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    The Moon

    by , 09-21-2014 at 08:54 PM (879 Views)
    After the fire-benders had taken over the world (I was zuko) I was angry at them, and announcing that I'd had enough of humanity and I was going to go rule the moon, I flew into the sky by shooting fire out of my feet. When I reached the moon, it was not actually the moon, but a colossal mass of house-sized asteroids averaging about 100 yards apart. One of them had an abandoned medieval tavern on it. There were no signs but I knew it was medieval based on the architecture. I found a single bottle of sake there. I went to another asteroid and found that there was a giant bag of candy sticking out of the side, but it was actually a candy shop. I ate some candy, and went to the top of the asteroid. There was a table with two people sitting at it. I was now "lucid dreaming", even though I really wasn't. I was unconscious but my dream self was allegedly "lucid dreaming". I started talking to these two people and it freaked me out that they were dream characters and I couldn't comprehend how they could be figments of my imagination, they seemed so real. So I asked if they were real people and they told me yes, they were real people somewhere. I recall one of them told me to do a reality check or something, so I was going to break my finger but he said that would hurt a lot because the dream was so vivid. And sure enough, it was extremely vivid. So he picked up a plate off the table and told me to throw it. I said "it will just keep going, it won't fall" probably because we were in space, but he told me that it would. I denied that, threw it, and it fell. Then he explained something about how that was how you could tell it was a dream. I asked if I would see him in real life after I woke up and he told me that we didn't know each other in real life, but we would meet again at "the core" after "everything collapses" (or maybe it was after "the universe collapses" but I'm not sure). I am not necessarily a believer in the dream plane or any of that spiritual stuff but I think it is possible. After all, they seemed EXCEPTIONALLY lucid and real for DCs.
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    non-lucid , memorable


    1. PercyLucid's Avatar
      Dreams with the moon are amazing. I have a few under my belt