The Tiny Cruise Ship and Douchebag Cowboys...
, 01-14-2012 at 05:40 AM (708 Views)
dream : comments : lucid
10th of January, 2012
I kept dropping in and out of lucidity throughout the whole night.
The dream, as far as I can recall, started off with us at some kind of western style ranch. We were having a campfire and drinking ol' style Whisky and such. I noticed a homestead a little bit away and we went up to it to check it out. I walked around a bit, admiring how interesting everything looked in my half-lucid state. After a little scrounging, I found this outdoor patio type area that had heaps (like HEAPS) of guns mounted all over the walls. Eventually things got a bit heated and some guys who I think owned the place approached me, at which point I picked two revolvers off the wall and started examining them. Evidently that was just the incentive one of the guys neded and he proceeded to shoot me in the neck. I lay dying for a bit and then things start to get hazy...
On a cruise ship doing some fencing (the sword type, not the wooden type). I was wearing the usual mask and remember some guy being really weird to me about it- I'm not exactly sure why, but I recall thinking he was a total dick at the time. Suddenly I found myself on land and walked around a bit admiring the sights; it was a small village with water through it, similar to Venice or something like that. Again, I was partially lucid at this point but not really in control per se. I turned around and noticed the cruise ship was really small, more a yacht in the canal. I gained a bit more lucidity and attempted to make it big again but ended up making myself huge as well. I climbed onto the side of the ship and peeped onto the deck, attempting to see the tiny people aboard, but couldn't make anything out. While I was there, some narration started about dinner or something and I started having these overlaid image flashes of the most delicious looking food ever!
The last one is really fragmentory. I know at the time it was a cohesive dream, but I forgot a lot of the content on waking.
Nooks and I moved house into a less impressive apartment. The courtyard had an awesome harbour view that was for some reason obstructed by tall walls on all sides. Lots of time spent in the carpark fixing lights and flying around and stuff. There were HEAPS of cars- thousands of them. Something to do with fixing a graphics card by plugging in these bio-wires on the wall of one of the parking spaces.