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    BlairBros' Adventures

    DJ#221: Intergalactic God War

    by , 07-06-2016 at 10:57 AM (702 Views)
    Dream 1: I was taking a maths test at uni and there was a trick question. I pointed it out to the teacher and after a while he relented and we had a bit of a giggle about he had tried to trick everyone.

    Dream 2: I was in a car where alestorm was playing over the radio. An Asian guy was explaining something and then sparks shot against my window and almost shocked me.

    Dream 3: I was fighting against some giant global dictatorship, part of some sort of rebel group. I fly in a plane with about 10 other rebels towards the capital, narrowly avoiding being detected. When we arrived there we had lost a couple of men but we still tried to execute the plan. A few guys sacrificed themselves to distract the officials while I freed some of the Olympian gods. I got them into my plane but discovered I was now being chased. We managed to get flying and just escape, travelling through a portal just before we were attacked. I dropped off the gods in a mount Olympus like place and the flew back to rescue my friends. I managed to infiltrate the prison and pretended to work there to free my friends, but I think one of the guards suspected me of being who I was.

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    Tags: non - lucid


    1. Saizaphod's Avatar
      Cool title and dream
      BlairBros likes this.