I was in the middle of a field which had random fires and holes missing from it. I was with some random people, everyone was panicking because we was about to get bombed by an air raid. To survive the air raid we had to go into sleeping bags and lay still, my sleeping bag was filled with water. I don't recall the actual air planes but they must of spread napalm everywhere because I could feel intense heat, that's when i realized what the water was for... to cool me down. The sleeping bag was black possibly dark blue but the inside was a light blue. After it was all over and I emerged from my sleeping bag I was in my old primary school classroom, the one when I was in year 6, exactly how I remember it. I awoke straight after this, it was quite frightening and I found myself in a bit of a panic until I realized it was only a dream.
So was walking down a street which I live near, I decided to stop at a ice cream van and asked for a 99 (99p cone of ice cream) he wrote the order down on a piece of paper... But I realized that it was on the back of a sheet from my physical dream journal, so I did my RC! BOOM CONTROL. Stabilized it! A weird thing to do but I stripped naked and said to myself "I WILL FLY!" while jumping in the air, then I was flying like a boss around my town. It was amazing a felt the breeze and everything. But things began to fade! It was all back again but this time I had my cloths back on (Not for long) so I figured second lucid dream? Anyways I decided to fly again but read a thread earlier with someone making stuff explode with their mouths. So I said "YOU WILL EXPLODE" while opening my mouth and exploding my neighbours house, then my parents house then our caravan! Decided a little walk down into someones house was needed... Found a woman -R-rated stuff- . Then saw a tub of tooth paste on a table, tried making it move with my mind but made it apear into my hand while it was still on the table as well so I duplicated it! Then I woke up like "Fuck yeh!".
A man was kneeling in front of a fire place he was a inventor, the king was treating him badly. The Queen gave him water, the man told the king he only needs one cannon to beat an army. He went to the woods with the king and his men. The man points it out and the ogre pulls the sheet off it. Then four other ogres went over and tried lifting it up. They were ambushed the old man made a run for it, the kings men kept running into traps. A horsemen chased the old man, the old man started climbing a rope ladder but the horsemen jumped up and cut the old man's middle finger off so he dropped to the ground. I was upstairs at my gym with my brother he had a blue swimming cap on. We walking downstairs to the reception to sign in, the guy at the desk was busy so we scanned ourselves in by leaning over the counter.