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    1. Damn

      by , 10-13-2024 at 02:15 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie is still hard to find in dreams. Things keep interfering.

      Jamie 1

      Long dream. But all I remember is taking a bus. I was going to the transfer station to catch a connecting bus. Suddenly instead of a bus, I was in a car... And my mother was driving. She drove right past the bus stop where I was supposed to catch the other bus. I told her to let me off but she wouldn't. I asked again. Still wouldn't let me off. My mother is a recovering schizophrenic so I thought maybe she was off her meds. I started yelling and insisting that she let me off. We were in a school zone now and we were slowing down for children. I started yelling that she stopped her meds. The car stopped. Instead of my mother it was Jamie driving. She looked at me really upset.

      Really annoying I keep seeing Jamie as someone else...

      Jamie 2

      3rd person. I saw Jamie lying in bed. Some spider like creature was on her ceiling.

      Woke up and made a comment about it to the voice. Her voice said, " How do you know what I dream about?" I answered that I dreamed it.

      Jamie 3

      We were in a stadium at some game. We were making out.


      I was at a house with some people. Someone kept trying to get me to drink beer. I didn't want any. The guy kept insisting, and I kept refusing until I was yelling. That dream shaman guy started yelling at me too.


      A flash of a dream where Jamie was at an orgy. I saw some stuff....

      Maybe that dream shaman guy interfering again?


      A dream where Jamie was dressing up in some lingerie. But she looked like a man. She was also in a garage talking to someone, asking if I might like the outfit.

      Last night


      I was with some dark guy in a city. He was showing me to some secret hiding place. We had to walk down a long sidewalk to get the. It was this warehouse place under a bridge.

      Once there he pulled down his pants and started pole dancing. 8 was like, " yo look buddy, I think you have the wrong idea about me." And he was like: I guess I read the situation wrong. And I'm like, "I don't know what I did to make you think... How do I get out of here?"

      He pointed down a ways and I left.

      What's with all the Gay themed dreams? I want my Jamie back dammit.

      Semi lucid

      I was in an abandoned house. became vaguely lucid. I was watching a bed. I tried to manifest Jamie in it. A shape appeared under the covers. I pulled them off but no one was there. Memory fades after.

      Kind of frustrating. Voice at night and mornings is great. She keeps saying it's the best relationship she's ever been in and she doesn't see me in person. I hope that changes someday. It is for me to.