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    Meeting a Lucid Dreamer -- Summer Competition Night 8

    by , 07-13-2024 at 06:26 AM (208 Views)
    I wake up in bed, move a bit and think "Oh, I woke up and the blanket is loose... Or actually, let me make this a dream!". So I stop moving with my body and start moving with my mind and expect the blanket to be stuck and show resistance. Sure enough that works, and I roll out of bed and am standing in my room in a dream.

    I walk a bit in direction of my living room, but stop for a moment to do a hand RC and breathe and calm down to stabilize. It actually works quite well. I go into my living room and there's something going on with my PC. I largely ignore it but look under my keyboard to try to summon a DV coin. No luck... I go to the window and exit my house.

    The scenery is different than last dream I did this, closer to IRL but still different. The street I live on is much wider, with two lanes, and there's no houses on the other side. My landlord's house seems to have disappeared as well. It's early in the morning and the air is cool. There's not a lot of people around. Some joggers, older people and some cars pass by. I take it easy since I know the dream is relatively new and the longer I give it to form, the better it'll be.

    Since the first step of my 3-step task is talking with someone, I see an older lady walking and decide to approach here to try to talk to here. However, I get the feeling she really doesn't want that so I back off. I walk a bit and decide to use super speed to get somewhere more interesting fast. I run very fast at first but feel stability slipping, so I decide to go at moderate super speed instead. That works much better.

    I am now in a large, wide street with tall building to either side. As I'm walking down, I notice that on the other side of the street there's a homeless-looking man asking for coins. Too people pass him by and ignore him. I try to look for some DV coins on the floor, but can't find any. I move on.

    Suddenly I hear music from a flute-like instrument. It's coming from a building that looks like a church, but is more square. I fly in through a window and I see, in a corner a group of people. There's an older man, in his 50s or 60s sitting in a sofa. He's clearly the boss. There's a bunch of girls surrounding him and 2-3 musicians playing that delightful music. As I land, everyone goes away except the man. I try to make one of the girls stay by controlling here mind, but that doesn't work out. In any case, there's still a person there, so this is my chance to complete the task.

    The man is looking at me with a smile and curious eyes. I approach and introduce myseflname, sitting next to him on the sofa.

    He thinks for a bit and says, "I'm the only other real person here.".
    "Oh really?", I ask.
    "Yes, this is a dream and only me and you are LDers."
    "How do we know there's not a third person around."
    He smiles and shrugs, "We don't!"
    I think for a bit and ask, "Well, since you're an LDer and seemed to have such a big group of people around you, can you give me some tips?" (my second step of the 3-step task).
    "Hmm, you should try to talk to everyone you encounter" he says. Seems like good advice.

    We go on a bit longer about quitting social media, but I don't remember that conversation quite well. The final step of my 3-step task is flying and I know I have already done it in the dream, but it was out of order. So I decide to fly away and as I do that the dream ends and I "wake up" in front of my computer, to write down the dream.
    Saizaphod, theshirecat and Dianne like this.

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    1. Oneirin's Avatar
      I love how this one started. It's awesome when you just start thinking of lucids/wanting to be lucid and you just start seeing through it. Music in dreams is often amazing too.
      LeaoLouro likes this.
    2. 10cccordrazine's Avatar
      I love how this one started. It's awesome when you just start thinking of lucids/wanting to be lucid and you just start seeing through it. Music in dreams is often amazing too.
      Yeah, it was actually super effortless! I guess I caught my awakening at just the right moment. Normally when the transition is so easy I suspect I'm actually already inside a dream, but my blanket is normally only loose IRL, so I'm not sure here honestly...

      Music is great! I've heard it a couple of times in dreams and I always wish I could bring it back with me.
    3. Dianne's Avatar
      Dream characters claiming to be real are always a mindfuck, you're lucky yours was friendly. I once met a guy acting like a villian with more controll than i had who claimed he doesnt meet other people often.

      Maybe i need to be more friendly myself so i expext it from others.
      LeaoLouro likes this.
    4. 10cccordrazine's Avatar
      Dream characters claiming to be real are always a mindfuck, you're lucky yours was friendly. I once met a guy acting like a villian with more controll than i had who claimed he doesnt meet other people often.

      Maybe i need to be more friendly myself so i expext it from others.
      Everyone talks about it, but I've actually never had issues with unfriendly or aggressive dream characters. More often than not they are apathetic instead.

      Although maybe that speaks more to my lack of lucid dreaming experience than anything else
    5. Dianne's Avatar
      He was more the monoliging type of a vilian, not too unfirendly. I often hear that characters get angry when people tell them it is a dream (they will if you believe it ofc), i did that once and they were just like 'no shit, we know'.
      It is all about expectation at the end of the day. Consious or unconsious.
      Could just be that u dont have many easons to expect people to be agressive or mean.
      LeaoLouro likes this.
    6. 10cccordrazine's Avatar
      He was more the monoliging type of a vilian, not too unfirendly. I often hear that characters get angry when people tell them it is a dream (they will if you believe it ofc), i did that once and they were just like 'no shit, we know'.
      It is all about expectation at the end of the day. Consious or unconsious.
      Could just be that u dont have many easons to expect people to be agressive or mean.
      A monologuing villain does sound pretty funny tbh. I've had that "no shit, we know" reaction as well. Sometimes I feel like a child saying something dumb at the adults' table when I tell DCs I'm dreaming

      But you're right of course. At the end of the day the dreams are coming from us, and I guess I'm a pretty positive person in general. Even IWL I tend to assume the best of people.