Exactly what it says on the tin.
LD. Ran around place. Met lots of DCs. Forgot a lot of things. It's funny how my personal goal is to talk in-depth with a DC because my usual LDs are devoid of people, and then my brain starts throwing DCs at me... heh. Too bad everyone was in a hurry .-. Still haven't had that conversation yet. I'm in this city where there's snow and something is happening and apparently someone is also named Ivy and I am also. I end up climbing up walls sideways and then I start tossing vines to tree branches. I begin swinging on them faster and faster and then I end up in a place that looks like my neighborhood. At some point here I become lucid. I do an RC (nose pinch) and then start walking around, and the place becomes similar to Manhattan with the sidewalks and buildings. At some point I run into Castiel in his trenchcoat and all that (from Supernatural) and he's rounding the corner and I'm like "hey Castiel" and I don't remember what he says but it wasn't anything notable probably? I run into these two guys who tell me their names when I ask (McGebbers and Eddy) They're stereotypical goons. Apparently I saw their boss somewhere on some tv show or movie) but I can't remember what he's called now. I see this girl walking and think she's Emily so I go up to her and say "Hey Emily!" And she turns around and whoops she's not Emily. She starts going down this subway station but I call down to her and ask if she has anything interesting to tell/show me and she says something in response. While running around I run into these two men in suits and sunglasses. I ask them their names and they look at each other and one of them presses a gun to my head but I don't remember what they say. I escape unscathed, though. I get to this park or sth and see Noah. He's going somewhere but I pull him back and he's really light. I tell him that we're in a dream and he says, "Oh cool, is it my dream?" "Mine actually." "Huh." I also meet this serial killer somewhere? Or someone like Ted Bundy, only not Ted Bundy. I meet a lot of people but I'm starting to forget what's happening and I run into this wall with a list of "have you seen these people " sort of task list and I wish I had paper or something to mark them off. I realize I don't have my backpack with me, just my regular clothes. I think about conjuring up some paper but I don't. I read the lines and some of them mention "Elmo" and "McGebbers" and "Eddy". I go into this school but I change my mind since I don't want to be stuck inside for the rest of my dream and I turn back and of course the entrance is blocked off by a stone wall. So I go to the edge of it and dig my fingers in and pull, and I get out. Possibly see the night sky and stars and cliff? At one point I end up near these creepy windows with this thing peering out, like those movie posters where a creature is looking through a crack in the curtain and you can only see their eye. I just remember that it was creepy, though. When I wake up I'm in this FA where I imagine myself writing down the stuff in a Muji notebook and noting it as Second Market. Apparently I've met the two goons before and I've drawn one of their faces and it looks remarkably similar. I write about sleeping in and how it's like 1:30 pm. And then I fade back into reality, and it's actually 9:10am or so.
Updated 01-27-2015 at 03:08 AM by 65810