Oct. 24 2017 - 1: Kid falls off cliff then 2: Homestar Runner Weirdness
, 10-24-2017 at 03:19 PM (514 Views)
The last dream I had that I remember on this day was this one:
Section 1: I was chasing a kid, whose name was Zach, and he was riding a bicycle near a wooded area. He wasn't acting responsibly as he was going where he shouldn't have been and at one point I said "Don't you know what 'danger' means?" to him just before he went over the crest of a hill and started yelling as he went down a steep hill, couldn't or didn't stop and then went over a plateau before he fell down a cliff. I followed (but gently) and expected to find him dead while I thought of calling an ambulance and imagined what speaking to his Mom would be like at this point. I didn't find him and the dream shifted subjects.
Section 2: At this point it turned into Homestar Runner. Strong Bad was experimenting on Strong Sad again; S.B. put a bubble around S.S's head and was trying to change S.S's gender which ultimately didn't work as S.S. changed back from the halfway finished form.