it seems like this website is not well known at all and almost no one knows about it cause theres only 241 people on it right now and not many posts are posted throughout the day
My school bus took me to my middle school and the memories started flooding (not actual memories from middle school but memories from other dreams) i went inside and i went into a classroom and people were getting these weird gummy/ fruit snack things and they looked really good so i asked where they got them and one kid walked with me to show me where to get them and i see a few teachers that i know in real life and we are suprised to see each other but then i walk into the room where the gummies came from and saw that i had to pay for them so i was like never mind so then i leave and come back to the classroom and i get on the bus and there is this girl i see and lets me read a journal that she had then that was the end and this is a side note in one of my dreams i don't remember if it was this one or a different one but i was telling myself that if i was in a dream that some peoples heads would be weirdly shaped but i think i noticed peoples heads were weirdly shaped it almost looked like they had some kind of tumor on the back of their neck but anyway i think i got lucid i've been watching videos on how to lucid dream and i guess thats why i told myself that in a dream but knowing it was a dream gave me an eerie feeling
I'm working temporarily away from my area. Family business slowed down, almost broke so my friend in Cochrane offered to have me work a few weeks. Jamie voice didn't seem happy that I have to move for a few weeks. Not sure what is going on with the dreams tho. Totally chaotic. Dexter I had a flash of Dexter standing in front of a mirror. He has a syringe needle and says to the mirror. " Robert, you are never going to do THAT again." I guess when Jamie was under the influence of negative dream energy she sent Dexter after me. Vague Began with a flash of Dexter heading to a crime scene. I knew he was after me, so I hid at the Trinity Killer's house but the guy was crazy so I left. Then I hid in the Fromville town and figured Dexter would have no way of competing with monsters that look human. I think I ran into Jamie there. She seemed okay now. It was night time and we wanted to hide. Some people led us into a house. There was a cart or bed inside. We started hanging there. I asked the people of the house if they had a talisman on the door to keep the monsters out. The man pointed to the talisman hanging by the door and said, "It's okay they're our friends now." Me and Jamie flipped when the guy opened the door and the monster people came in. The cowboy hat guy came in. Instead of killing everyone he shook the townspeople's hands. They started talking like old friends. I figured I should double back to Trinity's house to see if Dexter was stopped there. Back at Trinity's, instead of trying to kill me, he happily invited me into his house to have dinner with his family. I thought it was odd. Jamie was long gone by now. Dancing I'm with Jamie at her house and we are slow dancing to an Elvis song that everyone and their mother's uncle has covered. My vision zooms out and Dexter sneaks around a corner. Only Jamie seems to notice him. She makes eye contact with him and shakes her head, calling him off. He nods and ducks back into the shadows. Dexter again I'm around him, still paranoid that he's going to go after me. He says, " Don't worry Buddy." Jamie again I'm saying to Jamie, " I don't know what you know about my situation." I think the conversation is in reference to me having to go away for a few weeks. What A flash of Dexter making out with Jamie. And not his nanny of the same name. Sex I'm in a strange place. There's 2 rows of mannequin women. Just passed them is a woman. I get behind her and right away get to business. Not sure if this is Jamie or not. Okay I can't really tell if Jamie is okay or not.
Hypnagogic The Bundy's (MWC) eating off the floor like dogs Dots like lazy snowflakes drifting in and out of view Culvert A country too crowded, soaked in a hurried sunset. Try to escape. They have walled all paths. Two planes dance wild. They crash. Their death spark reveals all in the dark. Sky is streams of planes. Distance booms like death. Take cover in a culvert. Cut off from starlight. Misplaced from the moon. We've only the earth for protection. We hope she loves us still. Sing songs from sacred days. Boxed A big city. A big building. A big party. Suddenly locked. Streets are a surge zombie warriors with wings of fire and eyes of guns. Screaming metal and humming drones keep us in our boxes. Gather water. Gather food. Gather what wits are left. Hope rolls to us by way of winding tubes and message marbles. We will survive. Notes: Fasted for 24 hours to see if my dreams would change or I might possibly become lucid. Attack came in every dream I recalled but there was no life or death fear attached so I can't call them frightening or even nightmares.
how many reality checks should be done in 1 day if you want to have lucid dreams?
Back Man He lays on pavement, scooting on his back. Two men orbit him, yowling in nonsense. What is happening? Some strange attack? Social media prank? Eventually curiosity wilts. There's work to do. We leave the trio and reclaim our way. Harry He revives Harry. It's a one man show. He performs his role like a raving clown. But there is no Floyd. It's only Harry. Bizarrely it works. Our vigilant brains fill in the spaces where Floyds words would be. And I, for the life of me, can't comprehend if the show garbage or genius.
Hood He fashions a hood from scraps of human flesh. But it is okay, he says, because his scraps were soul-less, seeded in the secrecy of a lab. Star Shifts Riddled with fearful anticipation we plot our paths either into the mysterious birth or the ever stretching fringe of the known. Red stars or blue stars are guiding lights.
Wonderful to be back. I was lost in a sea of hypnagogic imagery as pain pulled me in and out of dreams. An imploding compound eyeball. A braid of light wisps. Police pushing through my door. Up a steeply inclined string. A vibrating tangle of spectral shapes that nearly was a dream. Imladris? Whispers of moonlight slip through carven beams of a hallway unending. Drifting fluff of soul, aimless and ailing, I amble along. He calls a name that is mine and yet, not. I am a river. Voices are echoes, sacred harmonies so gently easing all the harm in me. A path of new moons and ritual fasts, of magic mantras and dream woven tasks is assigned to me. I agree. Finally there is rest beneath the stars, beside cascades, beyond dim and damned ever reaching hands.
Jamie 1 A dream of me talking to Jamie. She ran away from me like I said something really mean. . Cats I was wandering around a house. I saw a box with a small white kitten in it. Weeks old maybe. I went to pet it. The kitten grew large and tried to play fight with my hand. Later I saw another cat that lives in my real home. Inky, who always treats pets as a playfight. I saw him around a corner of a room. I went somewhere to a different house far away from where I was. I spotted Inky again. Jamie 2 I was with my brother at a table. Jamie was there. I was writing down a grocery list. My writing was really messy, I couldn't get anything out properly. I made a comment on that. Jamie said, "Let me see." I was trying to draw a G, but it came out like a a strange handwritten H. I was embarrassed because I remember when she wrote her name down on a piece of paper irl, I remembered how perfect her writing form was. And me, I even had a school tutor when I was young, who made me practice the alphabet over and over again, and no matter how much I tried and practiced, I was always sloppy. Jamie always had great spelling and grammar as well. I have no Idea what a ; is, or how to use it. So I never use it. Anyway my brother said something about writing, "bread" down with impatience. a minut later Jamie piped up and said, "Yes make sure you get the right kind of bread down." with more impatience. I nervously explained that I made sure I wrote the write thing down. I thought it was odd, Her ganging up on me with my brother. Not taking my side... Well I'll say this: If her friends or family, or anyone else ganged up on her to make her feel bad - even if they are right. My Job is to take her side no matter what, I hope she sees me the same way. I woke up and the voice apologized about the dream. Jamie 3 I was in a living room with a bunch of random couches and TVs. Jamie was there, and several guys. some passed out on couches. I was tired so I laid down for a nap on the end of one. Some guy made a comment about me sleeping there so I got up and sat down at a chair. I was watching a show or something about the black widow from the MCU or something. I found it boring. So I got up and left the room for some reason. I came back. Jamie was there sitting on a couch staring blankly ahead, with some younger guy beside her who was shirtless. He was trying to put his arm around her. I gave her a dirty look but then ignored the situation. now the guy had changed to having his shirt on. But her still was getting a little too friendly. Jamie was still trying hard to pretend I wasn't there. I looked around and found the room in a different order. I was a little puzzled at that. I saw one of the TVs had star trek on or something. I went to watch it when I woke up. When I woke up, Her voice was apologizing again. She said she didn't know why she was acting that way.
this dream was either in 2023 or 2024 i don't exactly remember and i also don't remember every part of the dream either but i was waiting at a bus stop with around 5-12 people and we were all just talking to eachother and later in the dream me and one of the people that were at the bus stop were sitting in a room and i was sitting on a mattress and she was sitting or kneeling next to me and she was telling me that her brother (who was also with us at the bus stop) had just died and it was because of their abusive dad and i didn't believe her and was kind of laughing it off but then she holds up her phone and we listened to a voice mail by her dad and i don't remember but i think i heard him hurting the brother then i immediately started crying and she (the sister of the brother) hugged me and said "it's ok" you didn't know (or something like that) also i do not know these people in real life
So the dream was like this I was getting ready in the summer time to go to Centre Island in Toronto on my own to go to the theme park there on my own. Mom was helping me get ready and something happened to my shirt so it needed to be fixed so I had to take it off and Dad was calling for help from the kitchen so Mom asked me to go help him and he was mostly naked except for underwear (I was half-naked because of no shirt on)- and I had to help him with the toaster oven and some paper towels. I then got my shirt back on and got my stuff together and I said "I was going out" and Dad realized I was going by myself into Toronto then and offered to come along but after my (real-life) experience with him I said "no" and i got to our front door before the alarm went off for the dream to continue. i was wearing some kind of weird high-heeled sneakers which I wouldn't normally wear. I hope this dream continues tonight so I can pick up where I left off. This was a sequel to another dream I had last week and I made a reference to that previous dream in this dream in the talk Dad and I had before I got to the door
Ok so i had a dream over the weekend where i was at my grandparents house and i was in the basement but their basement is more like a living area so anyway i was just sitting on the couch and this couch was right in front of a window so then i saw that there was some kind of birthday party going on like 5-20 feet away where there were people that i've seen a few times in my life and then they all start knocking on the window not at the same time but 1 person kept knocking then a few minutes later another person knocks and i got an eerie feeling so i left the basement and told my grandparents and apparently people have been doing this maybe to stock or just cause they thought it was funny but it became a serious issue and that was it so i woke up
These blogs are dying... Dexter again Just a flash of Lumen from season 5. She talking to Jamie. She's saying, " He's just looking out for your best interests. Was Jamie complaining to her about me? Driving I was driving my family on some back roads. I was climbing a steep valley. It was snowy and icy. My car stalled and started going in reverse. Camp I was in some group camp area. Night time. There was a place to buy supper and I was sitting on a picnic table. Suddenly Chelsea and Christi sat down... I was wondering why they would sit with me. Christi gave me a kiss on the cheek. It seemed only friendly. They both had blond hair for some reason. I was staring at Chelsea and noticed her lips were really chapped. She looked a lot older than I remember. I was thinking that some people really don't age well. She began looking at me strangely. She said, " Your eyes.... They look brand new." I wasn't sure what she meant. I said something like, " It's because I have the love of Jesus in me." When I was finished talking, I woke up. Umm odd. Bed Just audio of hearing a bed creaking like people were doing it. Me and Jamie??? C again A dream that Chelsea was walking by my house looking for me. No other Jamie dreams. I hope they come back. I don't want dreams about Chelsea... I don't want any complications at all between me and Jamie. Our relationship in the voice has also been a little dry lately. I hope it improves soon.
Had to work a long one today finishing a job near carstairs. My last post was obviously a split, I'm okay and back to "Normal," now. Trinity In this dream. I woke up in some basement. I was feeling fuzzy. A man that looked like John Lithgow was there. He kept calling me. "Arthur." I kept saying that Arthur is my brother - and sometimes people confuse us like twins, but we are not. But he keeps calling me Arthur anyway. He seems jovial. He was sitting on the floor playing with something like he was a child, which obviously he is not. (For those that don't know the Show "Dexter." This is the character: Trinity Killer. Played by john Lithgow, who plays one of the most terrifying serial killers on screen) Jamie 1 I go up to Jamie who is standing by a piano. She says something odd like, "You'll never compound this." I wake up and realize she was saying: come pound. Not: compound. Does she mean her piano? I had a dream she previously had wrecked her piano... J/K I know what she really meant. Especially after my next dream. Jamie 2 I'm with Jamie in a dark room and she says, "I'd rather suck a thousand dicks than talk to you ever again." Classy. But if you want even more class in your insults, The Show Dexter yields a better one: I'd rather put a campfire out with my face! I'm not roasting Jamie, just trying to make light of a tense encounter. Farm I keep dreaming about two people My family finished a barn for. The wife teaches piano, I left my piano tuning business card. In the dream I am servicing her piano. I say something like Oh I did a piano out in that area last week. or something. I'm actually servicing a piano out by rimbey tomorrow. first piano this year. After that night, and after noticing Raven was posting some longer and more detailed dreams on her FB group, I decided it would be alright to ask her help with jamie. Last night. Song I'm standing beside someone who's playing music. I'm also playing my guitar. I'm practicing a song I've been learning. The live version of Cliffs of dover by eric Johnson. or, at least my guitar has the same tone. I see Jamie in front of me. She's sitting down in some tall flowers? Lavender maybe? I get to a fast part of a solo. Jamie watches my hands and her eyes almost bulge out. my song somehow goes with thte song raven is playing. Can't remember the middle part. Me and Jamie are in her house. She's talking to a woman in a living room/kitchen, Her mother? Or that other lady who tends the gardens in her dreams? or maybe they are the same person? I don't know. I follow Jamie into a bedroom. She's suddenly a child... I decide that going all huggy/kissy is not an option here. but she takes my hand. I lay beside her on the bed holding hands. We both decide to just sleep.
Two fragments of Jamie. Dream 1 I just remember Jamie was around. I can't recall what the dream was about. Dream 2 Jamie talking to some guy. She seemed to be flirting with him. She said something about a husband? Woah, what? I mean that would explain the silence. I don't why I'm not even worth an explanation. Or " worth the effort". As she once put. I guess I'm not. Dexter again I'm on season 4 already. Just dreamed that Dexter and the Trinity killer were talking to one another.. They seemed really close that's it.