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    1. The death of my mother

      by , 11-19-2024 at 02:34 PM
      So in the dream, my mom had previously had a heart attack; me and the rest of my close family went to the hospital with her, and she ended up surviving. Later on she held a speech about something in front of a large crowd of people, I don't know what the speech was about. While holding the speech, she was shot straight through the heart; for some reason this wasn't instantly lethal and she was again taken to the hospital. She was told that she she only had a few months to live. She could leave the hospital and wasn't confined to any machines, but it was like cancer where you just suddenly die towards the end.

      *What I wrote above was past memories in the dream and my dream kind of starts here*: Me and my extended family were at my grandparents house, it was a family gathering that was rather common. The mood was pretty depressing as everyone knew my mom only had a few months to live, so we tried to enjoy her company before she died. We tried not to mention her limited lifespan.

      I left to go on a walk alone, as I needed to gather my thoughts. The area I was walking in was a wild grass-plain area with an abandoned bunker near it. It was a very calm and peaceful area that was easy to walk in. Suddenly my mom showed up out of nowhere, and I was pleasantly surprised to see her. She smiled and gave off a certain warmth that I can't describe.
      We then started walking together while talking, it was very casual and it felt nice, but something seemed off. I forgot what we were talking about but I eventually realised it wasn't my mom, but someone disguised as her. Not with like a clothing/mask disguise, but like a transformation disguise. Suddenly the thing pretending to be my mom morphed and revealed itself to be the devil. He started tormenting me with everything that's wrong with me and taunted me with how my mom was going to die and that I would never see her again.
      Then I woke up.

      Updated 11-20-2024 at 01:31 PM by 102033
