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    1. Hardly anything

      by , 01-07-2025 at 03:35 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Hardly any dreams. The Jamie voice is still consistent. Good!


      Just a flash of me and Jamie slow dancing in some house. I hear music but I don't recognize it.

      Her voice comments on it when I wake up.


      A dream about characters from the Dexter show. It's the actors from the OG version, not the new prequel with different actors. ( Excellent casting though. The current actor is good, but he lacks some of the charm of Michael C, Hall).

      In the dream I'm not sure what is happening. I'm standing by something and Debra falls off something. I have false memories of her coming out of the pool, but she's covered in burns, like she was in a pool of acid. She doesn't come out though. I get worried and tell her boyfriend to go in after her before she dies.
      Tags: dexter, jamie