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    Alpha's dream journal

    Underground Lab

    by , 06-19-2011 at 03:18 PM (463 Views)
    I don't remember what happened before this, but I have a feeling it was something important.

    There is some kind of camp in the woods, and one of the people there is sick. I somehow know how to cure him, so I run through the woods to a clearing. Someone who looks like the ghost of Christmas present is standing there, and he puts a curse on me to heal the sick person. Well, that's definitely fair -.-He says that if I come into contact with the sick person, he will die instantly. Which doesn't really make sense. Now I have to stay away from the camp. I sneak through the woods, careful to stay quiet so they don't see me.

    At this point the landscape shifts to a foggy field with a car in the center. The car looks really strange. I hear the people from the camp coming, and jump into the car. Somebody is already in there, and he starts screaming at me. My two brothers come, but they walk through the car and disappear. The person in the car stops screaming, and wings grow out of the car. He flies us to some kind of concrete bunker, with indentations in the ground and doors in them. The person flying the plane-car turns into an adult wearing goggles, and tells me to go into the building. he follows me through the door, shooting any guards with something that looks like a shrunken minigun. Inside the building, there was a very loud heartbeat and pipes all over the floor. There was a mad scientist yelling at us, but we both ignored him. We found the source of the heartbeat, and the person with goggles threw up. It looked like some kind of squishy egg that was pulsing, and it was about 3 feet tall.

    Fragment that seemed to be related to the above dream-

    I was riding in a yellow car with the kid from before, and I slowly started to change shape. I looked in the car mirror, and I looked like the person with a normal wing and a demon-wing from Final Fantasy, except I had two shimmery silver wings. The kid driving the car looked at me, and said "Your back turned into a robot!"
    This was just really strange and I woke up.

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