• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Dreams, notes, and other experiments to assist in achieving high-quality lucid dreams on a regular basis.

    Reality Check (RC): Action used to evaluate if one is dreaming. Common methods include plugging the nose and testing whether it can be breathed through, as well as inspecting one's hands for irregularities compared to waking reality.

    Memory Lapse (...): Where memory ends for a given stream of consciousness. For example, going to sleep in a dream and waking up in the dream later with no recollection of the sleep.

    Dream Initiated Lucid Dream (DILD): Lucid dreaming type that originates from the dreamer regaining awareness from within a dream.

    Wake Initiated Lucid Dream (WILD): Lucid dreaming type that originates from the dreamer maintaining awareness from waking near-directly into a dream.

    Wake Back To Bed (WBTB): Sleep cycle interruption technique used to achieve lucid dreams.

    Blue: Denotes regular non-lucid dream recall.

    Purple: Denotes lucid dream recall (formerly Orange).

    1. Night of Tuesday 1/9/24 (Winter Comp Night 4)

      by , 01-10-2024 at 04:18 PM (Dreamlog)
      Coffee Splash:

      I'm in a long square-like room, sort of like a trailer.
      My Grandpa R has just died, and his casket is on display.
      I keep thinking that the body is going to stand up.
      Highly emotional feelings. My Dad is there with me.
      We're tasked to set the casket aflame in some ritual and we are hesitating to do it.
      Later in this process the casket goes down a serpentine system of pipes into fluid.
      Later I am in a huge banquet hall-like building, with a theater attached.
      I'm walking over to a concessions stand. I find a couple of fruits with barcode stickers and try to scan them.
      A woman nearby says that this cannot be bought, even though the scan goes through.
      I've come home to my current garage. There is a small circular folding table setup.
      My laptop is setup there, and my brother has an identical one setup for him next to it.
      My sister is with us as well.
      I'm having an argument with my brother. He thinks I'm being too easy-going, and not allowing our sister to mourn.
      This makes me angry, because I want to deal with grief my own way.
      I notice a cold mug of coffee on the table, and I splash it in his face.
      Trying to remove myself from the situation, I start to pick-up and leave.
      My brother grabs my laptop's power cord, preventing me from going.
      I wake up angry.

      Shooting for the Girl:

      I'm on a roadtrip with my girlfriend, her mom, and a young guy.
      The guy is a friend of my girlfriend's mom, and I suspect that she is positioning him as my replacement.
      I'm checking out at the counter, buying some snacks. I pay for the guy's food, trying to be cordial.
      He seems to appreciate it, not outwardly trying to steal my girlfriend. He is friendly.
      We leave and head outside. We are driving a large semi-truck.
      A middle-eastern looking man follows us outside and seems angry.
      He points out that I'm carrying wrappers, and going to make a mess in the car.
      I notice a dumpster nearby and try to basketball-shoot the crumpled wrappers into it.
      My shot is miserable. Embarrassed, I pick-up the clump and place it in the dumpster.
      I'm worried that bad shot just affected my chances against the guy.

      Game Night:

      I'm playing a Yu-Gi-Oh inspired card game with my girlfriend.
      Taking just a couple turns, I've already cleared her side of cards and attacking her life points.
      The values on the cards are in the single digits.
      Later I'm playing a mid-generation Pokemon game.
      Looks like it might have been DS or 3DS era, with animated 2D sprites.
      I'm controlling a Magneton, except it is made from four Magnemites instead of the usual three.
      I use an attack called Tetraelectro Blast or something similar.
      The animation has four distinct stages with accompanying sound.
      Basically, it looks accurate to the games.
      I'm in a Yu-Gi-Oh duel with someone in a large empty warehouse.
      The atmosphere is dark and foreboding.
      We have fully 3D virtual monsters, like in the show.
      My opponent has summoned the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.
      But it is multiplying. Four heads. Five heads. Six heads...
      It's the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Hydra now.
      The entire warehouse is filled with the oppressively huge heads and necks of the monster.
      This monster gets so comically large that I'm nearly trapped by the slithering necks moving around me.
      I see a light on my left side. I duck by one of the snaking necks and escape.

      The Blue-Eyes Ultimate Hydra. Made with Bing Image Creator AI.

      False Awakening:

      I wake up and start telling my girlfriend about the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Hydra.
      She has put a couple Monster Energy drinks on the foot of the bed for me.
      My room is perfectly rendered, down to the real-life detail that my girlfriend is up early for an important work meeting.
      I go over to the bathroom and look in the mirror.
      I see that my eyes are large and white, with the pupils faded like a blind person's.
      I start to freak out and wonder what is wrong!
      The eyes correct themselves after I blink a few times.
    2. Night of Sunday 1/7/24 (Winter Comp Night 2)

      by , 01-08-2024 at 03:21 PM (Dreamlog)

      I woke up groggy with a vague impression of World of Warcraft with friends, and a betrayal theme.

      Updated 01-10-2024 at 03:39 PM by 99808

      dream fragment
    3. Night of Saturday 1/6/24 (Winter Comp Night 1)

      by , 01-07-2024 at 07:15 PM (Dreamlog)
      Airport Anime:

      I'm at the airport, looking at myself in the mirror.
      I'm wearing three layers, t-shirt, hoody, and a large white jacket.
      I think about about how the jacket makes me look a lot bigger than I am, like an anime character.
      My Grandma P shows up, we are traveling together.
      We sit down at a table near our gate and she has some food ready.
      There is a brief interaction with another flier but I can't remember it.


      I'm in my childhood home in my old bedroom that I shared with my brother. The one with the wide window.
      The headset looks complex, with an irregular shape and jagged plastic pieces.
      I'm wondering how anyone understands how such a piece of technology works.
      My brother is here now.
      There is something wrong with the device and he is on the phone with tech support.
      They tell him to solder a section at the bottom.
      My brother says he already tried that, and the tech support guy says it is risky for hardware costing some $800.
      He tries it anyway, and that causes the screen to flicker. The device was now a face down computer monitor.
      My brother stands up the monitor, a success.
      I see a desert-themed World of Warcraft zone, maybe Orgrimmar.
      I remark that it is strange that he was working on live hardware.
      I'm in Orgrimmar in World of Warcraft, in travel form.
      I'm playing in a bit of a nostalgic way, not really trying to get good gear or anything, just visiting old places.
      My brother is here now. I'm showing him "the places where parts of me died".
      The first one is at a restaurant, where I supposedly used to work. I show him exactly the place I stood when part of me died.
      We leave the restaurant and my brother goes on ahead down an orange section of spiral rocks to the left.
      I notice a yellow "!" for a quest to the right and I go to do it.
      The quest giver is a human priest, wanting me to heal some warriors fighting nearby.
      It's a cookie cutter quest, so it was easy. The combat was scripted such that my spell would always heal the warriors at the last moment, allowing them to win.
      Then there is a follow-up, where I have to shoot a bow and arrow in first person through some rings, matching the number of rings the quest giver's arrow goes through.
      I get this one on the second try.


      I'm at my current home, hosting a party. My friend D shows up, and has a suitcase.
      Then M & A from the Tots, also with suitcases. And a few others yet.
      M makes a comment that he hates the game "Apples to Apples".

      Updated 01-10-2024 at 03:40 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Night of Thursday 1/4/24

      by , 01-05-2024 at 06:48 PM (Dreamlog)
      Alternate Ride:

      My brother has been paralyzed or couch ridden for many years.
      I'm in a living room that reminds me of the Dursely's one from Harry Potter. But reversed.
      It's similar to how I pictured it during Dumbledore's visit from (I believe) the Half-Blood Prince. Book only scene.
      My brother is married, and his wife is on the couch next to him. But it isn't his waking life wife.
      My brother starts telling the story of why he isn't with K anymore.
      We're on a bus now, similar to the travel buses we would ride between competitions in high-school marching band.
      K is sitting behind my brother, holding a stuffed animal that he had given here.
      The dream indicates that they have already broken up at this point.
      K is trying to give the stuffed animal to my brother, but he is so frustrated with her that he won't accept it.

      Updated 01-10-2024 at 03:40 PM by 99808

    5. Night of Wednesday 1/3/24 (DILD)

      by , 01-05-2024 at 06:32 PM (Dreamlog)
      Miles to Meters With Grandpa:

      I'm on vacation with my girlfriend's family. Mostly her's, but a few representatives from mine are there too. We are all staying at a large ranch-style home.
      Recently I have woken up from a dream and I have my phone out ready to record audio for it.
      The dream within a dream I am remembering is apparently a lucid dream, where I noticed my girlfriend sleeping next to me.
      She is twitching and making quiet pained sounds. From experience I know this is a nightmare.
      After a few tries I successfully wake her up.
      So, I want to find somewhere private to record this dream, but there are people everywhere I go.
      I walk from the living room, to a hallway, to a den that looks like a room from my ex's Dad's house.
      All crowded with people. I make my way outside eventually into the yard.
      It's vibrant green, summertime, as typical for my dreams, with some yellow shine effects.
      I'm in the garage now with somebody that the dream indicates is my girlfriend's Grandpa, but he doesn't look like him.
      We're in a car together and parking it by pulling forward into the garage.
      He wants me to measure some distance from where we are to the parking spot, so he hits some big square buttons on the dashboard.
      There is a digital indicator with a two digit number followed by an "m" for the units that comes onto the dash after he has hit the buttons.
      I say outloud that "Ah! That must be miles...oh wait that doesn't make sense...meters!"
      I'm worried that I look stupid in front of him...not wanting to embarrass myself in front of my girlfriend's Grandpa.
      I ask him why we are measuring this in the first place and he excitedly says "So that we get to hit the buttons!"
      This strikes me as odd, so I do a nose reality-check.
      I can breathe. This is a dream.
      I tell the Grandpa that this is a dream, and he gives me a strange look. Like an "oh shit, you've figured it out" look.
      I attempt to transform him for certain experimental purposes, but it doesn't work.


      I'm in a mall-like building, in a large diner similar to something like a Coney Island restaurant.
      There is a clothing store nearby that, within the story of the dream, I am very familiar with.
      It seems that I have worked at this mall for a long time.


      I'm with my brother and my girlfriend in the living room. My brother hits my girlfriend. I'm enraged.
      I catch her, and then within seconds I've knocked my brother down, without thinking about it.
      He tried to defend his action, but I'm not listening. In my mind, he has no excuse.

      Updated 01-08-2024 at 03:33 PM by 99808

      nightmare , dream fragment , lucid
    6. Night of Tuesday 1/2/24

      by , 01-04-2024 at 06:06 AM (Dreamlog)
      Strange Chill:

      I'm with Donald Trump and two others on a trampoline bouncing around.
      It reminds me of my friend JW's house from my childhood.
      We're discussing whether it is OK to be watched while giving birth or making love.
      Trump says his wife is into it.
      I'm driving to my friend DR's house. It's night-time, and cold outside. My car's window is open.
      I notice that it has taken me about 20 minutes to drive to where I am at. I reason that there are 10 minutes until I arrive.
      I had my music going, but it was on quiet.
      I wake up and realize that I was uncovered and the fan was blowing on me, hence the cold I felt.

      Updated 01-05-2024 at 06:49 PM by 99808

    7. Night of Monday 1/1/24

      by , 01-02-2024 at 10:15 PM (Dreamlog)
      Reality Check Bait:

      I'm watching a livestream of Lucid Dream Portal.
      I've just described a dream in the chat to Daniel, where I had been performing a Linkin Park song.
      I'm telling Daniel that while reading the lyrics, I learned that I had been saying the wrong words for a long time.
      Also, Daniel was on stage singing with me.
      I'm posting a picture I edited, adding his face to the scene, into the stream chat.
      I second guess myself, wondering if this is too much.
      Daniel reacts to the picture and tries to put it up on the main stream view, but it isn't formatting correctly.
      It seems like he has a neutral reaction otherwise.
      Others in the chat started to spam "mature" images into the stream.
      Daniel starts to act strangely in response.
      I wonder if he is attempting to bait a reality check from the stream, but I wake up before I actually perform one.

      Updated 01-05-2024 at 06:49 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , memorable
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