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    1. crazy contrast

      by , 06-01-2020 at 07:42 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie dreams

      Big contrast in Jamie dreams. In the first one all I remember is crying about Jamie, like she had just done something horrible to me in the dream. The next part I am talking to Data about it. He is being very stern with me, not sure about what, but he implies that I am doing something which is greatly pissing her off.. I have no idea what i could be doing that would piss her off. Maybe I do, but that implies (assuming she has some sort of uncontrollable psychic link to me.) she can sense vividly what I do in my day to day life even though we have not spoken in some years <--- I am having a very difficult time believing that at all. Since she doesn't talk to me personally, We have no real friendship or relationship, therefore She has no say in what i do or not do in my spare time. and I did message her a year ago asking about these dreams and if there was a connection. She has not written back so i have no confirmation of anything and believe well... nothing. I do however sense a change in certain desires in me, almost like a feeling like she has been praying for me?!?!?!? If so, please continue.

      Next dream I run into her on a street and she is with a group of friends. This dream is 2 days later and she is all happy to see me like nothing bad had previously happened. This could be just me remembering how she really was sometimes...

      Last is an audio only dream. she is talking into my ear and asking if we are to get married. Her tone is very loving. again. i still have no idea if these dreams are me going insane or if it is in fact her. Again my answer is: If I have to. And my answer also is: Not going to happen if she never actually talks to me.

      Also had some annoying reminders of jamie. Mainly her birthday, these are not dreams. Years ago bad room mates stole basically everything I own ( including my entire set of anime DVD's "Maison Ikkoku." A series i watched years ago and said to myself If a woman can sit through this entire series with me and watch it I would marry her. So.. it's a rare series so i looked on ebay... and found that japan has released and all region blue ray, for a hefty amount. the delivery date was of course her birthday. I was almost tempted to buy it. But my budget has been horrible lately. Second reminder is: Season 13 of fortnite has been delayed yet again... Until her birthday: Damn you fortnite!!! I still play once a week, can barely stand it.


      I was in a highschool cafeteria, and I pulled out my mcdonald's coffee cards, ( i have currently around 30 free coffees.). And Jessica, from 13 reasons why was there and started flipping out at me. She thought me pulling out the cards was somehow racist. I was really confused. And really I've been watching star trek reruns and even dug into the TOS (60s hippies in space) for the first time. and this is what I dream about? come on!!!

      also varioud flying dreams that don't make me lucid.
    2. Frank N. Stein

      by , 06-01-2020 at 04:16 PM
      Morning of February 9, 1971. Tuesday.

      Dream #: 1,513-02. Reading time (optimized): 1 min.

      I am at West Elementary School in Arcadia and walking to the building from the playground. I see lightning inside the main school building in the western area when looking north. Although it is a sunny morning, it is dark and stormy inside the classroom, though I do not see any of my schoolmates or teachers, only what appears to be a crude version of Doctor Frankenstein’s laboratory.

      Later, I am sitting in a taxi in the back seat on the left-hand side. The driver turns around and reveals himself to be Frankenstein’s monster. His name is Frank N. Stein, which I read on a card above the steering wheel, to its left. Nothing frightening happens. It seems more like a puzzling comedic event. The narrative is ambiguous, as even though I am getting a taxi home, the school day has not started yet.

      Now I ask for reasonable intelligence to understand how to decode this dream. Frankenstein’s monster awakened by way of electricity that could also be analogous to neuronal energy. It represents my own waking process and nothing more. The ambiguity of the narrative also correlates with the realization that I am not starting the school day because I am asleep.

      My dream’s influence was probably from Shock Armstrong, the late-night television horror host of “Shock Theatre” from Channel 13 in Tampa, Florida (from 1964-1968). (There was a similar scenario I saw in a humor magazine later in my life; a gag about the ID not looking like the driver).

    3. Dream Journal Paradigm 2020, i, fire and more

      by , 06-01-2020 at 09:39 AM
      Afternoon of May 24, 2020. Sunday.

      Reading time (optimized): 4 min.

      Fire, lightning, electricity, wiring, circuits, lasers, candles, lightbulbs, flashlights, headlights, sunbeams, and the sun are fundamental characteristic features of the cortical arousal of the waking process and represent the increase of neuronal energy and the emergence of consciousness for anyone who legitimately understands the dream state.

      Although the same transitions occur every sleep cycle, they stabilize with uniqueness in vivid liminal sleep-wake management. Here, I will include the modulatory factor in the upper case, a description of the relevant dream content, and the ultradian implication (with virtual or literal melatonin or serotonin mediation). My goal is to find correlations I had not previously noticed (to develop more clarity of mind, though, as there are more than 20,000 examples of this form of dream state management, it is not feasible to include more variables at this time. I may study them in pairs of variables at a later date, though I have found all major statistical curves and causal factors for most dream content over 50 years.)

      Before I describe the many unique and intriguing versions of this process, I will begin with including my lifelong activity of pulling myself out of undefined liminal space (that has no imagery and seems integrated with enigmatic space) by summoning an unseen candle, perceiving my emerging consciousness as a candle flame. When this happens as a result of sleep apnea (though which is rare), and no vestibular-cerebral handshake (viable body-mind agreement), it is the only type of dreaming experience where I feel genuine fear. Variations of it are rare. One variation occurred in December of 1969. In addition to sustaining my consciousness as the essence of a candle flame, I also absentmindedly summoned an unseen dragon that roared and breathed fire. (Undefined liminal space never contains imagery. Also, the duality as a result of being between dreaming space and waking space is far less in this state. That is likely what causes a sense of dread.)

      19690519. FIRE. Toby and I rescue Brenda from her burning house, though it is erroneously on the school grounds. Dark, before dawn. (Includes audio near the waking point: “You boys are wonderful!”)

      19710209. LIGHTNING. Frankenstein’s monster is the driver of a taxi I get into (though I do not notice until I am sitting in it in the back seat, left side). I see lightning flashing only inside the school in the early morning on a clear day. There is a sense of amusement rather than a threat. As a school is associated with learning, the lightning represents potential wakefulness and is analogous to the monster rising from his bed. The taxi is analogous with my physical body, of which I do not yet have control, as I am asleep in reality. Otherwise, summoning vehicles as I often do, is more about increasing my imaginary physicality to enhance and sustain the dream state.

      19710516. LIGHTNING and FIRE. A bolt of lightning comes down and strikes a church belfry in the distance, setting it afire, while I am on the otherwise empty school grounds with my mother. Dark, before dawn. (Includes audio: I say, "It’s not my fault” to my mother.) It is essentially a visual and visually exaggerated version of the candle-lighting process.

      19740127. SPARKS and FIRE. I am at my middle school with my GI Joe jeep, though it is erroneously a remote control toy (confused with my remote control orange Volkswagon). Low lighting in the cafeteria. At first, I seem to be operating it, but the narrative changes. Sparks and fire begin near the gas pedal when it stops, but it does not spread. A moving vehicle (analogous to the body) typically represents the anticipation of a vestibular-cerebral handshake, and I often summon vehicles in all modes of dreaming. The fire near the gas pedal anticipates atonia to myoclonus, which is often a spontaneous leg kick with waking.

      19791106. FIRE. In a parking lot (management of liminality during an absent vestibular-cerebral handshake), I see a car erupt into flames as its unknown owner enters it (though I feel no emotion or sense of dread). Curiously, as a result, the car reveals what looks like an oversized human ribcage that had been its top and sides. Nighttime, low light. It is a direct validation that a vehicle is analogous to the human body.

      19820905. ANTHROPOMORPHIC LIGHTNING (ELECTRICITY). Early morning setting. An imp, about a foot tall, lives inside the kitchen cabinet under the sink. He seems to be made of electricity, though he maintains a sketchy human form and monitors the plumbing (seemingly with the pipe missing). Although he seems mischievous, I do not feel threatened. Later, I see Earl in the back of a car in a parking lot (liminal space management). He is instead the disabled man from a real advertisement in which he had said, “I’m a little tired. I’m alright though,” when rising from the water in an Olympic-size pool. It ties in with how the “electric imp” was a simulacrum of melatonin mediation. (The clue is the statement “I’m a little tired,” though unspoken in the dream, meaning I am sleeping, as water signifies the dream state’s dynamics.)

      19901209 FIRE. I see the front-left heating element on the stove catch fire for no discernible reason in the otherwise dark Loomis Street kitchen. I feel no sense of threat. (Audio: An unknown girl exclaims “Fire!”) This variation of the candle flame summoning has an association with the area underneath the stove element as a virtual portal deeper into dream space.

      20160222. CANDLE FLAME. I summon a giant candle to undo the magic of a male cult leader. (Audio: “…and now a golden candle, taller than me, appears here.”) (My dream was extremely long with a complex narrative.)

      I include these detailed explanatory factors with each relevant series about my fundamental dreaming habits and their inherent dream-based meanings, so I can remove the more extensive redundancies from past entries (on my two main online dream journals), and keep this introductory page as a public reference for future entries.

    4. I die with my parents / Rebirth and heavens registry?

      , 06-01-2020 at 06:19 AM
      In this dream, its the end of the world. The Apocalypse. The forces of evil lead by Lucifer, the deceiver have trapped my parents and I in this pit.

      Satan arrives and presses a button on top of the pit. Next, the pit starts filling up with acid!

      My parents and i embrace each other in a triangular shape. We love each other so much and share some final precious last words, prepared to die for our faith rather than cave in to evil.

      The acid starts to eat our legs, I fall first. I embrace my parents legs as the acid kills me. The light fades and I welcome the blissful release into the oblivion of darkness....

      ...after dying, I end up in this simple square room with my dad! Amazed at being alive again and full of strong emotions, I look around the room. It has no furniture apart from a table in the middle with some chairs around it. A huge book is on top of the table. Its a book we have to write down our details on to register for the afterlife, heaven.

      "Dad, we don't deserve this....Where is mother, she didn't make it?..Why did God save us, why are we here!!!" I was full of questions and asked my Dad. "Son, God is merciful, so very merciful. God knows every heart.

      I woke up then really disturbed. The dream affected my emotions a lot! I still felt I had died. It was so real...
    5. 11 LD. Search for a familiar. (October 24, 2011)

      by , 06-01-2020 at 06:01 AM
      11 ОС. Поиск знакомой. (24 октября 2011)

      Я шел по дороге. Понял, что сплю. Подошел к зданию с колоннами. Попытался вызвать знакомую из-за колонны. Читал в реале метод - "вытягивание из-за угла". Не вышло. Зашел в здание. Народ, который до этого рядом со мной был, куда-то исчез. В комнате увидел шкаф. Вспомнил, что читал на форуме у другого пользователя:
      "Из закрытых пространств - шкаф, холодильник у меня вызывались агрессивные персонажи".
      Решил шкаф не трогать. Стал искать дверь. Двери не было видно. Стал разгребать хлам у стены. За хламом оказалась дверь. Просунул за дверь руку, и стал звать знакомую. Пытался ее представить. За руку меня так никто и не взял. Открыл дверь, и зашел внутрь.

      Оказался в белой комнате. На стене висело зеркало. Стал смотреть в отражение. Я был в черной футболке. Тут отражение уменьшило рост. Я тоже уменьшился. Стал примерно на голову ниже ростом. Нашел другую дверь. Снова стал звать знакомую. Почувствовал покалывание в пальцах. Но за руку опять никто не взял.

      За дверью оказался подъезд. Прошел по лестничной площадке до следующей двери. Представляю, что за дверью оказывается моя знакомая. Открываю дверь - знакомой нет. За дверью моя квартира. Захожу в квартиру. Прямо в стене комнаты еще одна дверь. Выхожу за нее - лестница. Затем снова моя квартира. Так несколько раз подряд.

      Попытался закрыть дверь квартиры на ключ, но это никак не получалось сделать. Так как замочная скважина была с внутренней стороны железной двери. Деревянной же двери не было вообще. Понял, что это бессмысленно, и выбросил ключ.

      Свернул в спальню. У меня на столе стоит блюдце с клубникой. Когда проснулся, понял, что стол во сне стоял старый. В реале мы его выкинули давно. Попробовал клубнику на вкус - горькая гадость! Пробую еще раз. При этом вспоминаю вкус клубники. Другое дело - почувствовал сладкую клубнику. Ягода таяла у меня во рту.

      Подхожу к окну. За окном летний день. И местность мне кажется очень красивой. Хотя вроде все то же самое, что и в реале. Подумал: "Сейчас не лето, а осень - значит это сон".

      Пошел в зал. При этом продолжал, есть клубнику. В зале она растворилась. Почувствовал изменение вкуса, перед тем, как клубника исчезла (соль чувствовалась).

      В зале попытался взлететь. Усилием мысли это сделать не получилось. Подпрыгнул - все равно не взлетел. Забрался на кресло и решил подпрыгнуть с него вверх. Не вышло - ноги прилипли к креслу. Перепрыгнул в длину с этого кресла на другое, а с другого кресла в коридор. Прыжок был длинный. В коридоре стоял парень. Я в него врезался, и он исчез.

      Заново вспомнил про свой план - найти знакомую. Решил в воздухе пальцем нарисовать дверь, чтобы она из нее вышла. На пару секунд возникла полупрозрачная дверь, но быстро исчезла. Тогда я решил вспомнить фотографию знакомой. Появилась фотография из контакта. Голограмма фотографии стала расти в размере. Сумел рассмотреть все детали фотографии. Но сама знакомая на фото не ожила. Вскоре голограмма исчезла.

      Вышел в подъезд. Снизу по ступенькам поднялась бабушка соседка. Решил ее превратить в знакомую. Какой-то парень подал мне полотенце. Я накинул полотенце на бабушку. Стал представлять, как она превращается в знакомую. Снял полотенце. На пару секунд увидел знакомую. Но тут же спрайт растворился в воздухе. Вернулся обратно в комнату. Там стоит эта бабушка соседка и улыбается.
      - А, это опять ты. А ну брысь отсюда!
      Соседка исчезает.

      Снова выхожу на лестничную площадку. Пытаюсь представить, что знакомая поднимается по ступенькам. Слышу шаги. Пришла знакомая, но не та, что я хотел. Хотя имена у этих знакомых одинаковые. Зашел вместе с ней в комнату, и тут же вышел обратно один в подъезд. Вижу одногруппницу и ее парня. Причём одногруппница без одежды. Я требую от них, чтобы они привели мне нужную знакомую. При этом размахиваю кулаком и стучу по полу. Кулак спокойно доставал до пола, хотя я не наклонялся. Называю реальный адрес знакомой. Голая одногруппница спиной отъезжает сквозь стену.

      Ее парень мне говорит:
      - И что ты думаешь, что она тебе ее приведет?
      Я понимаю, что этот парень, на самом деле не ее парень. Навожу на него палец и говорю:
      - Покажи мне свое истинное лицо.
      Лицо не изменилось. А вот из штанов у него выпал громадный хер. Дядюшка Фрейд отдыхает.
      Парень мне говорит, что меня зовет к телефону Анастасия Звягинцева. Когда проснулся, понял, что это фамилия автора книги, которую я тогда читал.

      Я пошел на кухню. Там у меня стоит телефон. По пути взял за руку знакомую 1. На кухне мы занялись с ней сексом. В процессе ее ноги превратились в рыбий хвост. Аля русалка. От увиденного проснулся.

      1. План найти знакомую провалился.
      2. Метод двери не сработал.
      3. Метод вытаскивания из-за угла тоже не сработал.
      4. Визуализировать фотографию вышло лишь на пару секунд.
      5. Попытка превратить другого персонажа провалилась. На пару секунд возник образ знакомой и исчез.
      6. На пару секунд сумел нарисовать пальцем в воздухе дверь, но та быстро исчезла.
      7. Изменилось отражение в зеркале - изменился я.
      8. Клубника на вкус была гадостью, пока я не вспомнил настоящий вкус.
      9. Еду мы во сне не глотаем - она тает во рту.
      10. Взлететь не получилось.
      11. Прыгнуть в высоту не вышло. Ноги прилипли к креслу.
      12. Зато вышло далеко прыгнуть в длину.
      13. Спрайты исчезают на глазах.
      14. В процессе секса у знакомой появился рыбий хвост, как у русалки. Такого я явно не ожидал.
      15. Место действия: Здание с колоннами, чужие квартиры, моя квартира.
      16. Примерное время нахождения в ОСе - 12 минут.

      11 LD. Search for a familiar. (October 24, 2011)

      I walked along the road. I realized that I was sleeping. I went to the building with columns. I tried to call a friend from behind the column. I read in real life the method - "pulling around the corner." It didn’t work out. I went into the building. The people who had been near me before disappeared. I saw a closet in the room. I remembered that I read on the forum from another user:
      "From enclosed spaces - a closet, a refrigerator, I called aggressive characters."
      I decided not to touch the closet. I began to look for the door. The door was not visible. I began to rake trash against the wall. There was a door behind the trash. I put my hand out the door and began to call my friend. I tried to imagine her. Nobody took my hand. I opened the door, and went inside.

      I ended up in a white room. A mirror hung on the wall. I began to look in reflection. I was in a black t-shirt. Here reflection reduced growth. I also declined. I became about a head taller. Found another door. Again I began to call a familiar. I felt a tingling sensation in my fingers. But again, no one took his hand.

      There was an entrance outside the door. I walked down the landing to the next door. I imagine that my familiar is at the door. I open the door - there is no familiar. Outside the door is my apartment. I go to the apartment. Right in the wall of the room is another door. I go out for her - the stairs. Then again my apartment. So several times in a row.

      I tried to close the door of the apartment with the key, but it could not be done. Since the keyhole was on the inside of the iron door. There was no wooden door at all. I realized that this was pointless, and threw away the key.

      I turned into the bedroom. On my table is a saucer with strawberries. When I woke up, I realized that the table in the dream was old. In real life, we threw him a long time ago. I tasted strawberries - bitter muck! I try again. At the same time, I remember the taste of strawberries. Another thing - I felt a sweet strawberry. The berry was melting in my mouth.

      I go to the window. Outside the window is a summer day. And the area seems very beautiful to me. Although everything seems to be the same as in real life. I thought: "Now is not summer, but autumn - it means it's a dream."

      I went to the hall. In this case, I continued to eat strawberries. In the hall it disappeared. I felt a change in taste before the strawberries disappeared (salt was felt).

      In the hall I tried to take off. By effort of thought, this did not work. Jumped - still did not take off. I climbed into the chair and decided to jump up from it. It didn’t work out - legs stuck to the chair. I jumped in length from this chair to another, and from another chair into the corridor. The jump was long. There was a guy in the hallway. I crashed into him and he disappeared.

      I remembered about my plan again - to find a familiar. I decided to draw a door in the air with my finger so that it would come out of it. For a couple of seconds, a translucent door appeared, but quickly disappeared. Then I decided to recall a photo of a familiar. A photo from the contact has appeared. The hologram of the photograph began to grow in size. I managed to consider all the details of the photo. But the familiar in the photo did not come to life. Soon the hologram disappeared.

      I went out into the staircase. From below, a old woman of a neighbor climbed the steps. I decided to turn it into a familliar. Some guy handed me a towel. I threw a towel on old woman. I began to imagine how she turns into a familiar. I took off the towel. For a couple of seconds I saw a familiar. But then the sprite dissolved in the air. Returned back to the room. This old woman is a neighbor standing there and smiling.
      - Ah, it's you again. Well, scatter from here!
      A neighbor disappears.

      I go out onto the landing again. I’m trying to imagine that a familiar is climbing the stairs. I hear the steps. A familiar girl came, but not the one I wanted. Although the names of these familiar are the same. I went into the room with her, and immediately went back alone to the entrance. I see a classmate and her boyfriend. Moreover, a classmate without clothes. I demand from them that they bring me the right familiar girl. At the same time, I wave my fist and knock on the floor. The fist calmly reached the floor, although I did not bend. I call the real address familiar. The naked classmate with her back drives off through the wall.

      Her boyfriend tells me:
      “And what do you think she will bring her to you?”
      I understand that this guy is not really her boyfriend. I put a finger on him and say:
      - Show me your true face.
      The face has not changed. But from his pants he dropped a huge dick. Uncle Freud is resting.
      The guy tells me that Anastasia Zvyagintseva is calling me on the phone. When I woke up, I realized that this is the name of the author of the book that I was reading then.

      I went to the kitchen. I have a phone there. On the way, I took the familiar 1. By the hand, we had sex with her in the kitchen. In the process, her legs turned into a fish tail. Ala the mermaid. I woke up from what I saw.

      1. The plan to find a familliar has failed.
      2. The door method did not work.
      3. The pull-out method from around the corner also did not work.
      4. It was only a couple of seconds to visualize the photo.
      5. The attempt to transform another character failed. For a couple of seconds, the image of a friend appeared and disappeared.
      6. For a couple of seconds I managed to draw a door in the air with my finger, but it quickly disappeared.
      7. The reflection in the mirror has changed - I have changed.
      8. Strawberries tasted disgusting until I remembered the real taste.
      9. We do not swallow food in a dream - it melts in the mouth.
      10. Take off did not work.
      11. Jump in height did not work. Feet stuck to the chair.
      12. But it turned out to jump far in length.
      13. Sprites disappear before our eyes.
      14. In the process of sex, a friend got a fish tail, like a mermaid. This I clearly did not expect.
      15. Venue: Building with columns, other people's apartments, my apartment.
      16. The approximate time spent in the LD is 12 minutes.
    6. Tuesday, May 19

      by , 06-01-2020 at 06:00 AM
      I am with Melissa at Dad’s. I say ‘at Dad’s’, but it looks like it is the kitchen and then absolutely nothing else around it, just kind of a barren expanse/void. It seems like it’s really early in the morning, and I’m making food and getting ready for work. I’m making spaghetti, and when I put the noodles in the pot Melissa mentions how there’s lots of ‘Zoe hair’. I think I just say ‘no’ because I don’t care or because I’m kind of embarrassed. It’s now ready and I’m putting it in two containers but also eating some because I realize I need breakfast, which leaves a smaller portion than I wanted. I look over and Melissa is scrolling through her phone. She takes a while to respond, or just doesn’t, which causes me to become very angry. I shove some of the tupperware, and then I can tell that she knows I’m irritated. I think I am only wearing boxers.

      I am on a plane with Makayla. It’s crowded and everyone wears a mask. She’s talking to a boy about her age and I amicably join.

      I am blissfully rising up and floating through a clear blue sky.
    7. Sunday, May 17

      by , 06-01-2020 at 05:59 AM
      I think I am at work, but I am outside. It seems like I’m on the side of a two lane highway, and I think there are others here as well as a smaller building. I am walking through a small winding section where there is a white curtain/sheet hanging down. I hold it up for the few people behind me. The last two are a black couple that I recognize as shoplifters from JCP. The man sort of slipped by, but I saw the woman clearly, prompting me to look at the man again. (I’m not sure I actually recognize the woman - she is older, short, pudgy, with short hair). She looks mean and somewhat guilty. They keep walking, but I go up to them and tell them they can’t be here. We seem to be in a hallway, and they’re on the threshold of a room (it looks more like a house?). They don’t care what I say, and we end up cussing at each other. I grab at one of their backpacks, and it seems like the man is about to hit me. I give up and step away so I can just call PD. I am just going to call 911, but I can’t figure out how on this phone. The phone is small and has a small display. I scroll through the contacts and can’t find PD, which irritates me. I eventually find it and call, but it tells me the mailbox is full and hangs up on me. I guess nothing is going to happen then. A nice looking Hispanic family is walking this way now. I notice that the girl (probably around 8) is carrying two new looking somethings and covertly puts them into their car. The rest of the family members are carrying what looks like camping gear that they definitely didn’t pay for. I think the dad sees me looking and says to me “did you see that eagle?” because one flew by. I say yes, but don’t like how he’s trying to play off what they’re doing. I’m mad about this whole situation, but guess there’s nothing I can do. The other couple is coming out now. I try to get the plate on their orange car but can’t before they speed away.
      Tags: stealing, work
    8. Dead Crow

      by , 06-01-2020 at 04:11 AM
      Sunday Night, 5/3/20

      Dreamt that I ended up in the ER due to some serious respiratory issues. They gave me a bed right next to a couple people infected with coronavirus. They looked like they could be dying from it. I asked the nurse if it was safe for me to be in the same room, especially in my weakened state. She told me it was fine and that "They're six feet apart!". I wasn't reassured, especially since it was more like two feet. Is this even a real hospital? I wondered. This isn't the right procedure. I then noticed there was no medical equipment anywhere, just cots. I laid there, fading in and out of consciousness, wondering if this was where I would die. At some point I found the strength to escape from the place when no one was looking.

      An involved plot followed where I got captured by a sociopathic serial killer in an abandoned industrial building. I managed to hold him down at one point but worried I wouldn't be able to maintain control of the situation until the police arrived. I don't think I did. The police did arrive, however. Three cops entered the building. I switched to the partial perspective of the lead detective, an older man close to retirement age. He/I instructed the others to split off and make a little noise to fake out the serial killer so he thought we were all approaching from a different side. Meanwhile I went off a different way as quietly as I could. The surprise ambush didn't work. The killer was holding a gun to the hostage, who was now actually a cat instead of a person. He gave me the ultimatum of taking a shot to the head to save the cat's life. I got the information that this cop was depressed and felt empty without his work to look forward to. He/I took the deal and for some reason I knew that the killer would adhere to the bargain... because he was just that particular brand of crazy.

      I somehow survived after taking four gunshots to the head. I was not in great shape, however, and knew I needed to seek medical attention. I staggered out of the building and into the forest at night, making my way down the path. I gradually became myself again. I came to a short, rustic stairway with a wooden railing. Around that area I noticed a few swarms of flies. I stopped and stared for a while from a distance. I wondered about what type of flies they might be and why they were swarming here. I crept closer to get a better look and discovered that there was a dead crow laying on its back and that's what had drawn the flies to the area. I stared at the crow for a few moments, then I stepped past it and continued a short distance along the path until I reached the edge of a college campus. The Narrator spoke, telling me that I was going to be alright. I turned my face to the sky as dawn was approaching and lifted up into the air, drifting above the campus. The Narrator gave me instructions on which direction to travel. It seemed odd to me that I was flying but I reasoned that I must be in some sort of virtual reality simulation. Yes, that's it, that's why I heard a voice. I figured.

      Spoiler for Additional Notes: