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    December 14 2013; Recent dream: Why is the SUV starting?

    by , 12-15-2013 at 05:15 AM (1262 Views)
    A man I know has an SUV in waking life. I dreamed his SUV was parked in our yard and I got in the driver's seat and closed the door. The engine then started up *by closing the door* and crashed into the fence and I tried to get it to stop; I succeeded at first but then I closed the door again and drove on the main road - which was nothing like it is in awake life - and kept crashing into other cars and/or walls or sides of mountains with the SUV spinning like a top on a merry-go-round. The car also accelerated fast and I wasn't able to control it well.

    What does it mean when or if I drive someone else's automobile which is out of control?

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    Updated 10-21-2017 at 04:36 PM by 61868

    non-lucid , side notes


    1. 101Volts's Avatar
      This does not sound good to me. People use cars to go places and if the man's car is out of control driving him places instead of him telling it where to go, that's crazy. The SUV crashed into other cars with me inside it and I didn't even make it happen!

      EDIT: In hindsight I'm not yet sure if the old me made the car crash or not.
      Updated 10-21-2017 at 04:32 PM by 101Volts
    2. 101Volts's Avatar
      Oh dear, the man I know who has that SUV does act in ways I'm not quite sure of; for example, Mother said he'd not put drop cloths down before painting and then he'd slop paint around.
      Updated 10-21-2017 at 04:32 PM by 101Volts