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    Destructive Dream & A Pretty City

    by , 04-28-2015 at 10:38 AM (715 Views)
    I took 3 mg of melatonin before bed, then had a ~1 hour WBTB after 4 hours of sleep. Dreamer had told me at some point before these dreams that she had just had two lucid dreams, so I was determined to have some of my own!

    I don't remember how I became lucid, I remember standing next to dream characters from a story line that I had been participating in and I was trying to remember tasks. I thought of the bonus task, manipulate 4 elements or something. I looked off into the distance at these hills and made them stretch and grow to colossal sized mountains. I then imagined that they were volcanic and I made them explode with fiery boulders that I made fall down all around me and they set this forest on fire. I walked past the forest as it burned. Molten lava was still raining from the sky but I wasn't worried about getting hurt by it.

    I walked out of an orangish-yellow haze and into a city. I started flying at this point. I saw a large skyscraper and made wind blow up against it so hard that it fell over. I didn't watch any of the destruction that ensued from that, I just kept flying. I then noticed a large pond beneath me and I raised my hands so that my palms were facing it and all of the water drained from it almost immediately. I made a bit of the water fly around in the air for fun.

    I then went to hang out with dream characters in a new storyline, I don't remember what it was about though. In the next part that I can remember, I was noticing the dream was ending and thinking to myself, "Shit, I should have done something more interesting because I'm totally going to forget what I just did", and I did.

    The dream ended and I waited for another one to begin. I started to see what looked like my room and I opened my eyes and looked around. I was excited because the dream started next to Dreamer. I smiled at her and she said to me, "Your eyes were open for a while, it was weird."
    I was convinced that I had actually woken up at that point and I told her about my dream and she gave me a huge smile, that made me happy. I rolled over to fall back asleep.

    In the next dream, I had been playing out a loop. It started as me being an actor in some kind of film or play, then I had to go to a high school with a friend. I remember one of the classes was an exercise/weight lifting class. I also remember that there were spider webs when I would end the day and move back to the start of the dream location so that it could begin again. At the end of each cycle there were more spider webs. At the end of what I would guess was the third cycle, there were too many spider webs and I couldn't move past this tiny passage that I needed to go through to get back to the start of the loop.
    Being trapped/surrounded by spider webs is a dream sign of mine, and that made me realize it was a dream. I lit the spider webs on fire by touching them with my finger, then blew on them to make the flames get huge. I could feel the heat from the fire, it felt extremely realistic. When the spider webs were all gone, I jumped through the opening and ended up in what looked like an ancient temple. There was no roof overhead, just a magnificent sky that was filled with stars. I flew up into the sky and noticed a galaxy off in the distance. It was next to this truly beautiful looking town that was composed of bright, vivid, brilliant colours. I thought that the sight of the galaxy and the town was so gorgeous that I started to cry in the dream. I wished that I could bring the sight with me out of the dream, I wished that I could paint it.

    I flew towards the town and the dream started to get really weird, I don't remember what happened though. I woke up soon after that anyways.
    ~Dreamer~ and Verre like this.

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