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    International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal

    28th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Vesterguard's Dream

    by , 09-05-2011 at 08:09 AM (1120 Views)
    Vesterguard's Dreams

    non-lucid - Notes - lucid

    05-09-11 I am in bed and I get parts of an entity handed over to me by Silas. There are 8 parts in total and I feel like I have finally obtained the right frame of mind and personality to take on the demon.

    I assemble it and am struck with terror. I notice this is how he fights and get up out of bed and defies his will. I get an image of something that looks like a T Rex. It is his will against mine and after a while I plant my feet in the ground probably somewhere in the middle of the room and just stands there and defies the demon.

    Think you can describe the encounter as a stalemate, which is a hell of a lot better than me just simply giving into the utter terror it instils.

    I wake up feeling the remnants of a nightmare, though I know I can manage it mentally because I defied the terror. Quite the ambivalent feeling really.

    I am in a barn with a black horse. The horse is already saddled and I try to calm it down talking to it. It shifts it's attention to the wall behind it, where a black sword is hung upon the wall.

    I walk past the horse and pick up the sword.

    A person appears from the entrance behind the horse and tells me.

    “He can see you know”

    “He tells me that you will go to him of your own free will”

    Fine whatever. I follow the man outside the barn. He is wearing a cape and a cane and maybe a hat, not sure about the hat. There is someone with him, I get the feeling it is an assistant of sorts.

    We are walking on a stone terrace with plenty of hedges and we sort of have to zig zag to get upwards. The caped man and his assistant is humming the humming part of “Fire coming out of the Monkey’s head” by Gorillaz. I am walking ight behind them and with a pace that would soon make me overtake them.

    I am swinging the sword around and generally I don't feel afraid, though I am positive that instilling fear is the prime goal of the caped man.

    Him and his assistant starts walking a bit faster and we all start drumming along. Him with his cane and me with the sword. I have no clue what his assistant is using. It sounds OK, but not great, still I am enjoying it and start laughing a bit.

    We get to the top of the terrace and start walking down the side. The caped man explains that we will go out over sea and signal our return with a flare.

    I pull out my wand and shoot fire out of it, a thin line of fire that lands maybe 20 metres away and cause some embers to appear. “Great I will have to remember how I did that next time I turn lucid, fire has given me a few problems before” I think to myself and keep on walking.

    We get down to a docking area and as it is dark I make light appear out of my hands, still holding my wand. Increase light I think and it happens. Someone is joining us for from behind a hedge and I get the feeling that they are joining us for the journey.

    I think the caped man's assistant is also making light appear out of his palms, though his is brighter than mine.

    I am in Holland. I am there to meet up with Sisse, Edith and Zizika.

    Edith and I are wearing the same jacket, small light brown leathery thing.

    There are videos of Zizika playing in some girl band.

    I meet up with them at a table and Daniel takes my coat and put it on a wall behind us. I am uncomfortable with that as it might slide down onto the other side into the garden behind it.


    I am at Zizika's house and it is getting late, I am wearing varying amounts of clothes for some reason. I think it is lame of them to leave me there seeing as it is almost half six in the morning.

    I get a call “Dennis, are you ready?”

    Notes: The following FA might continue straight from the above dream.

    I am lying in my bed and I look out the window and can see the roof of the house across the lawn. I have a suspicion that I am having a false awakening as my field of vision is still a bit blurry and incomplete, as the rooftop starts spinning. Spinning or the surroundings alternating between light and dark.

    I remain still and start observing the scenario for a while, it feels too soon to try and move and jeopardise the stability of the dream. I get up as the spinning thing is wearing off and look outside and compared to the façade of just one building as normally there are two streets running down into town.

    Even after this pretty clear realisation I still question if I am dreaming, as the details are quite vivid so I look at my hand and it is blurry with an extra finger. Even considering this I am a bit sceptical as I jump back and pull my feet up and prepare to go through the window feet first. I am a bit relieved when I sense my flight not failing me.

    Outside the window I immediately tell the dream that I want to go to Chichén Itzá, but I can't find anyway near so I try and start spinning. Nothing really happens so I take a leap of faith and close my eyes.

    At first it seems like the dream is fading as I am surrounded by lights, as if you would be looking at your eye lids, only much brighter. However I recall having pulled back a dream in a scenario like this before and I keep making swimming motions.

    It works. The dream is coming back and the setting is now much much brighter. I am in a jungle and there are stone buildings and I get really excited, it definitely has a Mayan feel to it. I am standing by a white sanded shore of either a river, lake or ocean. In front of me are trees, less dense than what you would expect from a tropical forest, and an open forum like plaza.

    I start flying towards this plaza and start calling out “Fellow Dreamers”. I see someone coming towards me or at least in my direction. I fly closer and over her, she looks at me she is riding on some animal and look girlish with blonde/brown hair to down below her shoulders. “Pil?” she says, which could have been “Peel” (suppose even “Pete” though that is probably stretching it as far as you can) “Pil” translated into English is “Arrow”.

    I don't even think to stop and talk to her, but I don't really seem to be completely in control of this particular part of the flight either. I fly over the centre of the forum and looking down I see blue men with feline features.

    “Brilliant! I defo have to speak with them” I think and, but as I start walking back towards where they were they have disappeared. The central spot has something that looks like an altar or something and I don't really fancy disturbing anything so I decide to go look for other dreamers.

    I try keeping the beacon in mind, but I am not really at El Castillo and every time I try and do it I get distracted by black figures I can never really put any features to.

    I fly around for a bit marvelling at the architectural wonders surrounding me. I fly past a small pyramid, waay too small to be El Castillo and carry on. There might be entities of some description at this smaller pyramid. I continue through and come to this place where a great wall with a lot of windows is surrounding an area of jungle.

    This place is heavily ornamented with carved animal heads, although contrary to normal Mayan artistry it is protruding out from the walls instead of being carved into them. It doesn't make the place any less beautiful though, although I am sure I see an elephant at some point, which I find odd thinking about it when awake. At this place I ask the dream to extend itself 10 minutes.

    I decide to try my luck again with the spinning, this time thinking more specifically about El Castillo. Same scenario happens I close my eyes and try and picture it or at least the shape of it. However this time although I make the same swimming motions, I don't get to the pyramid, though it might flash dimly once or twice.

    Instead I am sent back to my bed and something weird happens. I hear a narrator talking about how I have now set foot in the Astral and that my physical damage is increased. Which sounds just too weird and I can't help but laugh myself and wonder if I am going be trapped here for 7-8 minutes. I can wriggle around and rotate freely within my own body and it doesn't seem like the wall I am lying next to is causing problems, though I can't see anything.

    I wake up feeling amazing.

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    1. whiterain's Avatar
      nice dream. i pulled myself back into a fading dream with swimming type motions too last night, its such a great feeling. also i saw a girl who i desribed as having a feline figure.

      i watched some videos about places near chicken itza yesterday and your dream reminded me of them
      Cenote Ikil de Chichén Itzá - YouTube