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    1. LUCID: The Greatest Gift

      by , 11-05-2024 at 07:17 PM
      Today is my birthday. Curl into some closet but she finds me, as mothers always do. Her smile is gold, eyes emerald sparks. She beckons. With reluctance, I obey. She has gotten me the greatest gift, she says. Peripherally, the greatest gift grins. Look away, away, away. Play blind, blubbering fool til gold is tarnished and emerald sparks sputter out. Why so cruel? Why does my bastard heart want her to hurt?

      Hear the greatest gift. I ask who is watching Batman. See the greatest gift, all grins and ghoul green hair. "Hey," I say, "Aren't you that guy who was in Star Wars? Han Solo?" The greatest gift laughs mirthlessly "You're kidding me, right?" I give up the fight to hold firm the jagged stone about my soul. The wall barricading my heart falls broken. I laugh, "Yes. I'm kidding. I know you you are. But it's not my birthday..."

      Familiar feeling flutters...

      "I know who you are! How are you here?" Look to mother, "How are you here?" Finger slip through palm. "Yes!" Understand exactly where we stand, mid dream. Dance around the green haired gift. We laugh like an improbable mob of joker jedi. Then the greatest gift drifts away.
    2. late night dreams

      by , 11-05-2024 at 05:06 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Voice was hounding me to post more dreams. (Every 3 day or 4 days seems like a consistent way to post.)

      Don't remember much.

      Jamie 1

      I was beside a woman in bed. It was Jamie, but she looked asian (like filipina or malaysian or something). I put my hand on her boob. I was like "Wow, it fits in the palm of my hand." She smile at that and put her hand over mine. The dream fades (This dream coincides with some sweet talk we were having at night.)

      Fortnite again

      Just a flash of getting shot at and walling off. Not sure if Jamie was in this or not.

      Last night:

      A jamie dream I forgot but I had this vivid one:

      Jamie 2

      Me and Jamie were walking in a small apartment building. We came from a larger area and entered a stairwell. Jamie looked up the stairwell and looked frightened and she went back through the door. I took a splie second to see where she was looking but nothing was there. I quickly turned to follow her but when I opened the door, it was nothing but concrete. I was becoming lucid when I woke up.

      Wow when Jamie doesn't want to be found in dreams....