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    Unmoving Racing Car, Flooded Road, Animals in Kitchen, Towers on Grandparents' House

    by , 11-29-2022 at 07:40 PM (312 Views)
    About time I caught up with this dream journal. I've been too busy with other stuff. All the following dreams were non-lucid.

    Night Before Monday 21st November

    I dreamt a racing driver who had been about to retire had returned for another race, but only to run tests which meant that his car was set up to remain stationary on the track. He could rev the engine and run through the gears but there was apparently no drive to the wheels. At least one other driver was doing the same thing.

    Night Before Tuesday 22nd November

    I had a fairly vivid and exciting, non-lucid dream. The first part I remember was one of my recurring DREAM SIGNS of being in an unfamiliar part of the world or the country, having some kinds of obstructions trying to find my way home. We were riding in a taxi with a foreign driver. My mother was talking to me about something about not wanting to offend the driver and I was telling her to be quiet (as he could hear).

    We came to a deeply flooded section of a widish road through countryside, with trees either side. The driver hesitated and asked us which way we came through here before. I think my mother answered that we came by boat / ferry. I think he might have said "Oh." as he realised he was faced with a problem.

    The road was so flooded it just looked like a deep river. Without saying anything he confidently drove into the water, maintaining a surprisingly high speed [which in reality would've made a wave of water flow into the air intake of the engine] much to my excitement, probably slight apprehension and, as I could see the driver was succeeding, admiration at his skills. We reached a part where the water seemed to get even deeper and he instinctively moved over to a slightly shallower area to the left hand side.

    I remember feeling jubilantly excited after we made it through the water, loudly telling him he is awesome and [this bit is fading] I feel like this blended into an experience of sharing this story with other friends or colleagues who weren't in the car when it happened.

    23rd - 26th November

    I had an unremarkable dream about carrier bags on the kitchen floor and a couple of unpleasant dreams showing apparently deceased animals.

    Night before Sunday 27th November

    I dreamt there were lots of animals in the kitchen. The kitchen looked different [DREAM SIGN: Room changed]. They seemed to be loads of large birds initially, like crows possibly. I was conscious that I needed to keep the door shut to prevent them spreading into the rest of the house. As I kept looking at them I saw a strange animal that I couldn't immediately identify as a bird or mammal, that seemed to be on all fours, quite stocky, about the size of a medium to large dog, with a broad, rounded head. It looked purple. I called it a griffin. Shortly after this I saw a bird of prey in the kitchen as well and a smallish chimpanzee that approached the doorway. I was a bit nervous that the chimpanzee might be aggressive but someone reassured me they lived in this home, so presumably domesticated. The doorway now seemed to be open and I was standing in a long narrow hallway running from left to right behind the kitchen door [DREAM SIGN: Unfamiliar room]. The chimpanzee started to look a little more human as it got to the doorway. It may have been wearing glasses or human clothes.

    Night before Monday 28th November

    I dreamt I was standing in my grandparents' front garden, looking at their quite large house. I noticed short rounded towers sticking out on the front left corner of the house. Possibly later in the dream I noticed there was a separate one on each storey. I think they each had a window of some kind. I did start to question this because I was starting to wonder whether you could enter them from the downstairs dining room and upstairs master bedroom. This is where my subconscious started to change things to explain it. At first I thought there was a bay window on the tower in the bedroom, then I realised I was actually seeing towers on the house opposite my grandparents' house, which looked quite similar. When I turned back and looked at my grandparents' house again, the towers had shrunken a lot in diameter so they barely looked like towers anymore and obviously couldn't be entered from inside the house. Still didn't get lucid or question this further. [Seeing my Grandparents' house and seeing unusual adornments on a building are DREAM SIGNS as are the changes of perspective and the objects when I tried to question things].

    Night before Tuesday 29th November

    No dream recall. I have the vaguest notion it might have been another dream about travelling away from home but I really don't know.

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