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    1. 1/17/16 - Mr. Man Pageant and Lucky Gravity Guy

      by , 01-17-2016 at 07:11 PM
      Lucky Gravity Guy
      LD #/ >

      Total sleep: 5:00
      Daytime Techniques: BE NOW (No thoughts)
      Lucid Techniques: "I know I'm dreaming."
      Recall Techniques: "I remember every dream in vivid detail."
      Asleep - Awake: 5:01 AM to 10:01 AM
      Vividness: (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness): 8
      Awareness: (1-10; or lucid): 4
      Length (how long it felt like! Because that matters): 35 mins
      Emotions: neutral
      Dream Signs: when I am talking to people, when I'm around people
      Lucidity Trigger: /

      -I am traveling with a whole bunch of lucid dreamers. There is some guy who is narrating our journey. He says something like, "And nothing ever happened to Hukif. He would always be the lucky one." I remember all of us walking down a path at night by multiplex cinema and there is some girl there with wet make up on her face. Hukif walks past her and she says nothing to him. Another person in the group walks by her and she says to him, "Do you remember me from gym class?" The rest of us walked by her and feel sorry for the guy who got caught up in that situation with that girl. Now, we are all in third floor of some building. There are two bridges. I walk on the right one. DJ laughs at me and says, "Ha!" I don't mind him and I go to the bathroom. It is a very long bathroom and the walls are white. I look in the mirror and my hair is very poofy and has a lot of volume as opposed to being rather flat in WL. Something happens and the dreamscape changes…


      Date: Saturday January 16 2016, 11:19 PM
      Important: No

      ---Mr. Man Pageant
      LD #/ >

      Total sleep: 4:52
      Daytime Techniques: BE NOW (No thoughts)
      Lucid Techniques: "I know I'm dreaming."
      Recall Techniques: "I remember every dream in vivid detail."
      Asleep - Awake: 11:29 PM to 4:21 AM
      Vividness: (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness): 8
      Awareness: (1-10; or lucid): 4
      Length (how long it felt like! Because that matters): 35 mins
      Emotions: annoyed, relieved, intruding, happy
      Dream Signs: when I'm around people, when I'm talking to people
      Lucidity Trigger: /

      -Apparently, there is supposed to be some mail pageant going on either on Friday or Saturday that I'm supposed to be a part of for class. And today is Friday. I am now in Pookey's room with a few of my classmates that are also going to be participating in the Mr. Man pageant along with the teacher. The teacher seems like some Indian lady with the wavy black hair. She is saying that we don't even have to be in the pageant today because we can be there tomorrow and she was only concerned with meeting some judge. However, tomorrow is Saturday and I don't want to be in school on a Saturday. So, I complain saying that I want to be in it today, Friday. She says that she doesn't care. But, when the other students agree with me, she gives in reluctantly and agrees to do it today. I am now on Avenue H walking towards him it would. However, I'm actually walking in the direction away from it. I see mom in the car driving on the right side of the pavement in front of me signaling me to get it so that she can take me to Mr. Man pageant. But, her car is white, unlike her car in WL which is red. I get in and dad, JJ, and DJ are in there as well. Mom asks how I got the pageant to be started today. I say something like, "I used the power of complaining." She rolled her eyes and starts driving me to midwood high school. When I get there, I see some lady judge with glasses and short black hair be called outside of some bushesby some guy saying that someone got kidnapped. When she gets in the bushes, the guy that said that covers her mouth and tries to kidnap her. When he looks at her right ear, he notices some black earpiece that she is wearing realizes she isn't who he is looking for. He signal some guy to come over and take a look at her. She is resisting and when the guy comes over she ripped his shirt off. The guy is actually pretty ripped. He seems angry now and says something like, "Give me my shirt back! Look at the body that I worked for compared to you!" The lady runs away towards the front of the school and when she gets there, the guys approach her as if they are about to attack her. She stops for some reason and then, a whole bunch of angels which are guys in white towels, sandals,and have wings glowing orange come flying out of the front of the school and stop the kidnappers. I now realize that this is kind of like a movie and I am in DJ's way of watching it as he is laying down on the bed behind me. So, I move out of his way and stand next to Mom who is also sitting on the bed. Now, I am seeing the inside of the pageant and all I see is a stage with a row of seats along the wall and a podium. However, no one seems to be there. I remember i'm getting ready for the pageant by reviewing notes in my notebook. Something happened and the dreamscape changes…
    2. Presence and Awareness

      by , 11-14-2015 at 05:42 PM
      Because you were not "present" enough. Generally you need to practice recall and awareness. It seems like if you are thinking about lding enough to have it in your dreams, you are aware enough of lucid dreaming, but you are not aware enough in the dream. When we lucid dream our higher brain functions are shut down, so reasoning is gone. When we realize we are dreaming or talk about dreaming inside a dream, they don't just magically light up. The more recall you have, usually, the more you are present and making realistic decisions. Yeah, I might be fighting a bagel army, but I am the using all of my recent experience and making decisions based on that. When your presence in a dream is low, youbare more of watching rather than making the decisions.

      Examples of dreams with high awareness of lucid dreaming, but not enough presence:
      Park car, walk inside, walk back out car is gone.
      "No biggie, that happens when I am dreaming, I really need to get that paperwork to that ostrich though or he will fire me."
      house starts melting
      "Noe my house is melting. Thanks Obama. Melting my house in my dream! I need to get to that paperwork!"

      Example dreams with high presence, but not enough awareness of dreams:
      Park car, walk inside, walk back out, car is gone.
      What the crap? I just parked my car outside and I turned around and it is gone? Now my house is melting, what is happening to me?"
      House starts melting
      "I think I am going to take a walk."

      Or fake memories can start kicking in
      Park car, walk inside, walk back out, car is gone.
      "I just parked my car outside where did it go? Oh yeah! Wife said she would pick it up."
      House starts melting.
      "I forgot that they scheduled this for today!"

      High both awareness and presence:
      Park car, go inside, come back out, car is gone.
      "Oh! This is a dream! I guess I don't need to worry about that. What were my dream goals?"

      Really high awareness and presence:
      Dream starts, park car, realize I am dreaming, think for goals.

      Really low both:
      Park car, walk inside, walk back out, car is gone but you don't notice. The house is melting and you don't notice. You just keep doing your thang.
    3. RC question

      by , 10-07-2015 at 03:25 PM
      By doing RCs, you're rehearsing for the dream world. Like any other rehearsal, for maximum effectiveness, you should imagine that it's really happening while you're rehearsing. That way you're more prepared when the time comes.
    4. Lucidity and the Observer State

      by , 10-05-2015 at 06:04 PM
      This perspective, to some degree, has been shared in various forms on the forum, but I felt like sharing it here anyway, if nothing else to bring it to the forefront of our minds.

      The best time to practice for lucidity is while we are awake, to practice lucidity throughout our day, which is why, for instance, we do RCs. RCs are not as much reminders to the subconscious as they are a generalized training for our minds to be lucid. In other words, you RC to remind yourself to be mindful of the moment.

      But I'm not sure if the underlying reason for stressing mindfulness/self-awareness is often directly stated. To put it simply, everything is consciousness, everything is mind. If the mind learns to do something during waking perception, like having heightened awareness of self and surroundings, then it will only naturally take what it has learned into the dream state. We just need to do it without stress and strain and making it a chore.

      That said, you must remember that to be mindful/self-aware isn't about forcing the mind into said awareness. It's simply about being a conscious observer of the moment. Based on posts, people seem to get caught up in the idea that they have to ride themselves with a whip to accomplish this goal of LDing, or they are not giving enough effort. You don't have to beat yourself up, stress yourself out. Our goal is just to become consciously aware during our body's downtime. The entire idea behind WILD, for instance, isn't about forcing your conscious mind into a specific state as you fall asleep; it's simply about observing sleep happen consciously rather than unconsciously. Just be the observer, be mindful, be aware, and you will fall into the dream lucidly.

      As a last thought, stop stressing the techniques and become aware of the Now as it happens around you. Thanks for indulging my need to share.