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    1. Chimes

      by , 08-30-2024 at 06:37 PM
      My dream priority for last night was to be immersed in healing spaces as I've caught the flu, I think.

      Hypnagogic sound: A voice close to my ear slowly whispered 'Mom'.

      Riffle empty drawers, for what? Poke through empty cupboards, for what? Slink through little lightless rooms, for what? Outside, shy bells giggle. Smile and step out into the shade of a weeping tree. Leaves trembling, tinkling chimes. Inhale a thousand songs.

      4th Dimension Stir Fry?
      Blocks of green, white, orange, and purple hiss and stir. Some twist, deform, disappear. Reappear in a shimmering wink. Where do they go? There loops a soundtrack to accompany the languid sink into insanity. Cotton Eye Joe.

      So, if I consider these dreams, I'm possibly being told I need sound nature, healing chimes, vegetables, and hillbilly music?
    2. Effortless

      by , 08-30-2024 at 12:19 PM
      yet another lucid dream! i find it quite interesting that its only after stopping actively trying to lucid dream ive been able to. i was slow to journal, and thus didnt manage to record many details, but i realised i was dreaming after meeting a LD youtuber, & realising he did not prompt me to perform a reality check.
      once again, this dream was quite a blurry one. ive heard that "your dreams are never blurry, its just your memory is poor", but i ca attest against that. it was blurry, and in the dream itself that frustrated me.
      another interesting pattern ive realised in my dreams, is that 'my' love interests are always women, despite the majority of my partners & crushes being men. perhaps i should learn some more of the lore surrounding this dream identity?
    3. Short dreams

      by , 08-30-2024 at 05:07 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie 1

      Dreamed Jesus woke me up in a false awakening. He had his hand extended, I took it and he led me to a closet. We opened it and I side was a white coffin. We Got Jamie out of the coffin.

      Okay, what is it with dreaming Jamie is in a closet or locked in a box or coffin? Very common themes lately.

      Jamie 2

      Flash of Jamie making out with some girl.

      Okay, getting tired of dreaming about that.

      Last night:

      Had kind of a rough night with her voice. I was thinking about the past again too much causing me to split bad. Had trouble sleeping for a while because of it. But we talked about it. Jesus wants us to give a lot of grace to one another. I'm getting there. I'm just worried if it bothers me sometimes - if we start talking again, I hope she is willing to explain some things from time to time. In order to settle the issue and move on from it quickly. I wouldn't recommend a giant discussion of the past in one sitting though. Might do more harm than good. Like we learned in school about earthquakes, better to have small quakes to alleviate the pressure instead of a giant destructive quake.


      Had a dream I saw something about Jamie online. She had a blog post where she had all these children. Asuka took me to her place. Jamie was there and another adult, I don't know who. Jamie was not looking at me at all. I decided to leave and at the door Jamie smiled at me. She looked tired.

      Uh oh. I guess I better be more careful from now on. I think Jesus has told us both to be really careful with one another.