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12.02.2017 (WILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I woke up 5 hours into my sleep and stayed up for 40 minutes. During my WBTB I went ot the washroom, drank some water, and browsed FB and instagram for most of it. I went back to bed and tried to encubate my dream about going to Everest. I think I tried MILD. At some point I fell into SP. I couldn't move and heard buzzing and saw flashes. I reminded myself to stay calm even if I saw scary stuff. I slowly broke away from SP and plugged my nose. At first it felt like it failed, I tried again. This time air clearly went through. I stood up and walked to my bedroom door. I was going to open it and then changed my mind. Decided to exit through the window instead. I was trying to lift the curtains but they kept falling down. It was a bit bright outside. I jumped through and started flying. I flew around the neighbourhood, over the freshly snow-powdered roofs and across the white field. I reminded myself to feel the cool breeze on my face and then descended. Landing on a patch of frozen grass, I sat down and touched the ground around me. It was cold, but not freezing, it felt nice. I reminded myself of my objective and took off again. I lost a bit of stability and worried about having FAs, which to my surprise it didn't happen. Instead, there was a change in scene in which I found myself in a temple in Nepal. I walked around in what seemed to be the inside of the temple. There were lots of people walking around. I stumbled upon a giant golden statue of Zenyatta (overwatch), which depicted him sitting in the mediation position, while moving several orbs in a big circle, something criss-crossing one another. At this point I lost most lucidity and wandered around the place. I entered a room in which I was getting shot at and I was using Reaper's shotguns to defend myself. I saw the Himalayas far away and wanted to fly towards them. I ended up getting on a train and the dream shifted in a different direction. I hadn't had a legit WILD in a long time, and I wonder if it is because I hadn't spent much time up during my WBTBs. It is also odd that I lost lucidity during the WILD, as I find that more common with DILDs.
07.08.2016 (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was with my parents and my brother at a beautiful beach. The water was turqoise blue, the sand was white and had a green jungle behind it; it felt like we had the beach to ourselves. I went swimming and was awestruck by how blue the water was, but clear at the same time. I could see tons of fish swimming on the bottom. I swam for a bit and then noticed there was an underwater cave. The tide was falling so I thought I should wait a bit and maybe it would be exposed. The tide retreated so much the water was about 100 meters out. The sea floor was completely exposed and it looked like it was from another planet with really weird-looking coral reefs, algae, and crawling animals. We walked around and found the underwater cave. We went inside and there were animals everywhere. There were little pot holes with fish in them, fish with feet walkig around, and octopi moving about the walls and roof. I accidentally stepped on a coral and it desintegrated. We reached a tunnel that seemed to connect with the sea. The tide started rising again and there was water rushing towards us. We ran back and came out just in time.
31.07.2016 (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was a kid and lost. I found a group of other lost kids and we were making our way across a jungle. We were staying the night in a cave when suddenly pirates surrounded us. We were captured and taken to Hook's pirate ship. Everyone was scared but I decided I would make the best of this situation, as I've always been obsessed with pirates. I befriended Hook and he showed me around the ship. There was a lot of work to do but I was happy to help. We were sailing in the blue ocean when something hit the ship. It was a huge crocodile that had been following us. I instructed everyone to load the cannons. As the crocodile was creeping up the port side of the ship (Pirates of the Caribbean Kraken-style) I shouted "FIREEEEEEE" and cannons starting going off. The crocodile's limbs flew off and there was a lot of blood in the water. Sharks arrived and devoured the dying crocodile as we kept sailing.
I was playing CS:GO on a zombie escape server. I was actually in the game. The round started and I fell behind because I couldn't decide on which weapons to choose. I ended up grabbing a heavy machine gun and a desert eagle. There were already about 10 zombies and they were ahead of me. They hadn't noticed me so instead of shooting them I just sneaked past the first few. I was running along a boardwalk by a river, all my teammate were up ahead waiting for a helicopter to depart holding off the zombies. I had 3 behind me and they were catching up so I turned around and threw a nade at them, sending them back quite far. The last zombie on my path was in front of me and had noticed me already. I drew my desert eagle and shot him repeatedly in the head while still running towards him. He was weak by the point I got to him and kicked him in the chest making him fall into the rapids below us. I reached the place where the rest of my teams was holed up, they were behind a wall of craters which I had to climb over. As I climbed over, the helicopter departed holding half the team. About 10 of us were left behind and there were now tens of zombies behind us. We kept running along the boardwalk and reached a house. We entered the house and reinforced all the entrances hoping zombies would just pass by. There were 3 rooms and one of the girls in my team was being really flirty. She took off her pants and was wearing a g-string thong and a pink shirt, she had a perfect squat-ass. She implied we would have to sleep together given everyone else had already picked a bed except for us, I thought of my gf but subconsciously thought it would be alright because it wasn't real.
I was at a small island with a pink house and palm trees. The sky was clear and sunny, and the water was as blue as it could be. I immediately recognized the place, I was in Master Roshi's Kame House. Vegeta and Bulma were arguing about something, and I was Krillin. I thought I should go find Android 18, but Roshi came out and said it was time to train. Goku was there with me. Roshi said he had trained someone and they had become stronger than me and Goku. I thought that was impossible. He gave a command and Chiaotzu came out; at this point I thought this was all a joke. Roshi told me to give him by best shot. Chiaotzu started charging an energy blast, so I backed up while charging a kamekameha. We shot at the same time, his blast was a big red sphere, it looked really powerful. I was giving it my all but it was too strong. I tired deflecting it to the ground but failed. The red sphere consumed by kamekameha and was now coming towards me. I docked under it and Chiaotzu made it turn around using telekinesis with his index finger and hit me. He defeated me easily and I couldn't believe he had become the strongest human on Earth.
I met up with my kinesiology friends, among them were Ryan, Megan, and Benji. We were in a library discussing how long it had been since we last got together. There was a bit of sexual tension between Ryan and Megan, and she looked hotter than normal..I think her boobs were bigger. Ryan was giving me shit for not going to the Stampede party, and I thought he was wrong. I thought I had actually gone (I didn't). We left the library and started walking towards a big building. We were in downtown, it was night time, and the sky was cloudy except for a patch where the full moon was shinning through. It was a bit chilly, to the point where I could see my breath. We got to an ally and Benji said this was the place. I just played along. There was a ladder on the building and we started climbing it. It was very wabbly but no one cared. At one point we had to jump to another ladder and I thought it was a bit too risky. We kept climbing and climbing and eventually reached the roof. On the roof were two of Benji's friends. They had built a hanging campsite between this building and the one next to it. It was like a mesh that you could walk on with tents scattered on top of it. I saw my tent and crawled up to it. Below me was just air and clouds. I thought it was really cool I was camping above the clouds.
05.07.2016 (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was at a surf camp with a bunch of friends from Venezuela. It was a huge indoors pool with different rooms in which you could surf. The place was about to close so I returned my board. I ran into Roman and asked him how it went with the 5'6 board. He said it was hard to stand up but he enjoyed it. I was driving around, it was night time. I stopped at a red light, and then an idiot passed me on the left turn-only lane when the green light came. I honked at him and he pulled over, but continued driving. I got to a cul de sac, drove around, and saw Gustavo, a member from the gym I work at, standing outside. I parked in front of him and said hi. He waved, and looked a little disoriented. My mom called me and told me to go home. Apparently Gustavo was a criminal; I thought it was silly but I drove home. I arrived at the building I was apparently living in. It was sorta like a 5 star hotel. The lobby was very nice and the hallways were adorned with exotic plants. I wanted to take the outside stairs instead of the elevator. On the way there, I saw a hobo sleeping on the ground and two security guards approaching him to kick him out; I thought it must be cold outside. I exited the building and saw there were a lot of young people in the street; there were lots of bars around and everyone was dressed nicely. I caught a glimpse of my reflection in a window and saw that I was wearing khaki pants and a white buttoned shirt. In order to go up the stairs I had to get in line, as it was the same line-up to get into the adjacent night cub. Three girls were in front of me; one was a hot, beautiful blonde wearing a black dress, her friend was a cute indian-looking girl wearing a blue dress and had a nose piercing. The indian girl was a little drunk and told me they were not looking to hook up, just wanted to have a girls night out. I smile and say "Good for you" and explain that I'm just going home as I have school tomorrow and I need to sleep. She feels stupid and laughs it off. The blond girl faces me, she looks very familiar and I can't get over how beautiful she is. I smile and say hi, she also smiles. I'm at home now. My parents are sleeping but they get up and turn on the TV. My dad tells me we're going for a drive but I tell him I am too tired and go to bed.
Updated 07-05-2016 at 04:29 PM by 28148
04.07.2016 (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was in a different planet. There was almost no vegetation, it was very arid. I saw two bonobos walking up a mountain and talking to eachother in a foreign language. I tried to follow them but they got lost. I realized I was in Earth but it was now dominated by non-human apes. I was coming out of the Temple of Time and started getting shot at. I looked around and saw Skull Kid hoding a sort of arrow machine gun. I hid behind a wall, pulled out the light arrows and shot him in the head. He ran away. I was with a group of people in a dark place; it might have been a simulation inside the chamber of time in Kami's lookout. We were being taught how to control our Ki. I wanted to learn to fly right away but knew it would take time. I put my hands facing each other and tried to create a small Ki ball, but instead my hands just got a little warm. I thought it was good progress.
02.07.2016 (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was running through the woods with Astrid, we were being chased by zombies (fast, smart zombies). It was getting dark and if we didn't find a place to stay at we would die. We saw a small town in the distance. We ran towards it, and went inside a huge house. I thought it was a mistake choosing a house with so many windows and doors. In the first floor there was manure all over the floor and it smelled bad. We wre clearing all the rooms but didn't find anything until the last one, there was a cow. The cow started mooing really loudly and I had to stab her in the head or it would attract more zombies. The zombies had reached the house now and were trying to get in. We ran upstairs and ran into a 3 zombies. We ran away from them and went inside a room each, next to each other. More zombies came in the house and started trying to open the bedrooms were we were hiding. I managed to lock my door using a belt and knew it was a matter of time before they got into the bedroom where Astrid was. I remembered I had my stone mask (I was playing Majora's Mask last night) and wondered if it would work; maybe if I wore it they wouldn't be able to see me. I put it on and opened the door. Three zombies came in and smelled around, but they couldn't see me. I stepped out the balcony and saw that there were 3 zombies waiting by Astrid's balcony door. I pushed them off the balcony into the furious sea below. A huge great white ate them as soon as they landed. I rescured Astrid and we left the house. I knew who was behind the zombie outbreak and where he was. He owned a huge casino in the same town. I packed my weapons and drove there. I parked my car, it was a blue civic coupe with stars painted on it. It was day time by now. I went inside the casino but noticed that security were following me. I exited through a side door and decided I needed a new plan. I was looking for my car but it was gone. I thought maybe I forgot where I parked, so I walked around but to no avail.
02.07.2016 (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was with my parents, my brother, Gerardo and Carla (family friends), and their two kids. We were going to drive to Edmonton. We had rented a van but we still had more people than seats. Surprisingly, my dad didn't care. We got in the van and looked for the place in google maps. I remember it being close to the main UofA campus, but it was a house in the middle of a small forest. On the way to Edmonton we stopped at a small market. They had weird candies such as dead bees dipped in honey, roasted cockroaches, grilled cow eyes dipped in caramel, etc. I grabbed a bee dipped in honey and ate it. The lady warned me that if I bit it I would get stung but it was too late. My jaw stating hurting a lot and started cramping. A tiny ball developedin front of my ear lobes and it hurt a lot. My jaw was closing on its own so hard I thought my teeth would break.
02.07.2016 (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was in Ft. Lauderdale with my brother. We were walking along the highway, both carrying our suitcases and Suit bags. I had brought a black suit for some reason and was regretting not bringing the blue one. We stopped in a store and bought stuff to go to the beach. On the way to the beach mom called us and we told her we'd stop at Alvaro's (my cousin) place. His apartment, a small studio, was one block away from the beach. My cousin seemed high but was very welcoming, I wondered were his Siberian Husky, Ace, was and he instantly came. His eyes were very light blue and his brown coat shined, I thought he was the most beautiful dog I had seen.
02.07.2016 (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Juan Vi and I were going on a trip with Dani, probably a rock climbing centre. We were trying to recall what our last trip together was before San Diego. We erroneously concluded it was the Orlando trip in 2012; forgetting we went to Daytona when I was in Miami last year.
01.07.2016 (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was with my group of friends from Venezuela, with whom I went to school with from grade 1 to grade 8. We were staying at a big house that had an indoors soccer court; it looked a lot like the court we used to play at in school. We spent all day playing soccer, I was better than I thought even though it had been a whole year since I last played. Alejandro was complaining about something as per usual, probably something Alexis did. We texted the remaining guys from the class to come meet us but they didn't reply. After the soccer match we decided to go inside and watch a movie, there was a small movie theatre with red seats and a huge 4k 100'' screen. Alejandro and Javier wanted to watch the Real Madrid game but everyone else wanted to watch... Avatar? I left and went to my room. My brother was there, he had just come back from surfing. I noticed he had rented the same surfboard I rented when I was down in San Diego. It was an epoxy 8' board, green on top, yellow on the bottom. I told him I didn't like the wax job they did on it because it was impossible to get rid of the sand and resulted in bad body rashes. I went outside and noticed the was a tunnel in the backyard. I went in but it was really dark. I had to crawl through the entrance and almost got a claustrophobic attack. Once past the entrance I stood up and looked around. It was just dirt; I was probably about 8 feet underground. I was scared it would collapse so I tried to exit but the entrance was now smaller and I couldn't fit. I started freaking out and woke up.
28.06.2016 (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I had just arrived at San Diego; I rented a car and drove to mission beach. I went into a mall and rented roller blades. I was skating through the mall and went into a clothing store. In there I saw Mayela and Fabiola (long distance crush from grade 6). I thought of going up to them and saying hi, but it had been about 8 years since the last time I saw them. I ran into Paola, Laura and Pau. I thought it was funny we ran into eachother in San Diego, and we took a picture together. I looked for Fabiola but she had already left. I skated towards the boardwalk but it was hard because it was uphill. A kid and I were helping each other up. At the boardwalk I got kidnapped... by my dad. My brother was there and he had also "kidnapped" Fabiola and Mayela. I didn't take the whole thing to seriously. Fabiola had scars all over her face but she was still beautiful; she was really distant (maybe she didn't like being kidnapped). We drove to a secluded beach and found parking. The beach was like a bay with a small pier in the middle. There were huge waves; I wanted to go in and surf but there were tons of sharks. I need to start keeping a book beside my bed so I can write dreams as soon as I wake up; I feel like I had more details on this one but I didn't write anything down until about 2 hours after waking up. I will also try to start being a bit more descriptive of the setting, details, and thoughts rather than just going through the plot.
25.06.2016 (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was at a mall; for some reason I was on top of a huge construction tower inside the mall with a female friend. She grabbed my hand and we started making our way down the tower, leaping from platform to platform and running down the stairs. We got to the parking lot and met up with the rest of the group. We started driving into the woods and found a secluded spot. We parked our cars and set up camp. It was night time, the moon was full and the sky was clear. We started playing soccer and more people started arriving at the campsite.