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    DJ#312: WOAAAHHHH BOOOOYYYY Catch up time

    by , 12-28-2016 at 12:14 AM (1063 Views)
    So yeah I have been lazy and haven't focused on dreaming for a few months and now it is time to play catch up . Hopefully this will be relatively painless.
    NOTE: The dates aren't exact, I have probably missed a few days here and there, I will do my best to try and mishmash everything in. Also sorry for spelling errors and peoples names etc.

    driving sports car, had two modes, regular and sports power, in a race
    dreamviews competition for a team to get special reward at end of each month, my team had never won, we got it this time though, people were tricking me into thinking we had lost
    police apprahending a guy for stealing some boots or being an accessory, he cracked and told them the truth
    something about th footy show/grand final
    grand final stuff
    painting cars video
    leading a group of people exploringa slum like area at night
    at a uni, presentation from a high up person, saying what was expected, aidan stole something fom him.
    Eating pizza for dinner along with a burger
    taking a class at uni
    eating breakfasat at grandparents house, get two pancakes and 3 slices of toast. Mum comes in, spots a snake on the floor, tries to kill it but it lunges at her and bites her a few times, I try and grab a shoe to crush the snake
    playing wizard101, get to face a final boss of a world, somehow manage to beat him first try, get a cool shadow blade
    in a cave, water up to knees, running away from people trying to steal an elixir of life
    at home, mum catches me playing yugioh, jeremy runs away I have to go after him
    at a public speaking event, being told how to act around certain people/situations
    with mum driving somewhere, get a set of clothes and then drink some ale, it is quite strong
    on a train, people shouting about feminism, get off at Mercy train station, near hospital and colleges, wander around a bit.
    pedo teacher, monty python style, in large classroom
    going to high school, get a coffee/tea,record effects of caffeine over the nxt two hours
    at seaworld, lakers players here as well, dunking contest
    insect, owning cafe, get it robbed and trashed, need to go on a wuest for the king to get the money to rebuild
    on a train, weird, giant insects terrorising people, i try to use electricity to kill them
    going to shool on a bus maybe
    at a water park, go on a huge inflatable water trapeeze thing
    gordons dad riding fanc motorbike around country, heads back to city, small tornado there
    bulldogs vs gold coast game, we win but play pretty ordinary
    gambling at crown casino, betting on basketball games
    someone dieing
    doing athletics
    entirely underwater, snooping around, set in a giant valley wit cliffs and a cruise ship, almost get caught a few times
    state election, some ads and dbate, close but a woman starts pulling away
    eating some kind of cheesy food, might be in a forest
    Sanka got broken finger, can't do much
    magical adveenture thrugh a forest, turns a bit dark
    clinton and trump debate, peter hitchener and luke darcy covering it
    Playing dota at the international, im art of a ragtag team, against wings, ame is toph or tethi or something, i play a fire spirit ghost thing, we start of really well but maybe end up losing
    doing a maths problem, trying to stop numbers going up to infinity
    bulldogs vs richmond, very lose game
    Having pizza made at home after already eating pizza for dinner eforehand
    working in building 57, getting shut down, nyblom emotional, go home
    on a date with claire at a formal event
    bulldogs playing melbourne, afterwards roll call of retiring players
    playing overwatch, looking at how expensive it was
    talking with hormoz, gives the bare bones of a 3d printer as a prize, does suff really fast but inaccurately print some fake money
    some horror ovie stuff, getting chased in the dark. talk of oscar nomination, also politial documentary
    at athletics,, triple jump, kerfuffle over my registration ut ends up all good
    getting susages on way to football, marathon journey
    making my own burger
    thinking of esl monthly card, purple anti-triumphant jarl, when you have less health draw cards
    on the train, watching video, adult film actor giving advice on how to have sex
    working with a charity, kate and william arrive, for blind people I think
    woman claiming something to the police
    going to bundoora camps for first day, eating lunch in cafeteria, getting maths test back pizza
    rriving at train station, sort of festival going on, see off the great wall people, run down to greet them but security stops me, i then smuggle some jewellery out and catch another train home
    at a train station with aidan, tinking off an experiment of iq between different ethnicities
    showing an old guy how a bunch of origami things are made.
    playing esl, maybe on tablet
    guy teaching me how to make micro electronics, first a fan, then a battery, then a mirror thing
    going in to a medieval fantasy city, guy comes in on ship, is arrested for having kidnapped women with him but turns out they are criminals and they go the the jail instead, gt shownwhere they will be executed.
    have some sort of leg injury, in room, intruder, i come out with knife but it is a friend, he helps me wash dishes
    flashback to an old house and documents about me as a baby
    playing age of empires 3 and japanese with spanish ally against two european civs.
    finding out the elder scrolls legends monthly card
    Besieging a tower agains trained soldiers with just untrained militia, they are tyrants
    at athletics, little kids running, one gets injured 10 metres out from the finish line
    Picking up aidan fom a whitney houston concert or something like that
    at a night time beer festival, big tents in a park, aidan does cocaine, I need o travel somehere lord of the rings style. start flirting with a waitress.
    along a super narrow icy cliff, trucks driving past eachother, some fall off
    catching the train, end up at a big station, get lunch with aidan then get on another train
    there is an almost floating castle in the himalayas, a cross between american fort and portugese castle. There is something like a video game character parade from there, lots of photos.
    going in to he city at night, have dinner with reza and aidan, explorin shopping centre, thinking of doing a crime or drugs or something
    A guy makes paer planes which have little motors or something, we attach a camera to it when it flies.
    Something about onverting to judaism
    In the city, protests from high school kids, i ty to find a job, just miss train going home.
    eating a whole lot of dumplings, all different kinds
    trying to find my mums mansion or something, walking along, almost get mugged by some people, eventually get to house, there are spirits or something which are causing havoc, tring to manipulate us, a fair few close calls
    playing jenga or some other game in a basement
    age of empires 3, building a base on an island in between two other colonies
    with mum out in the country, we learn about a series of murders ad eventually figure out that an old couple are behind it and we get them arrested
    aidan driving in the city, we go past some very fance buildings, he almost crashes
    A haunted house, modern family style, these disembodied headskeep on appearing and following people
    playing skyrim, leading a rebellion against a city
    playing elder scrolls legends arena.
    blizzrd creating newhearthstone as well as card ggame moba
    buying food at the supermarket
    people playing golf on a snowy mountain, see a cat in puddle of pee, push it and it slides down the mountain, the guy slides down too and flies over an edge and lands in a drift 30 metres away, isn't hurt.
    at a train station getting attcked, waiting for elevators to come and rescue us.
    waking along a road at night, convoy of trucks passing, i get a seat in one of them with people from high school
    collingwood vs sydney game, terrible umpiring, double 50 metre penalty, bearing was playing.
    flying up to sydeny, going over the harbor, water parks
    entertainng john, he becomes oldest man in the world
    at high school, basketball, i get in troube even tough its other peoples faults, drugs/ms gardner
    at nani and pas house, work for them for a bit before i leave to get a job
    getting a car park at a shopping centre
    asking ki live if there will be a mirage bundle.
    age of empires 3, getting rekt by someone after a decet start, my economy too slow, they hve tons of cannon
    selling the land where tony abbotts house was
    walking down the street, posting letters
    Something about wizard101
    presenting a film i made at an awards ceremony, it is very weird and incomplete but some people quite like it.
    follow up next day, playing aoe3 jeremy watching, he goes off to school, I drive to train station with my brother
    Something about government censorship
    playing esl arena, two runs, everyone else eliminated
    at a amily party, jeremy there with animals, oma as well
    street fighter, sirlin almost pulling off miracles against someone else.
    athletics at night, helping officiate long distance run
    going to high school, some teachers leaving, redo some exams
    dad worried about aidans health
    playing aoe3 with someone, super hard campaign thing they cant do
    going to colect fast food with pj and gordon, drive a long way to a pizza shop
    playing scrolls wiith sargon, train station
    floating in the ocean, learning how to avoid rips
    Talking about the stars and constellations
    doing high jump, teaching some people how to do it
    a fight at school, enemy is almost indestructible, then talking yugiohwith liam
    fighting a boss in polaris, someone complaining about having to pay money
    a teaser thing for mirage, gives some backstory and I get to tour a house
    lord of the rings thing, trying to infiltrate mordor, talk with sauron
    jeremy playing cricket, ou at an oval, no athletics on
    Something about ice
    At a big dinner function discussing business matters
    w101 a dungeon in an egyption cave of some kind
    Taking part in a charity event at a local store, buy a trampoline
    Joining a group at uni, we are kind of scam artists, almost get found out, i chase after thieves, pretend to be french
    at a school like setting, rying to feed about 200 people
    someone murdered at a trump rally, assassination attempt
    I think I had the power to control electricity but lost it in w101
    Watching a horse race, almost as big as the melbourne cup.
    fighting in a fantasy battle, saving frodo and sam against the orcs
    at train station, catch it with schoolkids, listening to some metal and reading some album reviews
    at a mcdonalds, having an interview/talking to the manager
    At a pary thing with friends from high school, we take a group photo
    us election, looking at results
    playing sport with jeremy, get picked up by mum to go to an oktoberfest
    something else
    checking mechatronics exam score, 46%, angry reaction
    playing minecraft adventure map, getting a ton of items and retiring to a day spa kind of place
    going to high school staff room, talking to ms gardner and some new student.
    pa is a secret agent for the government, I help him with his investigation into something
    at a race track, horses racing, then driving home oo the freeway
    Playing skyrim, reinstalling it but my save is still there, my younger brother then wants to play
    Going to a meeting about the vce curriculum, helping to decide what to include
    I am in a house at night with a ton of people from school, we go underground, maybe hiding from people
    near a lake, go to an eating challenge thing at a dumpling restaraunt, then come back later with my family
    in the city, melbourne uni then go to catch a train with the lads, nearly get run over and stuff as running physics are weird.
    some sort of mcdonalds training course
    w101 desert world, exploring
    some sort of political thing
    on the run with bishke at night time
    playing basketball against little kids
    wizard101 new shadow spells and quests
    working on the hammer.
    driving with mum across the suburbs a long way to get somewhere
    trapped in a totalitarian prison oom thing, we eventually escape ub a great rush and expose our captors
    talking with david about subjects we were taking at university
    som kid grasshoppers set up a trap for food but thei dad does let them eat what they catch, instead hides it away for winter.
    undergoing training on the register at mcdonalds, first sya on the job
    something about wizad101
    in prison, can get out by throwing a coin down an escalator closes to edge of train platform without it falling out. I manage to do it and move on to next round, which is in a ww2 style london carriage with the wueen.
    Building something in minecraft
    something about laci green
    people predicting election results for the next few syckes, bernie sanders always runs but doesnt do well
    playing in mirage, the market area lets you take drugs for crowns
    playing minecraft, in a city, people offer to help me as if someone I know had died.
    Telling some classic bible like stories
    watching a blaire white and bearing video
    Eating food with eleste, she is going on holiday, shows me some photos
    Going to a kebab shop, applying for a job there
    Eating at a fancy restaraunt in disneyland
    uying/making a ring
    at a bar with some friends, there are themed rooms
    renovating soe stuff in thaumcraft
    Going to some churches and then eating dinner
    getting a massage and stuff done at a spa, something isn't wuite as it seems
    Getting lessons from the rock, something about cleaning and marial artskk
    in a shop thinking of buying a computer
    Doing stuff in thaumcraft
    going to subway, getting some food,
    surfing while being given a grammar lesson
    in a giant paace style house, gets kind of invaded by large spiders, i use a hammer to kill some but lose the hammer, try to find another one but cant. morphs to w101 where a guy buys me a hammer from the crowns shop to use
    xenoyr and another musician complimenting one another.
    at the docks woring on unloading containers from a large ship
    Getting birthday presents for harry, get a harry potter wand, talk about how the houses dont make sense, get dressed.
    Getting tickets to a harry potter movie, we need to drive somewhere but traffic is terrible, presidents birthday or something
    Crashing a car
    something about a family tree
    working at mcdonads, doing dishes and cleaning tables and stuff.
    getting angry at basketball
    getting trained at mcdonalds, reviewing what had actually happened
    playing wizard101, getting some new gear
    going to a birthday party for my cousin
    more training at mcdonalds, how to clean stuff
    woman having sex with other women seven times, chinese government finds out and takes her away. Turns out that all those times jay leno or someone like him had secretky been involved.
    playing some sort of game, collecting something.
    playing basketball
    preparing for a basketball grand final, pep talk
    helping build a building
    Something about joining a cult
    getting arrested and put in a magic prison, i manage to escape but they find me pretty quickly
    playing skyrim, using magic and a two handed hammer
    with dad, getting tickets for a grand final
    damien hardwick living on a raft, in exile after resigning as coach
    in germany somewhere, walking about neara big grassy hill
    i was a sports coach, people weren't performing very well
    digging up for archeology stuff
    I was on holiday in a poor ountry, living in a mud hut full of dust and carpet
    going home on the bus, near some lemon trees, kids going ino technical school
    Some sort of ellen like show, underwater cats show.
    Music charts, a lazer pen which writes a sticker like thing which shoots a lazer light.
    playing rugby, hae some ok moments, break the rules a bit
    playing minecaft, finding lots of sand, giving drugs to people
    at grandmas old house, fresh paint still on walls, i have to turn on lights and stuff without touching the walls
    A giant alien like being is awakened and is coming towards the city, is initially slow but something powers it up to ridiculous amounts. I try to fly around to hide something from it but it catches me and there isn't much I can do
    Teaching some kids with VR stuff
    At the austrian club
    Something to do with a woman
    something about wizard101
    runing a 2km race, beat aidan
    stud showing middle childs more likely t be fat, something about getting kids home from school in cars safely
    playing minecraft on a server.
    Suicide bomber on bus, i try to save everyone but some people still die, including my brother
    Driving at night with my dad
    At primary school, go to a political meeting or something, meet a girl, see some cats while walking home,
    Getting surgery done on my feet, sanka there, local anasthetic
    ssomething bout esports
    Caught doing something late at night.
    running away.hiding from a russian guy, eventually he finds me but turns out to be friendly, we get along
    dad arguing with laurren at a conference thing on a disease, starts flirting with another woman
    An ambassador of some kind dies and I need to continue his work in striking a trade deal or something similar
    Bearing gets his channel back, face reveal, brown hair and dark red beard, cook mum some food
    Driving test, going along freeway, make a few mistakes but end up ok
    Learning about how major schools of thought had spread throughout england such as conservatism and freedom of the press
    leading an arts and craft type session
    working at mcdonalds, talking to manager about getting more shifts
    something about stopping crime
    Getting a prosthetic leg
    Something about animals
    Thing about underwear which lets you rearrange your junk
    going to a horror night, bringing movies, musi etc., lots of fun something to do with bearing
    Playing basketball, walking down street to get some extra players
    on the bus listening to music, big bash
    aidan getting ripped off buying a new computer
    Something about elder scrolls legends chaos arena
    at school, people having their dress up day, I as playing a computer game of some kind, having my vision tested
    minecraft lets play videos, guy building cool medieval stuff, i get shaders to work, addds straight diagonal lines
    getting ready for basketball
    Some sort of video game, a bit like a 3d platformer, exploring a area inaisde a tree.
    Little athletics starting, also another centre, do shotput with 4 kg, goes 30 metres, contacted by army
    Catching a shark/dolphin from a big tank, cooking it up.
    prisoner on a pirate ship in africa, manage to escape, meet up with famiy, find a village, drink water from river, possiblyy get syphillis, go to airport
    boogie on a plane, betting on athletics stuff, movie themed relay,star wars almost wins, c3po super fast
    Getting tips at McDOnalds, money.
    trying to find a counter for monkey king
    fast paced action stuff
    at pa's house, getting mower started and mowing lawn, something about people winning oscars
    learning from a chimpanzee
    the chase game show, someone gets some easy questions wrong
    preparing food for christmas
    playing wizard101, doing a dungeon
    in a movie set 50 years ago or so, sopping for christmas presents for family with 19 or 21 kids, mathematical formula
    A little mouse getting food
    some sort of adventure, fighting the devil
    Hammering in some stuff
    Tarkan on dreamviews, try to teach class about lucid dreaming
    Discussing the characters in a movie with my cousins
    David Attenborough documentry, a ton of animals
    Getting suited up with some sort of items, maybe a game
    Getting all the cards in spellweaver

    LOOK AT THAT, only one day missing, ah well I will just leave a blank for December.
    Patience108, NyxCC and Saizaphod like this.

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    Tags: non - lucid


    1. Saizaphod's Avatar
      Wow. How long did it take for you to make this?
      BlairBros likes this.
    2. BlairBros's Avatar
      I already had the dreams typed up in notepad I just had to transfer them onto dreamviews, so not too long. I just kept little one sentence overviews of all my dreams in there and I have FINALLY got around to posting here lol.
    3. NyxCC's Avatar
      Good job on journalling constently! And lol at the lenght of this entry!
    4. BlairBros's Avatar
      Haha thanks, I just got into the habit of writing little summaries of my dreams when I woke up, so even though I wasn't writing them up in full detail I still had something.