Unsatisfying Sexual Encounters and a lot of Food.
, 12-26-2013 at 07:41 PM (782 Views)
Fragment 1:
This one is a little bit hazier, happened at the start of REM. I was in a school, in a giant lecture hall. The professor was acting drunk so everybody started to get up and leave. He finally gave up so I got up and left too. I went upstairs where I met one of my buddies, we were apparently part of a secret organization whose mission it was to infiltrate and reveal the mysterious happenings of this school. He told me to pretend that I was a janitor so I went into a classroom that had just ended, wearing a blue jumpsuit. I started cleaning the room, looking for information and I noticed that I was covered in ants, they were everywhere. I poured water on myself to get them off. I noticed a giant hole in the wall that they were coming through so I picked up a hose and started spraying the ants coming out. The ants just got bigger and started pushing against the water stream. They eventually broke in and I left the room. Outside, a couple of teachers were talking to each other about how horrible their teaching conditions are. I listened from around a corner. That's the last part I remember.
Fragment 2:
I was in the living room with a bunch of friends, just talking. One of those friends just happened to be Hayden Panettiere and another was this beautiful blonde girl. I became spontaneously lucid. The beautiful blonde girl was flirting with some guy so I moved him away from her with my mind and touched his face, transforming it into something much less appealing. Everybody started to leave and I told the two girls to each go to separate rooms and that I would get to both of them. I went to the beautiful blonde girl's room first and we started making out. After a little foreplay, she took off her clothes and I felt her pussy. The dream started to get blurry, so I stabilized (ommmm). She instantly turned into a little cat. Damnit. I tried to visualize her turning back into a human, didn't work and the dream started to destabilize again so I stopped.
I decided to go to Hayden's room, but there was nobody there. Just two open windows. I said to the dream, Hayden Panettiere come here! Nothing, so I went outside and my sister was there holding a platter of salmon. She said that her friend worked at a storage house for the best salmon in the world. I tasted it and it was amazing, definitely better than any salmon I've ever had. Focusing too much on the amazing taste started to destabilize the dream, so I stabilized again. I went back inside, looked out the window and said again to the dream, Hayden Panettiere come here! I saw her driving towards the house in a purple SUV. She drove on the lawn, got out of the car, came towards the window and started coming inside. I had the split second thought of oh man, is she going to turn into a cat too? She didn't have time to because I woke up.
Fragment 3:
I was at a barbeque at a worn-down park. I became spontaneously lucid again while talking to a gorgeous thai girl from high school. I made a little piece of grass fly through the air, then I thought that it might be interesting to eat something again. I saw two options, a big pile of poop or some grass. I chose to eat the grass and it tasted just like grass too, not too exciting. I started kissing the girl from high school. She took off her shirt and pants and I started to finger her. Dream got blurry, so I had to stabilize. We got up on a car and started having sex with her on top, while I played with her pussy. My dick fell out and wouldn't fit back in, it was too big for some reason. I tried to get it back in for awhile but it just wouldn't fit, then the dream ended and I started to wake up. I DEILD'd back in.
Dream 1:
I was in a dorm and I was determined to get some sort of satisfactory experience. I looked around for a cute girl and found one room with a sign outside that said guy and girl. I made the door burst open with my mind and I took control of the guy. I made him leave and I started to undress the girl. She said to me, "No, don't do it I'm a guy!" I refused to believe her being that she was so cute and I really wanted her to be a girl, but sure enough her penis was larger than mine. I tried to turn it into a vagina, but it wouldn't work, then the dream ended again. I DEILD'd back in once more.
Dream 2:
This time, I was in a sunroom, looking at someone's backyard. A bunch of people came into the backyard with liquor and food, laughing. I opened the screendoor with my mind and went outside to join them. Dream already was getting blurry and I could feel adrenaline, signifying the end of my REM cycle so I stabilized by rubbing my hands together and looking around. I asked the people what they were doing here, they all said, "Orgy!" I thought, yes....finally!!!! One of the girls bent over a table and pulled down her pants for me. She looked just like a super model, but she was a little too skinny for me, oh well. We started having sex and I looked around for a pie that I saw someone lay down earlier, but I couldn't see it. I saw one girl holding a green apple and I told her to give it to me, but she wouldn't. I made it fly to me and she told me, "I can't give you the apple, I already ate it.." What a dirty little liar. I took a big bite of the apple and it tasted very bland. I took another bite anyways. Dream got blurry again and I tried to stabilize, didn't work this time. Dream ended and I woke up.