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    1. Back-To-Back Failed Recalls

      by , 10-29-2024 at 11:32 AM
      Hi everyone, this is my first post here on the website. I have tried lucid dreaming in the past, just never found the strength/motivation to keep working on it. But now, a few years later from when I first tried, I'm determined to make this work, no matter how long it takes.

      !!Just a heads up, English isn't my native language, so I apologize in advance for any grammar mistakes you see here.!!

      So, I remember having two dreams today, one around 2:00 - 3:00 AM when I naturally woke up to drink some water, and the second one in the morning hours. Thing is, I did some dream delving right after having each of them, and had a near perfect recall of both, but ended up forgetting most of it. I forgot most of the first one because I moved involuntarily on my bed for feeling uncomfortable, and then the second one because of a loud noise in my house. So yeah, off to a stellar start .

      But anyway, to actually talk about the dreams now.

      1. Am I in Hellskitchen or Something?
      From what I remember, this one had something to do with cooking, because I feel like I was in some kind of kitchen, and there was a bunch of other people with me. There was someone shouting, either at me, someone else, or all of us at the same time. It sounded like this person was mad, pointing out something we did wrong while cooking or maybe a dish that turned out not very good, Gordon Ramsay style.

      2. Messing Up Passwords... In Space
      The second one is even hazier than the first one. I have the faintest memory of this one taking place in space, inside some sort of spacecraft, but I could be wrong. What I do remember most, is that I was trying to input a password into a terminal, but failing it multiple times. I think this one was partly inspired by me watching some Markplier In Space the night before.

      And yeah, that's about it. It bothers me a lot, having almost all of it in my head, just to lose most of it shortly after. But I'm sure this is where most people start from, so I can't be too mad. But like I said, I'm willing to make things work this time, so it doesn't matter how long it takes. And I'll make sure to share any future amazing experiences I have with you guys, as well as reading about yours .
      Until next time!
      non-lucid , dream fragment