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    BBT and The Big Bat

    by , 10-25-2016 at 08:01 PM (520 Views)
    So this dream was funny and weird at the same time. Lets just begein. The first thing i rememeber is being outside a apartment building, it was in the morning, i kinda just picked up my phone and called a random number, it was rining and then Leonard (from big bang theory) picked up. "Hello?" he said. "Leonard! Hey its Alma!" I said back. "Alma! Its been a while, how've you been?" He asked. "Im good, so anyway i have to cut to the case, i need your help. Well yours and Sheldon's help. You think i can come over and stay a few nights over?" I responded. I heard him talk with sheldon on the phone. "Sure, sheldon said yes," he continued, "and penny said you can stay in her apartment, but right now shes at an audition so you can come to our apartment til she gets back." "Okay awesome well im already here.. soo ill be up in a few! bye!" i said quickly. I ran up the stairs with Nilah shrinked down to pocket size hiding. When i came to their door i made sure i was in my disguise, i let out a deep breath and knocked on the door. Two seconds later, Leonard opened the door, "Hello!" i said before giving him a hug. "Its good to see you again." he said while hugging me back. Behind him i see Sheldon drinking tea, "Well isn't this a pleasant surprise?" Sheldon said. "Sheldon!" I yelled while running towards him. He put his hand up as if you say 'no i dont do touching'. Then he saw how sad my face looked and sighed. "who can say no to that face," he opened his arms, "come here you" i smiled and have him a big hug. "you know your one of the few people he doesn't mind hugging." Leonard said. "Really? I'm honoured" i said with a bit of sarcasm. "well you should be, cause its me." Sheldon said as he took a sip of tea. i laughed and then Leonard asked, "So you said you needed our help, what happened?" (I went with the flow came up with something on the spot) "Okay well. i need to tell you something and you can not freak out, well i don't think you'll believe me but i need you to keep an open mind, got it?" i explained. "Well i used to live with my mother, the religious nut, so my mind cant get anymore open." Sheldon said. I smiled and rolled my eyes, "Well where do i begin?" i continued "Okay so lets just say what if there is another uh universe that has real superheros and everything you see in comics and such." They just kept staring at me, so i continued, "okay? so like Uhh Batman right? he's real, and he needs someone's helps to fix a piece of alien technology to save his son and i told him that i knew you two and that you could help him and if you can, i can take you there." i finished. It was silence for a couple of minutes. Sheldon raised his hand. "Yes sheldon?" I asked. "You forgot to say, 'Bazinga'." he said. I sighed. "This isn't a joke, look ill show you." I took off my ring that gave me my disguise, and turned back into my real self, and in my uniform. They were in shock but then started to look around frantically. "What are you two doing?" I asked. "Looking for camras cause we're obviously on a prank show." Leonard replied. "Guys this isnt a joke, its real! Here look for your self!" I said while tossing my ring at leonard. He caught it and started to analyze it, he hesitated but put the ring on his finger. He quickly changed into a different looking person. Sheldon took a step back in amazement, "Fascinating!" He said. I watched Leonard take off and put on the ring over and overs and Sheldon watching him like a little child. I snatched back my ring and put it back on. "Guys! Hello? Do y'all believe me now?" I yelled. Sheldon was the first to speak up. "No, but your toys are fun to play with." He said. I sighed. Leonard took a step foward, "I kinda believe you, but its just seem so far fetched, like come on, we're scientist, its kinda hard to believe." Leonard finished. 'Let me try my other powers to convince them.' i thought. I smiled, "Hey Sheldon would you like some more tea?" I asked. He looked down at his empty cup, "Why of course i would." He responded. He reached out to give me the cup. I put up my hand, "No, its alright i got it" i said with a smirk. With a few movements with my hands and body, using waterbending, the tea from the pot that was sitting on the stove, came out of the pot and made its way to Sheldon's cup. "Would you like some sugar?" I asked, i used my powers to levitate the spoon full of sugar to Sheldon's cup. After i was done they look even more shocked. "Do you believe me now?" I asked them. They both nodded slowly. "Now will you come with me to gotham to help Batman?" I asked again. They thought for a while and then Leonard spoke up, "Its still kinda hard to believe but we'll go with you, do you know where it is? Ill drive." I let out a little laugh, "Oh we're not driving, didnt i say it was another universe?" I continued, "uhh do you have anything in here very valuable? Cause this will be kinda windy." With that i stretched out one of my hands, and kinda mumbled, "DC universe, Gotham city, Bruce Wayne manor" and then a blackish portal formed in front of all of us. I turned to Leonard and Sheldon, "Okay you both need to hold onto me and do not let go." I said in a serious tone. They both nodded, Leonard held onto my left arm. And we were waiting for Sheldon but he just stood back, "Sheldon! What are you doing?" Leonard asked. "I changed my mind, im not going." He responded. They started to bicker. I rolled my eyes, "Sheldon!" I yelled, he looked at me. "Batman needs you, the batman! Dont you want to be a hero to a hero?" I finished. "Me? A hero? ... Im coming Batman!" He yelled as he grabbed onto my right arm. I laughed, "alright lets go!" I yelled and we all stepped into my portal. (In my dream i was kinda worried the portal wouldnt work, since i barley try it) The next thing i know we step out of the portal and Leonard and Sheldon are yelling beside me as we step out. "Shut up!" I yelled, "We're here." 'Yay, it worked!' I thought. I looked at the big gate of Bruce's mansion, i was smiling watching both leonard and sheldon compare the building to the movies and comics they saw in their universe. I walked up to the intercom and pressed the button. *Bzz* "Hello? Wayne residents." I heard a british accent say. "Alfred! Its Alma, could you open the gate?" I said happily. "Miss Alma, come in." He responded. With that the huge gates started to open. We three walked passed the gates, both Leonard and Sheldon looked shocked but yet happy. "Okay so guys, things you should know about Bruce is, dont metion two things, his parents deaths, or Jason Todd." I said quietly. "Well of course they're sore subjects, under all that amor and mean act, Batman is a sensitive guy." Sheldon said. I laughed. "Dont tell him that." I said. We approached the doors to the mansion when Alfred opened them for us and we entered. Alfred was smiling at us as we entered, "Alfred!" I yelled as giving him a big hug, which he returned gladly. "Miss Alma, how are you doing?" he asked. "I'm doing fine, let me introduce you the two geniuses I mentioned over the phone earlier." I said, Leonard and Sheldon stood closer, "This is Dr. Leonard Hofstader, and Dr. Sheldon Cooper, my friends from another universe." I finished. They said their hellos and such, "So Alfred, why is it so quiet? Where's Bruce, Dick and Damian?" I asked. Alfred looked at me with sadness in his eyes, "Well Master Damian is missing, Master Dick is on his night patrol and looking for clues, and Master Bruce is not doing well either, he's in his office right now." Alfred finished. "That's good, that's - wait what?" I yelled, "What do you mean Damian's gone?? What happened?" "He's been gone for about a week, days after that alien technology showed up in lawn, Master Bruce and Damian where on their night patrol and then a flash oh light hit them and master Damian was gone, So I was told by master Bruce." Alfred finished with a sigh. "This is the fourth Robin we're talking about, correct? Damian Wayne, legitimate son of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al-ghul?" Sheldon interrupted. Alfred just stared at him. "Sorry, in their universe they have movies and comics about this universe, so they know everything." I said to Alfred with a chuckle. "Oh, so they are, um, what did master Dick say before, nerds?" he said. I started to laugh. "Yup, exactly the right word!" I said. Leonard cough, "So can we meet Mr. Wayne?" Leonard spoke up. Alfred nodded, "Come this way." We walked until we came to Bruce's office. Alfred knocked on the door, "Master Bruce, miss Alma and her guest have arrived." There was a moment of silence before we all heard, "Come in." We all entered the room and i saw Bruce standing by his desk smiling at me. I smiled huge, "Bruce!" I yelled before running to give him and hug, "I heard what happened, dont worry ill help you find him." I said while hugging him, he hugged me back tightly. When we both let go, i introduced Bruce to Leonard and Sheldon. "Bruce, these are my friends, Dr. Leonard Hofstader and Dr. Sheldon Cooper, from another universe." I said. "It's an honor to meet you sir Batman, i mean bruce, sir bruce, bruce sir." Leonard studdered. I laughed a bit. Sheldon was a bit quiet, "So how was it loosing your parents in thay ally way?" Sheldon asked. "Sheldon!!" Both Leonard and i yelled in sync. He looked at both of us, "What?" Sheldon said. I rolled my eyes and turned to Bruce while Leonard talked to Sheldon. "Sorry about that Bruce, on their universe they know everything about this universe and Sheldon has no filter." I said. Bruce smiled, "Its alright, since they already know everything, lets go to the cave." He said. The scene changed to the cave, Sheldon, Leonard and Bruce talked among themselfs while working on the piece of technology. The piece of technology looked too complicated for me so i wondered around the mansion, i came to Damian's room. 'I should probably try to find some clues or something' i thought to myself. I entered the room and grabbed a hoodie that Damian used to wear, "Nilah could you come out please?" I said quietly. I felt movement in my side bag, Nilah popped her head out yawning, i smiled at her because she looked so cute as a tiny armadillo tiger. She jumped out and grew as she stretched on the floor, "Alright Nilah, i need you to change and help me find Damian." I said to her, she nodded her head and started to change into a Shinru(a creature hybrid known for their sense of smell) I reached out my hand that had Damian's hoodie, "Come on, Nilah. Do your thing." I said. She sniffed the hoodie and started to search around with her nose. She stopped and shook her head, and laid down putting her paws on her nose. "Does that mean he doesnt exist?' I asked my self. I sigh and pat Nilah on the head, "Just keep trying girl, tell me of you get anything." I saod to her. I walked out of Damian's room and walked downstairs, i was lost in though when i heard someone yelling my name, "Allllmmmaa!" I heard. I turned to see Dick(Nightwing) running towards me. I smiled big. "Dick!" I yelled as he picked me up in a big hug and started to spin me around. "Its good to see you back!" He continued, "No one told me you were coming back!" I laughed, "yeah i just got here, i brought my two friends from another universe to help Bruce." I looked down sad, "Did you find anything about Damian?" I asked. He put a hand on my shoulder, "No, but dont worry, he's tough." He said. I smiled and that's when Nilah jumped on me, she was still a Shinru, she was using her body to point in a direction, "She found his scent!" I said. Dick and i ran to the batcave where Leonard, Sheldon, and Bruce where talking and working on the alien tech. "Bruce!" I yelled. He pickes up his hand, "Not now." He said. "But Bruce!" I said again walking closer. "Not now." He said more sternly. "Just listen, I-" i said while reaching to touch his shoulder, "Shut up! Cant you see im trying to get my son back! The only kid who actually has my blood in him, not just another take in?! Your getting in the way!" He yelled as he slapped my hand away. I held my hand in front of my chest while i looked at Bruce shocked. Everyone one looked at me, i felt so angry, "I just came to tell you that Nilah had Damian's scent." I said calmy, i turned around and walked away with out turning back. (It went to third person point of veiw since i left the cave) "Alma!" Dick yelled as he went after me. Leonard and sheldon, stodd there watch the scene happen. "Awkward.." Sheldon mumbled in Leonard's ear. Bruce slammed his head on the table, "Master Bruce." Alfred sternly said. "I know, Alfred, i know." Bruce mumbled. (Back in my point of veiw) I walked quickly out of the cave. "Alma wait up!" I heard behind me. I sighed and continue to walk away, "Leave me alone Dick." I said. I took off my ring as i got to the library, where Nilah was waiting for me. "Alma!" Dick grabbed onto my arm. I looked at him, "What?" I said. "Don't take what Bruce said seriously, he doesnt mean it, he isnt him self right now." He said. "He didnt have to yell at me in front of everyone!" I said back. He looked at me like he didnt know what to say. "Never mind, im going to follow my lead." I said as i looked at Nilah, "Lets go, lead the way." I told her. "Alma wait!" I heard Dick say as we both flew out of the mansion. It was already night, i followed Nilah into the city od Gotham. We came to a park. It looked deserted, well the whole city looked deserted. I wondered around to try to find clues. "Stupid Bruce, embarrassing me in front of everyone, i was just trying to help." I muttered to myself. While i was lost in though, and loud sound and a bright light hovered above me. I looked up and saw some sort of ship? A white beam surrounded me and i heard a voice talking to me in my head. "Interesting girl, think ill take you to, like i took your little friend" a dark voice said. I lit my hands in fire, "Wheres Damian?!" I yelled at the ship. "He's part of my collection, as you'll be." It said. I couldnt move my body, I felt like the light restrained me from getting away, it laughed "Dont even try to escape, the light surrounding you would tear you to shreds if you pass through it, not like you could, no one can." It finished. I concentrated on trying to escape. I quickly push through, and saw shred of clothes. I fell into a bush. "Awh i told you, you'd be shred up to dust if you tey to leave, what a shame, you were so intresting." It said. 'It didnt see me fall in the bush?' I thought to my self as i hid in the bush. 'I need to quickly leave.' I thought. That's when i heard the sound of a car engine approaching the park. It was Bruce's Lamborghini, it came to a stop on the grass, i watched him get out of his car in a rush. "Alma! Where are you?!" He yelled. The ship turned in his direction. "What is that idiot thinking?!" I mumbed. "Oh? Whos this? Your not intresing at all." The voice said out loud. "There's no need for you, ill get rid of you." Bruce looked at the ship, "You! Wheres Alma? And you have my son as well?!" He yelled. "That girl is no more, and your son? Oh hes mine now." The voice said in a mocking voice. Bruce kinda slumped to the floor, he looked like he was thinking to him self, he had a face of guilt. The ship took out some sort of ray and pointed it at Bruce. 'Move Bruce move!' I thought to myself. But he didnt, the ray started to fire, and i did the only thing i could think of at that moment, was try to stop it. I ran quickly and as the ray was about to hit Bruce i jumped in front of it.(it all happened so quickly) It hit me and when the smoked cleared a bit i stood there with arms open wide, i looked up and saw Bruce's shocked face then i fell foward. (For some reason it went to third person point of veiw) i saw my body on the floor in front of bruce. 'Whats happening?' i thought. Bruce grabbed my body and just started at me shocked and scared. "Alma?" He said shaking. "How did she escape my white beam? Interesting. Oh, well now shes dead, and so shall you be." The voice said. It loaded the ray agaim but before it could shoot Bruce again, a loud jet sound happened and the ship exploded. I looked towards the ship to see Superman, 'He destroyed the ship!' I thought. Superman flew down to where my body and Bruce were. "What happened?" Superman said. Bruce couldnt speak, Superman looked at my body. "Shit, her heart isnt beating, she isnt breathing! Bruce what happened?" Superman yelled as he took my body and started to preform CPR.(it was really werid, felt like i was watching a tv show) Bruce just kept looking at the floor. Thats when a motorcycle appeared, it was Nightwing, he hopped off his bike and saw the scene before him. "What the hell?" He said. It only took him a few seconds to grasp the situation. He ran to Superman, "Move!" He yelled as he took out his electric twin rods. Once superman moved, Nightwing charged up his rods and pressed it on my chest. My body jumped and i felt this weird tingle. "Still no pulse" Superman said. Nightwing cursed and brought his rods to my chest again. "Damit, wake up!" Nightwing yelled. He tried one more time and thats when i went to third person back into my first person point of veiw.(weird lol) I saw Nightwing and superman looking at me while laying down. "Shes awake!" Superman said. I turned my head to Bruce, "Sorry, i got in your way again." I said. He lookwd at me with tears in his eyes. I felt something warm on the side of my stomach. "My stomach" i mumbled. They both looked down at my stomach, and just by the look on thier faces it was bad. "Fly her to a hospital!" Dick said to Superman. "I can't, shes loosing too much blood." Superman continued. "Im sorry, this is going to hurt." He said. I was about to say 'what' until superman started to lazer my stomach. I scream loud because even though it was a dream i felt a strong pain on my stomach. "Stop! Please!" I yelled. "Almost done" superman said. After that the scene changed to me being in a bedroom. Like if i was waking up but in the dream. I got up quickly and walked to the bedroom door, before i could open the door, Bruce opened it. He looked at me shocked, "Your awake!" He said. I smiled big and leaned in for a hug, but before i could even touch Bruce, behind me Nilah jumped past me and attacted Bruce, she wasn't biting him or anything but just on top of him growling alot while Bruce kept his hands up in surrender. "Nilah what are you doing?! Thats Bruce!" I yelled. But she ignored me. Im guessing this scene was heard over the mansion cause Clark, Dick, Alfred, Leonard and Sheldon, came to where we were. Dick was the first to speak up. "Whats wrong with her?" He asked. "I dont know, Nilah, please dont make me say it" i said, but she didnt move, i sighed and then said in a serious tone. "Nilah. This is an order feom your master, stand down now." Nilah's ears flinched and she shook her head and still continue to growl at Bruce. I was shocked, "shes suppose to listen to me, the only reason she wont listen to me is cause she feels like im in danger." I mumbled. "She blames Bruce for what happened to you." Dick finished. I sighed and steped back, "no one can get through to her, not even me, she wont stop unless theres a safe distance between Bruce and i." I finished. I walked back to the bed and sat down, "Nilah im fine, can you please stop?" I said in a sad voice. She got off of Bruce and sat next to me growling in Bruce's direction. Clark helped up Bruce and before i even had a chance to say anythikg Bruce walked away, i got up to go after him but Nilah stood in my way, "Nilah move! It wasnt his fault, im fine now!" I yelled but she didnt move. "Nilah please!" I yelled then i felt pain on my stomach side, i gave out a little yell and Dick made me sit back down on the bed. It was silent until Alfred spoke up. "Master Bruce just need some time to get his thoughts together." Alfred said sighing. "Well he had two days to get his thoughts together while Alma was unconscious, which does happen to be his fault in the first place!" Dick yelled. I looked at Dick surprised, hes never angry in my dreams, always the 'puns' making guy lol "It wasnt his fault, i jumped in to save him, he wasnt being himself thats all." I quietly said. Dick grabbed both of my shoulders and looked me in the eyes, "Alma! You were dead! No pulse, no breathing! Flat line! Bruce should have been the one to protect you!" He said. I sighed, "I know but im alive right? Thanks to you and clark! And ill heal my self with my waterbending!" I said trying to lighten the mood, but dick let go and just walked out of the room. "Hes mad at me now..." I said pouting. "No, master Dick just worrys about you, your like a little sister to him." Alfred said smiling. I smiled and then turned to Leonard and Sheldon remembering that they're not even from this universe, "Guy's what have yall two been doing while i was out?" I asked. "Nothing just working on the tech and geeking about how were in the DC universe," Leonard laughed, "Did you know The Joker is real?" I couldnt help but laugh, "Hey wont youe friends back at your universe worry about y'all?" Clark asked. "I already took care of that!" Sheldon said. "You did?" Both Leonard and i said in sync. For some reason i was in 3rd person point of veiw and the scene changed back into Leonard and Sheldon's apartment. Penny knocks and opens their door, "Helloo guys? Alma? Are y'all here?" Penny said. She walks in and sees a paper sitting on Sheldon's spot, ahe picks it up and reads out loud. "Dear Penny. Alma, Leonard, and I have gone to another universe to help out Batman. Will be back as soon as possible. - Sheldon. P.s. Ive changed the WiFi password to 'Batman's hero' all lower case no spaces." She stays silent until she mutters the word, "Nerds." The scene goes back to normal and im back in 1st person point of veiw. I kinda just think to myself, 'This is such a weird ass dream' i think. Im talking to clark on how i know where Damian is and the alien tech is actually a portal to their prision where that alien keeps his "collection." But then i felt my self waking up slowly cause my body was getting hard to move, "Awwh no not now!" I yelled. "Miss Alma whats wrong?" Alfred asked. But i couldnt speak my voice wouldnt come out so i knew that i was already to wake up. And i know for me personally once i wake up its rare to have the same dream twice. I remember sitting on the floor, smiling sadly waving goodbye to the people in my dream and then waking up. Well this was a funny, weird, emotional but yet fun dream. Sadly i never got to save Damian or talk with Bruce or Dick and such but i guess ill have to day dream what happened next lol You can do the same thing if you want, well until next dream, bye~

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