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    First time in Space

    by , 10-29-2011 at 05:31 AM (518 Views)
    non-dream lucid dream

    This was the first time I had ever dreamt about space and one of my early lucids. It had been quite the experience.

    I was in some sort of lab. Everyone around me was in white lab coats with safety goggles on. There were a lot of high tech machines around me, they seemed futuristic. I was walking towards the exit when man came running up to me and said "You're needed in sector 12, your crew is now departing" I followed the man until he led me to some sort of portal and said "After you", gesturing towards the portal. The portal was a glowing light blue, pretty much how I pictured all my portals. I stepped through and felt there was a flash.

    I don't remember the transition completely but I end up in some room full of glass panels and 6 people in orange suits, I had one on as well. It seemed like an astronaut suit and I was wondering where my helmet was. All of a sudden there was an announcement over some speaker system "Launch in 7-8-9.." The whole room shakes for a few seconds and then I hear a *DING* sound and the shaking stops. A glass panel opens and I see a hallway appear. The people in the orange suit start to get out and so I follow them. I somehow part from the group and head up a stairwell. It seems to never end... I climb continuously up for a while until finally an opaque door appears. There is was a keypad beside it, probably to enter the password to get through. I push 1-2-3-4 and it works! The door slides open. There in front of me lies complete darkness. I peer my head out and see what I could only describe as is distant galaxies and stars.

    Suddenly I realized this is dream, I'm in space! And in an instant my feet lift off the floor as I accepted I was in space and there was no gravity to hold me down. I step out and my legs are trying to find a flat surface. They loosely fling around as I try to manoeuvre through space. I try and swim thinking it may be more effect. I stop for a second and look back and there I see a huge spacecraft floating behind me. Then I thought to myself how am I breathing without a helmet, there's no oxygen in space. I start to choke and clutch my throat, slowly my dream fades away..

    I wake up coughing and kinda gagging..

    No time to proofread

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