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    1. Messes

      by , 12-26-2024 at 08:11 PM

      A field of sunflowers is actually a field of suns that are tied off and bobbing like balloons.

      To hell with the mirth and mess. Flee hypocrisy. The inn is the out. Too soon it too is dirt and distress. The scatter of trash nimbly mutates into a piercing childhood haunt, monster of false memories. Escape filth and faulty flashbacks. Uneasy freedom is found in bizarre streets.
    2. Cleaning up at work

      by , 12-26-2024 at 09:54 AM
      I found myself in a large airport/ warehouse like building, it was my work place but didn't feet like it. it was a glorious sunny day and I was thinking, with all this nice weather we are having, it wont last and maybe I need to move to Australia. Then I proceeded to carry 2 bin bags (one black one white,) out to the bin and someone laughed at the way I had tied them together like a married couple. I burst out and laughed too.