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    Dream recall record!

    by , 12-27-2010 at 10:17 PM (919 Views)
    8 recalled in one night . From 2 days ago

    12/24-25. 1140. 240. Driving Murcielago. Pass ladder truck. Drive into pizza store and then car is gone. Buy pizza. Girl and I argue about something. I cut pizza into smaller circle by cutting what would be the crust off. Eating only the bread, there's no toppings or anything on it

    Theresa and I driving a truck, Ranger. Road kind of like going toward the river taking Corona St. Go off road. Forest. Come across horses with messed up faces. Some are cyclopses. Look similar to "Look at My Horse", lol

    Dad and I driving. On 6th east at Main. Trying to look up some German words. "teufel" and "teufelfrau" were some of them. Then on 91E to 15N. 15S is closed. Looking up some more German words. Started with "OE-"? Pretty long word

    550. Theresa getting fingerprints from Bruce Willis, Die Hard. Letters written on his hands and fingers

    Kyle and I out on dunes. Had rained. Sandslides happening. Some "sing"

    Academy group in a house, white on inside, and getting ready for something. Mason xxxxxx, other. Qxxxx and Rxxxxx there. Then in an off road shop, huge. Looking at fiberglass parts, hood, fenders. Also some ladder truck there

    Visiting Dave. Area looks kind of like the dorms at Cal Poly SLO. Kind of limited access, narrow. Only water fountain available to him is locked. Go with him and mom to find a way to unlock it. FInd a door, but security guard was on other side so couldn't go that direction

    930. Paintball like, but no paint. Academy guys?. Weapons are toys David had, 2 wooden rifels (I had longer one), some black looking one, stormtrooper blaster. Started in our areas, ours was like a old concrete area like one at academy for LARRO, other team like a Jap fort/ playground, lol. Adam xxxxx and I are last left so raid other team's fort, they had about 10+. We win

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    Updated 02-14-2011 at 09:18 PM by 28615



    1. GMoney's Avatar
      Congratulations on the record! I like your style too. ;)
    2. saltyseedog's Avatar
      You live in Corona? I live in Oceanside... its kind of close
    3. Armistice's Avatar
      Cool. My Aunt and Uncle live in Oside. Our Fam tries to make an annual beach day at Moonlight Beach over summer
    4. Armistice's Avatar
      You live in Corona? I live in Oceanside... its kind of close

      See my other comment. Didn't know I could reply

      (Hmm... thought it'd "quote" it)
    5. saltyseedog's Avatar
    6. PercyLucid's Avatar
      Oceanside? That is close! I live in San Diego. My wife works in Del Mar, close to oceanside!

      8 is an awesome record. My very best night had 13 dreams recalled, two of them lucid. My second best was eight as well