Journey into the forest (physical reality+shamanic journey) 25.10 2013
, 12-05-2014 at 03:53 PM (857 Views)
*i use few yearsold pictures from same place for ilustration
In the morning at 10 AM something told me that I should head outside into the nature. It was just a feeling. The weather seemed to be OK so I packed few things and headed out.
In the beginning of my journey a nasty wind blew which almost stopped me in my tracks while trying to ride my bike. Originally I wanted to go to the rafting place and to the shallows, but intuition told me that I should go further to the temple.
I took the first turn into the woods instead of continuing on the road.
Sometimes I went on foot. I arrived to Nove Zamky when again intuition told me to change the direction and continue via the meadows instead of continuing via the woods.
When I was nearing the destination, I had a thought that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to paint the inside of the temple. There were a lot of graffiti inside.
After I arrived, I discovered that the inside is painted and that there are hundreds of lady-bugs inside. They are probably trying to wait out the winter time there.
I went to go look down to the river where I discovered that the natural stone wall is repaired. There were stones put into place with concrete. I was afraid at first because there was a very strong power place with good quality energy directly below the natural stone.
Before repaired
I put down my backpack and went to energetically investigate the place. I found out that the energy flow is somewhat changed, but there were still places with strong energy and fortunately my favorite place wasn’t affected at all.
Power place
I climbed further up and investigated few other places. I checked out also the temple. It wasn’t impressed of its energy. I felt it mostly in its center, while it was more pronounced in front of the window. I went back down.
I tried to sense whether there are any beings in the vicinity. I didn’t sense any.
I enjoyed the view for few moments.
It occurred to me to try the shamanic journey into the lower world. I didn’t do any preparation work. I just greeted the place and all beings in it. Then I tried to tune in.
I took out the drum and started drumming in the rhythm set by my sub consciousness. First I was surprised by the sound effect of pulsation. There was a weir about 15 meters from me and I could hear the water fizzling as I was drumming. The drumming disturbed the sound of fizzling. In one ear I heard the drum and in the other I could hear the pulsating fizzle of the water. I didn’t do any relaxation. I just tried to visualize a way down the cave. As an entrance I imagined a hole in the rock which was directly behind me. I was just vaguely perceiving visual inputs. There was no additional data. As I was continuing down, I tried to add the sensation of touch and others. After few moments I visualized/perceived a point of light through which I could see outside.
I neared the place and climbed out below a big tree. Again, I tried to visualize and this time there was something more. I didn’t see anything clearly – just very vague flashes. I looked around a bit and saw some flashes. I extended greetings and then went up again after few moments. It occurred to me that journeying there an back again few times in a row could improve the journey/experience quality. I did another journay and on the way back, it occurred to me to look at a different place in the middle world which I originally considered to use as entrance into shamanic world. I imagined a turn within the cave and climbed out on a beach in Finisterra. The perceptions were much stronger because I spent there recently 18 days and I could bring up details of this place much better. I stayed there for a moment and then back to the cave and back to the place where I started.
In the Lower world I maybe sensed my power animals. I tried to get a glimpse especially on the third one. I am not sure but it looked like an armadillo. There was an information coming subconsciously that it doesn’t like to leave the Lower world so I can meet him i future mainly there.
An attempt to sense beings after my return to the cave, while I was still tuned in to perceive the shamanic world resulted in a signal to open my eyes. I looked around and tried to perceive something. I managed to get a brief flash of a lynx on the opposite side of the river and maybe also a hawk. During my next attempt a moment later I tried to improve the connection.
I remember just fractions because there was a lot that happened.
I caught a glimpse on a tree on the opposite site of the river. I knew it was a bird, so I asked whether it is a Hawk. The answer was no. I tried to focus better and saw flashes similar to a raven. During communication I discovered that he is not my power animal but rather a teporary guide. I asked him whether he can help me perceive him/them better and he answered that he will try. I tried to follow him. He flew up from the tree and crossed the river. The exercise was about trying to watch him during his flight and perceiving his form. My success was just partial but it improved.
Next I caught a glimpse of a deer.
Later I greeted him and asked what he is. He said that he is not my power animal. It was the master of the forest. He could change his form to a “humanoid”. I asked whether I can stay at this place and whether I am not disturbing anything. He said that it was ok to stay. I asked him whether I can help him somehow but he didn’t know of anything. I offered him that he can use my senses so that he can have a look the forest. He was intrigued by that and so we have agreed to try this when I will start my way back.
Back on the meditation place.
I saw the lynx again on the other river bank and tried to communicate. A thought came that he would like to come to me but didn’t know any way across the water without going into it. And he didn’t like the idea of getting wet. Later it turned out that it was more a communication test to see whether I could understand his thoughts. I created for him a visualization in form of an energy bridge across which he crossed to the other river bank. After that I cancelled that bridge.
A moment later a thought came from him whether I would like to run. Well, why not? Although running isn’t my strong suite, it was fun. A good perception exercise. I always looked around and perceived where he is even with visual perceptions. I wasn’t fast enough but he always waited for me. He chose hard paths like for example upward of a steep slope, jumping across fallen trees, climbing a rock, on the rocks above water. He enjoyed it quite visibly.
On one place I played a funny trick on him. It was a place which was in my opinion hart for him, but he jumped over it in the end. He then went for a run into the forest but then I saw him as he was crossing the river over the rocks. I asked him whether he is limited by physical laws or whether he doesn’t ? ..He jumped about 15m acros the river.
Raven when he left and flew into the portal and disappeared with a flash of light (image in the head)
I contacted the deer and enabled him access to my senses so that he can connect and later to even manipulate my hands. It was a strange feeling but he succeeded after a while to perceive via my senses and I could observe his reactions. Everything was new for him. He looked at the trees and turned (wanted me to turn) after each noise of bird or fizzing sound of the river. He tried to perceive the bark of a tree and fallen leafs on the ground via the sense of touch.
It was a very good experience. I allowed him to look even when I was leaving the forest. He said that he is master of only a part of the forest – divided by the road from another part. He asked me few things so I later gave him access to my sub consciousness so that he doesn’t have to ask and transfer data more qickly.
Finally we said our goodbyes and I continued on my way back home.
When I went to the below Lower, I remembered Cerunos the Master of the Forest. But in the below world I couldn’t perceive him. It looks like the deer was the Master of the forest was quite similar type of being but in this case just a local one.
**thanks to Pali for the help with the translation