Knights, Dragons, and Gunz
, 03-09-2014 at 06:34 PM (636 Views)
Dream 1:
I was a dragon trying to terrorize a village. I was actually a reincarnation of an older dragon that protected the village but I knew that I had to let myself be defeated in order to get closer to the village. So I let this knight slowly hack at my wings until they were completely cut off.
Dream 2:
I was part of a group of knights that were battling dark knights. It was very RPGesque, every time we'd beat a stage of dark knights we would get the option of taking their armor or weapons to upgrade our own before we continued on our quest. Pretty fun time.
Dream 3:
Playing some kind of shooter game in this dream. We were sort of like futuristic gladiators that were enslaved by the government. They put us on opposing teams in an arena where one team was on a track, trying to escort these supplies to the end. While the other team was off in the distance trying to shoot us. First time around we made it fine, then we realized we had to keep going around in circles until one team was completely dead. The other team charged us with impossible weapons (20 foot long chainsaws, power drills the size of cars). I took a screw driver and stabbed them all in the head repeatedly. I supposed I became semi-lucid when I stabbed them multiple times in the face and they wouldn't die. My team won and we were freed.
Dream 4:
Combination of the games Gunz & Gunz 2. Was just hanging out in an arena talking to people because nobody wanted to fight.