Purple Smoke in a Crystal Ball
, 01-20-2015 at 09:07 AM (698 Views)
I had a F.A. where I woke up next to Dreamer, I did an epiglottis check to see if I was actually still dreaming and some air got through. I remembered that Dreamer had told me before that if the RC even partially works then it's probably a dream. I made my body roll out of bed with telekinesis just to be sure. I rolled straight through a glass wall, into a factory world. There were giant, white machines everywhere with tubes stretching out in all directions. I flew around while saying excitedly, "I am lucid! I am powerful!" and then I changed it to, "I am lucid, I am calm, I am stable", so that I didn't have to worry about the dream ending. I then thought about what tasks I wanted to do. I remembered the crystal ball task and tried to manifest one in my hands, didn't work. I then saw one laying on the ground so I picked it up and asked what was going to happen in 2015. I saw purple smoke begin to swirl around inside the ball. Unsatisfied, I asked again. Purple smoke began to swirl around again but this time it turned into purple electricity. Arcs of purple light streaked across the interior of the ball. Yellow words began to slowly appear in fancy cursive writing. The words said, "Love over one self" Then a page appeared in the ball afterwards that said, "Wiktionary, By: Hopedoc", followed by the copyright symbol.
I was pretty satisfied with that so I began to fly around and explore some more while I tried to think of another task to do. I remembered the Freddy's at night one but woke up before I could.