I dreamt all the vegans in the world were going to die. They all looked pale and weak. Very odd. I don’t remember the rest as I woke up for work
29/12/24 04;40 another beautiful white horse was playfully rolling in a field. i was enjoying the show. 31/12/24 I had a false awakening. I was in a shop and it was gloomy so I told the shopkeeper I could easily help sell his stuff and make his shop better. so I went outside and saw a dog and squeaked its nose and I became lucid, and somehow I needed up sat downstairs telling my sister I had a lucid dream last night and told her I squeaked a dogs nose... then I woke up and realised I had dreamt it all. I have only ever had a handful of false awakenings but they give me hope I am getting there 05;30 3/01/25 03;50 I was serving an old boyfriend coffee, we were both young again and I had curly hair and was fixing it in the mirror, I felt intoxicated but woke up. 0415 I was in a bar upstairs in my old town with the same exboyfriend from my youth, and we were in love again and arm in arm, and I looked outside and the church was having a fair... I felt on the cusp of becoming lucid but woke up. damn. 05;00 white horse was running around in the country and I was serving the police force some sandwiches and tea. then suddenly I was being taken in a taxi to meet my soulmate. I was wearing pjarmas and we pulled up at a beautiful country pub...I woke up abruptly...after intently looking at my slippers! damn, again no lucid luck. 5/01/25 dreamt I was having my hair done. I had lovely curls again. non lucid 9/01/25 I was in a field with beautiful fluffy new born foals. I was telling everyone how cute they were, my friend said she would go and look, then it switched to 2 fluffy dogs, one of which was Scotts from work.