Fart Cream
, 04-12-2015 at 01:42 PM (2152 Views)
Lucid #1:
In the earliest part that I can remember, I was walking through a golden field of grass. It was the early morning, the sun was rising and there was a little bit of mist all around. I was searching for a light painted forest to do Jenkees' lucid dare. Some annoying DC kept following me around so I shoved his face into the ground and put him in the handcuff position, then assigned another DC as a security guard to make sure that he stayed there. The security guard DC immediately had a mall cop uniform and nodded at me. I walked down a dirt path and I came to a small group of trees. I tried to illuminate the various plant life with a multicoloured glow. It wasn't working very well and there were only maybe 8 trees so I decided to try that dare another time.
I noticed that Dreamer was next to me, I was super excited that it was so easy to find her. I grabbed her hand and we started flying together over this beautiful countryside. I looked down while we flew and admired the vivid green fields. I saw a river that was running through a meadow and into a deeply wooded forest, I considered trying the dare again but decided to try some easier ones.
We eventually came to a small French town with cobblestone roads and traditional French architecture.
I saw a group of chairs that were outside a cafe and I used telekinesis to do one easy dare. I made a chair fly into the air with my mind powers and then I made it fly off into the distance at super speed. I then did some sexy stuff with Dreamer before the dream ended.
Lucid #2:
I was watching some story play out from a 3rd person perspective. This guy was going to a restaurant with his girlfriend, his mom, and his mom's boyfriend. The guy broke up with his girlfriend, his mom broke up with her boyfriend, and then the mom and the son left the scene. The mom's now ex-boyfriend pulled out a huge bag of cocaine and then started to do a line off some lady's table. The son's now ex-girlfriend asked for some, then pulled out an even bigger bag of cocaine and filled up the guy's smaller bag instead of taking any. It looked very thick and crystalline, like wet clumps of sugar. I appeared and had a body suddenly. I took the bag and rolled it into a huge, slushy clump of snow. I took it outside and held the clump of snow in my left hand while I took chunks of it and made snowballs with my right hand. I threw the snowballs at random DCs that passed by me. They thought I was a dick at first, but then everybody in the street started having a massive, impromptu snowball fight. Old ladies were building fortresses behind cars, bus drivers were leaping over bushes while throwing snowballs and screaming like rambo, and little kids were banding together to plot a massive snowball assault on the adults. I was still throwing snowballs at people at this point. I stole one guy's huge snowball that looked like it was about the size of someone's head and I threw it at another guy. The snow fell off and it turned into a soccer ball. Both guys seemed a little bothered by my tactics but then we all joked about it and went to sit down and eat some food at an outdoor picnic table. I looked at my plate and there were 4 grilled ham & cheese sandwiches. I thought to myself, "Mmmm can't eat those, they're definitely not vegan."
Then I said to myself, "WAIT, this is a dream, I can eat anything here and it doesn't even matter!"
I joked around with the people at the table for quite some time as I ate all four sandwiches. I was really enjoying being able to be calm in a group of male friends and I also liked not having to worry about the dream ending anytime soon. Right about when I was done eating the sandwiches, I heard a truck outside IWL and woke up a little. I stayed calm and waited to DEILD.
The dream started again in a small, completely empty house. There was no furniture or anything, just white walls and white carpet. I walked outside and began flying. Almost immediately I noticed that there was a huge party going on below me. I got excited and wanted to go check it out. It looked like I had stumbled onto a party filled with various supernatural creatures; there were werewolves, vampires, and zombies all hanging out there. They were snacking on brains, blood, and other various foods that were laid out on picnic tables. I got a little bit uncomfortable because they started to eye me like I was going to be their next course. I stayed calm then flew up to what looked like a giant wooden patio that was surrounding a massive tree house. This tree was seriously huge, like world tree size. The patio was a restaurant that was next to an outdoor bar/club. I saw a table filled with guys that were eating different pizzas. I walked over and they offered me some. I gladly accepted and began greedily stuffing my mouth by taking a bite out of each slice. One of the DCs looked a bit sad so I told him with my mouth completely full, "Aww I'm sorry man, I left most of it for you."
Strangely, my mouth felt kind of dry, so I looked around for a drink but I couldn't find any. I stuffed my face with some fries instead. Then I looked over to the bar/club and there were multicoloured lights flashing with a decent sized crowd of people grinding up against each other in what resembled a fully clothed orgy. I decided to try some tasks so I flew down to a nice, quiet, and empty house then reached inside my pocket. I pulled out a black disc, stretched it out with my hands, then threw it on the floor. I jumped in with the intent of travelling to an advanced civilization and felt like I was falling through a void. I'm usually scared of falling in dreams but this sensation was actually quite pleasant. I landed and opened my eyes. I was in the same room as before and I thought to myself, "Well shit, that didn't work very well."
Then I looked outside the window and noticed that everything had changed. I floated through the window and saw that all of the buildings looked aged and run-down. There was overgrown vegetation everywhere and many of the houses had trees growing out of their rooves, with massive roots completely encompassing some of them.
There was nobody around. After exploring for a bit, I noticed a building that had lit candles inside. I smashed through a giant window to get in, I didn't feel like trying to phase through it. I looked around and felt like I was in an inventor's workshop. There were schematics and half-completed contraptions strewn about all over the place. I picked up one tool that looked like a magnifying glass, except that it had tiny, golden gears inside as well as strange and intricate symbols. It looked like it had some kind of complex, electrical circuit built into the glass. I then picked up what looked like a paper weight. I inspected it closely and saw fine, golden etches in it that resembled a fibonacci spiral. I had no idea what any of this stuff did so I wandered around the house to look for the inventor, but I only found his wife. She wore these tight, pink pants and looked like she was from the 90's. She also seemed to be quite sassy and rude. I said to her, "Hello, I am from another time and I would like to see some cool technology please."
She responded in a thick, Brooklyn accent, "Okay, but that'll cost you ten dollars."
I pulled 30 Australian dollars out of my pocket and handed it to her. She looked surprised for a split second before bursting into laughter. She said to me, "You still use this paper shit? Hahahahahaha."
I quickly reached into my pockets and pulled everything out. I had 60 AUD and my phone, which I then handed to her. She laughed even harder then said, "Fine, fine, I'll show you something."
She took out this green coloured cream and put it on my face. She said, "Get ready for it to burn, it will completely protect you from the sun and from heat."
Some of it got into my mouth, it had a goolike texture and it tasted kind of like avocado mixed with sugar and some kind of seeds. I looked at her shelves and pointed to one bottle of stuff then asked her, "What does that do?"
She responded, "Oh, that will give you the BIGGEST farts of your life."
Woke up.