Headcrabs and a caterpillar
, 08-02-2011 at 03:18 PM (868 Views)
(non-lucid notes)
I don't remember the first dream, but it had something to do with minecraft.
I woke up for a few minutes, then fell asleep again.
[COLOR="black']There was a girl waiting in a small room, and she was holding a handgun. The door opened, and led into a much larger room. She tried to go through very quietly, and looked into the window of the next room. There were zombies and headcrabs, most of them were hiding behind boxes. She paniked and her eyes turned white, then she just walked through the room and the zombies ignored her. There was a hallway, and flames shot out of the side when she walked past. She also somehow ignored the flames, and didn't catch on fire.
The final door led to an icy room with two tracks and two sleds. One of them was a toboggan, and the other was a blue sled with metal runners. She said something about the toboggan being unstable, and went down the track in the blue sled.
Below the track was a pit filled with zombies, so I guess it was important not to fall off. She dropped someth9ing important into the pit, then the dream faded away.
I was in the yard of a house I have never seen before, with my two brothers and someone I haven't seen before. I can't remember most of the details, but my brother kept trying to dissect a caterpillar and I didn't want him to.n A few minutes before I woke up, I saw my cat laying in the grass. I walked to him and I woke up.