• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Nov 8, 2015

    by , 11-09-2015 at 03:45 AM (361 Views)
    Date: Sunday November 8 2015, 10:16 AM
    Important: No

    No Soap

    Total sleep: 1 hr 28 mins
    Daytime Techniques: %Experience this moment as NEW and UNKNOWN (through the 3 main senses). Know that it will never come again. So, enjoy it. %Simple Lucid Dream Experiments to build up my Lucidity Level.
    Lucid Techniques: "I am Lucid Dreaming NOW" and know it. WBTB + DEILD
    Recall Techniques: "I wonder what Lucid Dreams
    Vividness: (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness): 8
    Awareness: (1-10; or lucid): 6
    Length (how long it felt like! Because that matters): 1 min
    Emotions: inquisitive
    Dream Signs: seeing off things

    -I am in the kitchen in front of the sink and I think by I am alone. The soap dispenser is not there and there is just a hole in the sink.

    Date: Sunday November 8 2015, 1:54 AM
    Important: No

    Yes I Can and Already Did

    Total sleep: 1 hr 28 mins
    Daytime Techniques: %Experience this moment as NEW and UNKNOWN (through the 3 main senses). Know that it will never come again. So, enjoy it. %Simple Lucid Dream Experiments to build up my Lucidity Level.
    Lucid Techniques: "I am Lucid Dreaming NOW" and know it. WBTB + DEILD
    Recall Techniques: "I wonder what Lucid Dreams
    Vividness: (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness): 6
    Awareness: (1-10; or lucid): 5
    Length (how long it felt like! Because that matters): 5 mins
    Emotions: disbelief ("Yeah right.")
    Dream Signs: talking to people

    -I don't know where I am. But, I think it is DJ, Mom, I, and maybe Grandma. Mom is saying something like, "You can only remember two dreams a night." to DJ or DJ and me. I think to myself,"That's preposterous. I remembered seven dreams just the other night." and kind of whisper it to DJ on my left while Mom is in front of us.


    Date: Sunday November 8 2015, 1:53 AM
    Important: No
    Symbols: FA

    Waking up JJ for Church

    Total sleep: 1 hr 28 mins
    Daytime Techniques: %Experience this moment as NEW and UNKNOWN (through the 3 main senses). Know that it will never come again. So, enjoy it. %Simple Lucid Dream Experiments to build up my Lucidity Level.
    Lucid Techniques: "I am Lucid Dreaming NOW" and know it. WBTB + DEILD
    Recall Techniques: "I wonder what Lucid Dreams I'll have tonight..."
    Asleep - Awake: 7:32 AM to 9:00 AM
    Vividness: (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness): 8
    Awareness: (1-10; or lucid): 6
    Length (how long it felt like! Because that matters): 1 min
    Emotions: neutral
    Dream Signs: talking to people

    -I am in JJ's room waking JJ up for church. She is on her bed.


    Date: Sunday November 8 2015, 1:53 AM
    Important: No


    Total sleep: 5 hrs 11 mins
    Daytime Techniques: %Experience this moment as NEW and UNKNOWN (through the 3 main senses). Know that it will never come again. So, enjoy it. %Simple Lucid Dream Experiments to build up my Lucidity Level.
    Lucid Techniques: "I am Lucid Dreaming NOW" and know it. WBTB + DEILD
    Recall Techniques: "I wonder what Lucid Dreams I'll have tonight..."
    Asleep - Awake: 2:03 AM to 7:15 AM
    Vividness: (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness): 7
    Awareness: (1-10; or lucid): 7
    Length (how long it felt like! Because that matters): 3 mins
    Emotions: curious
    Dream Signs: TV screen; curiosity

    -I'm in my living room by the front door and the TV is on. I think DJ is sitting in the couch in front of the TV. I am trying to do my awareness technique. I am saying something to myself like, "I need to focus more on hearing and feeling as opposed to seeing."


    Date: Sunday November 8 2015, 1:53 AM
    Important: No

    Ungrateful JJ

    Total sleep: 5 hrs 11 mins
    Daytime Techniques: %Experience this moment as NEW and UNKNOWN (through the 3 main senses). Know that it will never come again. So, enjoy it. %Simple Lucid Dream Experiments to build up my Lucidity Level.
    Lucid Techniques: "I am Lucid Dreaming NOW" and know it. WBTB + DEILD
    Recall Techniques: "I wonder what Lucid Dreams I'll have tonight..."
    Asleep - Awake: 2:03 AM to 7:15 AM
    Vividness: (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness): 8
    Awareness: (1-10; or lucid): 4
    Length (how long it felt like! Because that matters): 7 mins
    Emotions: upset
    Dream Signs: when I get upset

    -In JJ's room; She lost her charger and needs to find it; I find it while JJ is in Mom's room; she is very ungrateful; Mom is next to me; I try to get over it this ungratefulness by telling myself something like, "It's OK. Just focus on now."


    Date: Sunday November 8 2015, 1:53 AM
    Important: No

    Mom in Israel

    Total sleep: 5 hrs 11 mins
    Daytime Techniques: %Experience this moment as NEW and UNKNOWN (through the 3 main senses). Know that it will never come again. So, enjoy it. %Simple Lucid Dream Experiments to build up my Lucidity Level.
    Lucid Techniques: "I am Lucid Dreaming NOW" and know it. WBTB + DEILD
    Recall Techniques: "I wonder what Lucid Dreams I'll have tonight..."
    Asleep - Awake: 2:03 AM to 7:15 AM
    Vividness: (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness): 2
    Awareness: (1-10; or lucid): 3
    Length (how long it felt like! Because that matters): 3 mins
    Emotions: neutral
    Dream Signs: being alive looking at someone

    -something about Mom in Israel


    Date: Friday November 6 2015, 10:53 PM
    Important: No

    ---DreamViews Conversing

    Total sleep: 5 hrs 11 mins
    Daytime Techniques: %Experience this moment as NEW and UNKNOWN (through the 3 main senses). Know that it will never come again. So, enjoy it. %Simple Lucid Dream Experiments to build up my Lucidity Level.
    Lucid Techniques: "I am Lucid Dreaming NOW" and know it. WBTB + DEILD
    Recall Techniques: "I wonder what Lucid Dreams I'll have tonight..."
    Asleep - Awake: 2:03 AM to 7:15 AM
    Vividness: (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness): 2
    Awareness: (1-10; or lucid): 2
    Length (how long it felt like! Because that matters): 2 mins
    Emotions: neutral
    Dream Signs: talking to someone

    -I'm talking to someone on DreamViews

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    Updated 11-09-2015 at 04:43 AM by 87987

    non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
