then decided that i´ve done enough and can enjoy myself a little bit like fryingman is doing like alot xD
      Spoiler for Cavemanmode:
      i think about what to do next and imagine a global map. i see it and think about where to go. a loading screen starts and i am waiting.... after some seconds i decide to wake up to remember the dream because it was pretty long.

      i think i never had a so long LD. i could complete more than one task i wanted and didnt fell once into the void. it was an awsome feeling to have the time to try so many different things and just to get whatever i wanted. sure i dont know why i summon P and not someone else like a friend or somehing because in RL i just know her and have nothing to do with her. and sure i could have asked the guy to bring me something more interesting but everything just worked and even if i needed a second try it didnt set me up and it was nice to be so direct and dont have to say please to get what i wanted.
      this really lifted me up on a new level of LD experience!!!

      some dreamfragments later that night:
      -i am in a big flat. i am searching a toilet and find one in the kitchen behind a fridge standing in the middle of the room. the "toilett" is a round little thing where you normaly could wash your feet or something. i start pissing but gets disturbed by someone coming. i talk to the person but search on a different place for a toilett i run some stairs down and find a proper bathroom but my chef is coming down too and i offer him the toilett and i want to take the urinal. but somewhat we talk that much that i dont do my business.
      i am in some sort of restaurant or something and i am searching for some hiden door or exit or something. i have an envelop in my hand. i get lucid and do a short nosepinch. i deside to rub my hands to stabilze but because of the envelope in dont work like i would like to and the dream gets unstable and i get black vision. i dont fight it and wake up/transition in NLD.
      -i´m standing at a terrace at a wooden cabin. a friend of mine stands next to me and asks me when i kiss a girl in a dream if it is real or just imagination. i tell him it is real and you can really feel it and not just imagine it. and kissing is the innocent staff you can fell reffering to my spoiler
      -i lying across on my bed and i am awake and cant sleep. someone comes in to wake me up but i am alrdy awake. he says my pupils are dilated an he knows what that mean (i think i took some LSD)
