October 27 2017 - These dead birds bother me.
, 10-27-2017 at 07:59 PM (524 Views)
I was in a garage on the nearby town's Main Street; it's not there IRL and then there was a small dog barking and I thought it was a bit confused about why nobody was listening to what it was saying.
I then moved in the air outside and found many bird nests along the "ceiling" and there were dead baby birds in at least two of them and there was mold growing on them. This bothered me and I went back to the ground right in front of a nearby doctor's office where 3 women were waiting; I by and by let them know about this without telling them what it was and I told them where to walk to be directly under the nest, again without telling them it was there. At some point a police officer in a bright green vest came by and someone said I didn't escape from a mental institution.