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    1. Sunday, July 4

      by , 08-12-2021 at 06:22 AM
      I think I am in the UK. I’m in a slightly forested area with two long ponds. I think they’re separated by a slight incline. Their contours seem to give the impression that they are larger. There is shade and dappled sunlight on them and on the many kayakers. There’s a languid feeling and it’s a really beautiful scene. I contemplate swimming. I know I’m also with Granny, but I don’t know where she is right now. I think that she doesn’t know where I’ve gone either, so I go to find her before we get too separated. I walk past the public restroom, and the door to the Women’s is open. I glance in, but don’t see her. I think there is something about her dying or me only having so much time to find her before she does.

      I’m with Melissa, I think at her house. Alex has called an Uber, and two cars show up. Each driver is a middle aged man, one white and one Hispanic (*As I write this, I remember how I questioned Melissa capitalizing Hispanic and not white, just like I’ve done here). I think they start talking while Melissa and I get into one of the cars. She starts driving it and I tell her this isn’t how Ubers work, but she continues.

      I’m with Melissa in a store. It seems pretty busy. Melissa cuts in front of a Black lady from the side of the line to check out. I think she hands the cashier a receipt, maybe to justify her cutting. The Black lady looks at me and I give an unsure expression. I don’t really like Melissa doing this.
      Tags: granny, pond, store, water
    2. Sunday, September 1

      by , 09-23-2019 at 09:18 PM
      I am at work (though it doesn’t really look like it - it does look like a retail store, but not necessarily JCPenney). It feels like I am upstairs, and I am with two unfamiliar others, one guy and one girl. We are sitting and playing a board game. The board is larger and sitting atop something. I think there are a few pieces, one being a longer, black piece of food (like a brownie?) Apparently when it is your turn you tell another player what to do and they are supposed to do it. I say this because the guy has told me to go count all the hangers in the store, and I am going to do it. I think it’s going to be hard to impossible but that’s just how the game works. I start on it, in what looks like the hallway to our employee entrance. I am counting and thinking of a strategy to not miss any when I see Mairin putting out some new clothes. They are men’s long sleeve button ups, in blues with subtle patterns, and I kind of like them. She is telling me and one other something as she fills an empty rack with a handful of the shirts. Now, a black man comes in and asks a simple question. I answer it, and he is super excited and impressed with me. On his way out, he gives me a pretty long hug. I had went for a handshake, but adjusted to a hug. He tells me thanks again, etc. I call him brother, and then hope he doesn’t take it the wrong way - it seems like he doesn’t. He asks if I like some orange beer? I’m not sure at first but then he specifies and I realize what he’s talking about and say “oh yeah.” He leaves and comes back in with a bottle of one and a glass. He gives them both to me, and I notice the glass has a little bit of what looks like peanut butter inside of it. I think that it’s gross and it’s probably just been sitting in his car or something, but that it’s a very kind gesture.

      I am in some kind of cabin. There is a counter to order food and large paper menus hanging above it. I have to get kind of close to the counter to read the menu, and the younger looking employees are all looking to me as if I’m ready to order. To signal that I’m not quite ready, I start looking at the bookshelf below the counter. I notice a few stacks of books, one stack being maroon and antiquated looking books. I notice that every other ‘book’ isn’t really shaped like a book, but more like a box for a nice pen or something that shape. It looks like they’re in a series or all go together. I notice a girl off to the left poke a note out from behind something sort of secretly. I assume the note will be something about me ordering food. I go over and she hands me a different note, a full size paper. I glance at it, having no idea what it could be about. I think it could be about me or that it could be some kind of petition. I just fold it and hold onto it to look at it later.

      I am at a small (rock?) beach at what looks like a large, clear pond. Emmy’s mom? sits next to me, and I notice Emmy swimming. I want to show her a picture of Makayla because they look so similar. As I talk to her, I am forgetting Emmy’s name, but remember it right before I have to use it.