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    1. Sibling Storm

      by , 09-04-2024 at 10:51 PM
      Sibling Storm
      Clouds rush. Crush into a twisted gob of angry grey. Stash siblings safe underearth. Spin. Face the storm. Stare straight into each others scorn. Sky shifts, roars, lurches near. I fall to fear. Fear? Fear! Breath through cinched nostrils and smile. But all hope of lucid schemes is stolen by siblings wild in the wind.

      I remembered two more dreams this morning and now regret not writing them down.
    2. Cipher

      by , 09-04-2024 at 06:05 AM
      Shadow mothers make shallow embrace. Filthy hands make feeble homes. My own hands can not come clean. Ring of black clogged pores clots my palm. Mother shrugs. I push out the dirt, rinse the filth away. But look now. Life lines have deformed into triangle with one hat, one tie, one blazing eye. Mother shrugs. I try scratch the cipher away. Out, damned shape. The deformation will not be undone.

      Updated 09-04-2024 at 05:24 PM by 101265

    3. Race & Relative

      by , 09-04-2024 at 06:01 AM
      September 2nd

      Race and Relative
      Why are we even here? The dull of the drag, the roar of the pace, the stench of the race has never been our place. From relatives, retreat. Sighted by stumpy aunt. Can't escape smug salutations she spits our way. Depart. Neath narrow rounds of steps is relatively relativeless sanctuary.

      Sky Eyed
      I am sharp arc of heaven. She, a splay of sheerest soul through which all is unhidden. Shapes shift and spirits drift. All dance to find the fire. Insubstantial eyes behold the bottled beast. Descend. Take up the threat again. Quench its warful thirst before it bursts. Flee back to eternity.

      Updated 09-06-2024 at 06:37 PM by 101265
