Memorable Dreams
I was in some sort of training complex for all sorts of stuff. How to shoot a gun, how to use a sword, how to drive some fancy type of vehicle, etc. It was outside, and extended to a low, gray, brick wall. In the background, people where driving fancy vehicles that looked like a mix between a jeep and a golf cart, and was made for one person. Others were fencing with very nice looking swords, ranging from rapiers to katanas. Some people were kneeling and shooting automatic weapons at bags of flour. I was in a line to be assigned to one of these activities. People in front of me were being handed guns and swords and whatnot from a military looking man with a clipboard. He was obviously some sort of marshal, though I was not sure that this was a military complex. Worried, I felt around my head, and found with much jolliness that I did not have a buzz cut, and at the moment, that convinced me that I was not actually in the presence of the military. When I reached the marshal looking fellow, the looked me up and down briefly. His eyes stayed on my left hand for a moment. I looked down at it to notice, for the first time, that I was holding a pair of scissors, with a shiny blades at an angle from the black scissor-handle-doodad. I looked at the man in front of me. He pointed to my right and grunted. He then walked grudgingly elsewhere, as I was the end of the line. I found a group of six or seven other people, one of them an adult man with black hair and a coat, an instructor of sorts. The other five were the same group of people more or less than my age that seem to follow me around on the weekends. ( :O ) If I remember correctly, there were three men including me (But not the instructor) , and three women, and all of us had scissors with black scissor-handle-doodads, but not all with shiny angled blades. The instructor instructed us, though I do not remember any specific thing he said. We seemed to be a group of elite scissor ninjas, and proceeded to go through drills such as scissor tai-chi, scissor dueling, and snipping at the necks of training androids with fake flesh. At the end of the training, I twirled the scissors around my index finger, feeling rather pleased with my skills in scissory. Then I woke up, and felt disappointed with the tiny blunt scissors I got in kindergarten.
I was watching curious George. I was George, apparently. Me and my chaperone walked into a bowling alley in what seemed to be some sort of square or park in an urban town. I was now myself. My chaperone turned into some scruffy convict-looking type wearing black and brown. We were sitting at a table inside of the bowling alley. He was looking at screen, it looked like a GPS on an iPad-like device. I was watching a red pulsing dot on the screen, over his shoulder. It was getting increasingly closer to our location. "Fuckers' trackin' us," My scruffy companion announced. They're tracking us? Seems more like the other way around. "Come on, we might be able to delay 'em." He says. I followed him out the door. It was evening now, and there was a man waiting for us on a long motorbike with some sort of cabin, it was like a cross between a mine cart and a motorcycle. He forced us in, and drove off, with a strange respect for the road laws, even though he looked like a gangster. "Best paying job yet," The driver commented. "CIA paid me six hundred million to get you guys, eh?" Half way to my house, I was transitioned to a van with my family in it. We were still going the same way. One long wait at a light later, we arrived at my house, with a government van behind us. We parked in the driveway, and my eyes rose to the sky, full of stars and still red from sunset. There was something weird about it. There seemed to be a giant planet in it. What planet, I wondered. I examined what I could see out of the windshield. It was earth, I noticed. I could just barely make out Mexico. I considered Earth for a moment. A bit odd, I thought. Is this a dream? No, it cant be... Oh, wait, except it is! I realized, and with the energy of sudden full lucidity, I burst out of the car door and ran around in my family's yard with my brother and father. I came across a mound of dirt that was not there in waking life, under a fully leafed tree, though it was winter. "Anchor dream," I cheered. My father snickered at this. I looked around the yard. I decided to run out into the road and talk to some DCs. It was suddenly morning. I saw several friends from my school roaming the streets. They didn't live here. I met a friend near a tree. "Hey, guess what?" I said. "What?" "I'm in a dream! But not in your head, my own, so it doesn't matter that I'm telling you this!" I laughed. They rolled their eyes. "Anchor dream!" I yelled at them. I then ran off down the road. The dream shifted into me standing in a line of students somewhere in the second level of my school. I was still lucid. I threw the assorted objects I had in my hand aside into assorted machinery, nobody cared but the guy behind me, be cause he was trying to steal some of it. I stood in line for a while until I figured something out. "Oh wait," I said. "Screw this. Anchor dream." I walked out of the line, around some machinery, and into the next room. A teacher had given me papers as I passed, I threw those aside, too. I scattered all over the left side of the next room, which was only storage. I proceeded. This room had three teachers trying to stop me inside. They were maneuvering around a pile of boxes. "Is there somebody you need to see?" One of them asked, still trying to get to me. "Nope," I pushed past them. I now came into a similar, but larger room. It had large windows for me to jump through, but before I could reach them I awoke suddenly, too awake to DEILD, but I felt satisfied.
Lame internet connection + Little recall = (Super-duper) x inactivity regarding (DJn>1n) Fragment 1: I was talking with two of my friends from school in no solid setting. Angles were curved, I remember purple smoke, and people did not seem to have bodies. I was explaining to the floating head of a friend who is a massive pony-hater and massive Minecraft-lover that Notch had recently stated that he was a brony.Wait, I thought, it's Sunday, and this is a dream, so it doesn't matter if I tell them. Oh, well, I'll do it anyway. Then everybody attacked me. Fragment 2: I was part of the crew of a crashed alien ship. The ship consisted of black hull and glowing green tubes and antennae, composed into a rough tube shape. Me and two other survivors were sitting in a completely black room, which, on any other ship, would have served as a cargo hold, as it was the room that had the ramp outside. No airlock, I thought it was worth noting. The oldest of us was at a completely black counter, making omlettes. The youngest was at a completely black table, doing nothing. I decided to go outside and search for firewood. There was a cut, and I was a hundred meters up a hill from the crash site. The landscape was mostly flat other than the hill I was on, and the vegetation was only dead-looking, thorny, bush-sized plants. They surrounded the crash site, anything too close to it got incinerated. The sky was limited to a dome around the crater and the plants surrounding it. There was dark blue and stars outside of the dome. I climbed for several seconds, then the dream ended. Fragment 3: This was certainly part of an epic full dream. Shame I can't remember it. I was on an anvil-shaped airship going at unrealistically high speeds with a girl about my age. She was blonde, and her hair was braided into a single tail. She was a wearing black, that seemed to be a theme in my dreams tonight. I didn't recognize her. I was wearing black, too. I also wore aviator goggles. We were either dealing with or being pirates. We were standing on an outdoors catwalk going in a loop. She acknowledged my presence briefly and then glided off into the globe of grey clouds speedily passing us. My view followed her circling the bottom of the airship. her suit had dark yellow wings under the arms, like those of a flying squirrel. As she flew, she threw away the rapier she previously held and it passed us in a blink. She traded it out with a cutlass take from a copper statue on one of the ends of the ship. She reached the front of the bottom of the ship and sliced two guards in one swing and flew, cutlass first, into the window. My view transitioned inside of the ship, watching the glass shatter in slow motion. She fell once she was in, and recovered with a roll. Suddenly, I joined her in the room. In the corner, she picked up some trinkets and put them a bag. She smiled stood up, and we moved out of the window. Mission success, it seems. The dream ended.
Lucid dream, wewt. I was in a tower that reminded me of a fancy hotel. It fit the image of the inside of most towers; made mostly of stairs. Not spiral staircase, though, surprisingly. The inside of the tower was all beige and lined with crimson, and had occasional windows, allowing much sunlight through. I was at the top of the staircase, battling a man, who looked like he would make a good movie star, seemingly for no reason. He had some sort of short, metal stick. Whenever I blocked it; I was surprised that the metal was room temperature instead of cold. I found myself jealous of the man, short sticks were really fun to swing around. He wasn't even using it, barely tapping me when he hit me. I had only my hands, and it was difficult to hit him when the surface was not level. I was driving him down the stairs, though, anyway. He couldn't do much but block with his stick; the stairs wouldn't let him kick and keep balance, but I could. I kept advancing and he had no chance but to move back. This will make for a neat DJ post, I thought, ignoring my awareness that this was a dream. We finally hit the level surface at the bottom of the tower, at which point I hooked my elbow around his neck, sidestepped behind his right foot, and twisted my hip. He fell to the floor and could not recover in time to follow me out the door. I ended up on a bus without much transition in between. I sat in the front, on the left side. I looked out the window. There were many big, white houses, separated from the road by a series hills with hedges on top. I looked down at the road, not thinking anything in particular. Then it hit me. Duh. Dream. The dream felt like it was destabilizing; but I caught it. "Anchor dream," I cheered, getting out of my seat and realizing I was now in the back of the bus. "anchor dream, anchor dream, dream anchor, anchor anchor dream anchor dream dream," I was now skipping down the aisle. Before I could reach the door, the bus disintegrated. I hovered parallel to the ground, and decided to go for a walk. I saw a dream character to my right, in the forest. I still haven't talked to a DC yet. I crossed my fingers as I entered the forest. As usual where I live, the forest was not at all dense, but sunny, and made completely out of tall pine trees. The forest ground was covered with a thick layer of pine needles. I got within three meters of the DC and woke up.
Shiver me timbers! This may be becoming a series. Not as good as the first, but still amazing. I recommend this song for everybody reading. Yeah, I bet that scared away most people. Anyway; I remember being in my math class. Everyone was standing up and doing some combination of square dancing, a sort of Irish tap dance, and Mexican hat dancing. Everybody had just begun to sing the pirate song; I joined in and picked up easily. Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate! Yar - har - fiddle-dee-dee, being a pirate is all right to be! Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate! We got us a map (a map!) to lead us to a hidden box, Thats all locked up with locks (with locks!) and buried deep away. We'll dig up the box (the box!), we know it's full of precious booty Burst open the locks, and then we'll say 'HOORAY!' WEIGH ANCHOR! At this point, three, including me, broke off into a short shanty, like a rap to accompany the full song. I'm I pirate, that I be! I sail a ship upon the sea, dawg, I stay up late, 'till half past three! And that be a peg below my knee! Everyone came back to the full song. Good, I'm not a fan of rap. Yah - har - fiddle-dee-dee, being a pirate is all right to be! Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate! Arr - yarr - ahoy and avast, dig in the dirt and you dig in it fast! Hang the black flag at the end of the mast! You are a pirate! We're sailing away (set sail!), adventure waits on every shore! We set sail and explore (ya-har!) and run and jump all day (Yay!) We float on our boat (our boat!) until its time to drop the anchor, Then hang up our coats (aye-aye!) until we sail again! Yar - har - fiddle-dee-dee, being a pirate is alright with me! Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate! Yar har wind at your back lads, wherever you go! Blue sky above and blue ocean below, you are a pirate! Everyone sat down and clapped for each other. I woke up. That was brilliant.
Updated 10-05-2011 at 10:23 PM by 49493
I had a lucid last night, it might have ranked among my top ten best lucids. Enjoy. :3 I was in the 8th grade hall of my school, having a conversation with a friend about, ironically, lucid dreaming. The dismissal bell had rung; everybody, in colorful clothes, was heading downstairs via the double staircase and to the door beside of it. My friend departed, and I didn't pay attention to where he was going, but by the looks of it, he was going to fall down the stairs. I was shortly outside, walking on the path to the bus loop that went along the mostly glass side of the school. Somewhere along the way I met another friend, distinguishable from his ethnicity and his green coat. Also, along the way, I became lucid. I continued walking, to prevent myself from getting too excited. I marveled at how real everything was, everything was so accurate. I took this path every day for two years, and I'm still walking it this year, but I was still very impressed. Even the ditch that had been recently filled in, only this week, was accurate. The only flaws were a giant dollar weed growing next to the filled in ditch, and the lack of chalk paintings beneath my feat. I was now on the asphalt road to the bus loop. Garbage trucks and other kinds of large trucks parked here. The light dimmed, mist seeped in around the sides of of the building and the surrounding forest. I just went along with it. My initial lucidity is usually followed by some sort of event that seemed to try to knock me back into non lucidity, usually I give in. Not this time. "He's coming," I heard somebody whisper. Sound's just about right, it always seems to be a DC trying to confront me. The basket ball court, a way's away, expanded to the size of a football field, and I was on top of it. The mist turned into a dark gray fog. I saw a dash at the fog's edge, chasing somebody. It was really fast, like a ninja. According the the blur, the attacker was white with blonde hair, and he throws his arms back and leans forward at he runs. I run around aimlessly, hoping for a sigh of the dream character. While running, I stuck a hand out and barely caught a pen, being thrown like a knife, from hitting another DC on the field. I smirked and said something incoherent, as it was hard to focus. I hadn't come derailed at all from the dream; concentration was just a little rough. I ran in pursuit of the attacker. At some point, I stumbled, and as I caught my self from the fall, a rather late idea emerged; I should stabilize the dream! (Author's note: If you're one of those people who like music while reading about fights, I'd recommend this.) "Anchor dream," I managed to blurt out. The dream immediately stabilized by at least five times. It had already been realistic; but it was like I was playing a video game, now I was actually there. I noticed after stabilized that my vision was about to black out before. I suppose I caught my fall more ways than one. A swift force dropped me to the ground and rolled me over, and the attacker was standing on top of me, a short, pointed stick pulled back in his left hand, and a dragon shaped kazoo held less then a foot from my face in his right. Perfect. I moved the kazoo aside with a forearm, feeling it's jagged wooden texture, the feelings of the spikes on the dragon kazoo were that of the dull edge of a wooden cube. The attacker, no older that thirteen, thrust his stick forward, towards my chest. As I intercepted, I noticed from the feeling of his momentum that he was only applying brute force and no technique other than a few fancy stances. Many principles of waking life combat are not present in lucid dreaming, needless to say. But I could name a few. The dream character I was fighting was fast, but within limit. I kept his arms away from his center so he lacked protection and so he would take longer to recover. I disarmed him from his stick by drawing a circle with his wrist, and I made it burst into flames by setting my hand on fire. I reached out towards him with my flaming hand and he scampered back ten feet, and I stood up. The dream transitioned to a bedroom, lit by a window. The ceiling was slanted, it was part of the roof. The boy who attacked me was sitting in a corner for reason, and I made him vanish on a whim. I contemplated on flying through the window, wondering if I would fit. The corners of my vision began fading quickly. My single attempt to re-stabilize the dream failed, and I blacked out into the insides of my eyelids, which I opened. I did a reality check using the digital clock on my dresser. I was awake. But then I fell asleep again, and I can recall some dream about a squad of seven jet fighters that ended sadly with a nuke and them all being incinerated. So that was cool.
Updated 09-23-2011 at 08:30 PM by 49493
I was barely asleep at all. I was simply observing a jumble of thoughts, the kind you get between wakefulness and dreams. More towards wakefulness. I had obviously just recently shut my eyes. Then I remembered I was asleep. This is a dream. Is this a dream? I pondered. No, came the conclusion. I am barely asleep. Nevertheless, I tried rubbing my hands together simply for experimentation. I half expected trying to move to wake me up. But as I was successful in rubbing my hands, my senses immediately sharpened tenfold, and a dream formed around me. I could suddenly see the waving of the bright green grass below my feet. I could feel the wind on my face. But I couldn't feel my hair, I noted. It was daytime, light was radiating off of everything, especially the grass, which almost hurt to look at. But it looked nice anyway. Different regions of the sky were colored different shades of blue, like a tye die of only blue. There were several small clouds, lit at strange angles, and it was unclear were the sun was in the sky. I was outside of a Minecraft house on top a hill surrounded by trees. It stood on a wooden foundation, and had bright red walls of brick, almost as bright as the grass, and had a triangular wooden roof, and a few windows placed without order all around it. I ran fast, like a ninja, and tried to summon a DC over the hill. It didn't work, and the dream transformed into my 7th grade math class. I lost a fraction of my lucidity, but I already suspected I was in a dream. I rose from my chair and walked across the room, looking for confirmation that this was a dream. The teacher didn't object to walking around the room during a lesson, but if he did I would have told him to can it. I don't want to do anything risky, in case I wasn't actually in a dream. Too late. I impulsively pulled a student's chair out from under him, and tossed it around in the air. It was as light as a feather. I smirked. You're loosing it, I addressed my subconscious, which always finds it particularly hilarious to trick me into waking up. Get better tricks. Of course, as I thought that, I woke up. My eyes instantly opened. I stayed still. Crap, I thought groggily, and closed my eyes again. I materialized in the dining room of my house, in another lucid dream. DEILDs were never that hard for me, but to do one barely on a whim made me really proud of myself. My dining room was almost never used for dining, it instead was home too the three desktop computers my family uses. It's were we all spend most of our time (Being geeks and all. ), though, so it was a good replica. Almost everything in the room was wooden. Hardwood floor, a wooden bookcase, that was full to the brim in a not so orderly fashion, all the desks were made of wood, another full wooden bookcase, a wooden games shelf, wooden chairs, a and wooden table folded up against the wall. The wall wall white, though not much of it showed because it was covered by bookshelves and desks. The wall the table is folded up beside has a very large window with daylight coming through and shining onto the hardwood floor that was partially covered up by two large and colorful carpets. I tried summoning another dream character around the corner, still without luck. Looking for another way to assert my dominance over my dreams, I tried to close the browser on my computer screen. "Computer," I addressed it. "Close window." It took a while. I considered flying into the computer, like in TRON, but memories of the last time I tried to fly indoors came up, and I decided against it. The browser eventually closed, but the BSOD came up, and I woke up. I had to admit though, that was hilarious. My eyes opened, and I stayed still again. No use though, I thought, the chances of another successful DEILD are really low. My eyes flickered over the clock. Eight forty-five. Worth a shot. I closed my eyes. I 'woke up' walking down a hallway at my school, fully lucid. Awesome. I walked to the end of the bland hall, lie on my back, and rolled down the bland stairs at the end of it painlessly. People were laying down at the end of it, cheering at me for whatever reason. I walked out the bland door of my school and into the exciting forest. I was ambushed by a exciting ninja, and then I woke up. My eyes opened, slowly this time, and I looked at the time. Nine seventeen. It was late, and I was too awake for another DEILD. Ah well, I was satisfied.
So this was probably one of my first Lucids, and I've only recently found it again. Here it goes; I wound up in the middle of my house's backyard, a big open area of grass, hardly any obstacles. Very big, and very flat. It was daytime. I haven't seen the few trees in this yard so healthy looking for a long time. I paused, and pondered the maple tree across from me a bit further. That's because, I thought, it is winter. So this is a dream, then. Great! I should fly. I've never flown before, I wonder what it will be like. I remembered the brief spark of lucidity I had about a month ago in one of my dreams. I was indoors and I tried to fly by smashing a hole in the ceiling. I hurt myself so much I woke up with a headache. So I should be more careful this time. When I fly, I thought, I will feel the wind brushing against me. I will hear the air resistance. I will see my surroundings as I am above them. I will smell and taste clean air. The climate will be a warm with a breeze. I fully believed myself, then I began focusing less on what I want it to feel like, and more on doing it. I was walking the perimeter of the fence, scanning for an open are to start flying. I found it momentarily. It was a somewhat narrow space between the side of my fence and the side of my white, crumbling shed. Narrow, but all I needed was forward room. I have never flown before, it was just instinct. I ran swiftly forward, arms sharp behind me in a 30 degree angle, as though cutting through air. As I ran I thought; Gravity does not exist in dreams. Not this one. Not in my dreams. I will not allow physics to restrain me, that would be for fail noobs, and since I'm a pr0 h4x0R I have full control over my dreams, especially with my temporarily acquired cocky gamer attitude. And I will make myself fly. I said this with full confidence and determination, especially after the last lucid dream. That one with me smashing my skull against the ceiling in attempt to fly. At this, I looked up. No ceiling. Perfect. One thing I might add; while I was thinking, my dream seemed to slow down. When I started focusing on flying, it was at correct speed again. Weird. I jumped, and I had my first successful flight. Sure enough, I felt what I expected to feel. I flew to the three fourths the height of my pecan tree. I flew above my puny one-floor house, and faced the street. Now I wanted to fly over the street. At the intersection of the street I live on, I saw a large pile of dirt. A random thought came to mind; It's a good thing I'm laying in bed. Then the weird parts happen. The dream starts to destabilize, then the pile of dirt started to... talk to me. It communicated using telepathy. "You are not in bed, child, you are really here. I waking life." Sleepwalking? Perhaps. Better safe than sorry, I thought. Then I purposefully awakened myself. I lay in bed. About six 'o' clock. No crossroads. That mean pile of dirt lied to me. I facepalmed myself for allowing myself to wake myself up, but I had a joyful feeling nevertheless.