Fragment of Dreams
28/9/16 Fragment: Some sort of romantic incident Fragment: Maybe something about basketball
3/9/16 Fragment: Basketball.
1/9/16 Fragment: I was scrutineering the media or something similar at a Trump rally.
13/8/16 Fragment: I was using a spell to reduce people's attack before a battle.
12/8/16 Fragment: I was in a university or company or some sort and there were two competing teams.
26/6/16 Fragment: Something about 7.5k mmr.
5/6/16 Fragment: Doing the final boss in Waterworks.
23/5/16 Fragment: Playing a match of Elder Scrolls Legends.
20/5/16 Fragment: Something about finding a guy called Dworgyn. I remembered a dream when I woke up but I thrashed about and thought of the day ahead so I promptly forgot it :/
8/5/16 Fragment: Sitting around with a bunch of people. Fragment: Wizard101 stuff, kicking my brother off.
Updated 05-11-2016 at 12:49 AM by 63366
31/3/16 I know I had 2 or 3 big long dreams but I tossed around as I woke up and they flitted away :/ Fragment: Talking with Jamie Dream 1: I was at the dinner table and a computer screen was there in front of me. My dad pointed this out to my sister who started hitting it and laughing. Fragment: Something about Dylan Fragment: Something about basketball
16/2/16: I woke up at about 2 am with 5 or 6 little fragments but I didn't write them down and promptly forgot them haha. Anyway when I woke up again I had a couple of dreams. Dream 1: I was playing some sort of tcg. There were 6 classes and one of them had just gotten a new hero and some new rare cards, so I was taking a look at all that. I think I played a game of it and was going to lose but I had some special power which saved my ass. Dream 2: I was at an athletics competition like when I was younger when I ran into a girl who used to do it ages ago (supposedly according to my dream hah) I ran over to her and talked to her, we got to walking around the field together talking. Some people pointed at us and laughed but I didn't really car. We eventually got to the other side of the track where she said goodbye and left. Fragment about basketball I think.
10/2/16: A fragment about jumping/hair.
8/2/16: A fragment about something to do with speed and basketball. EDIT: In my afternoon nap I had 2 dreams. 1: I was driving an old Ferrari my grandpa used to own. It had brown leather seats and black paint and I was driving along super fast through a tunnel. 2: There was some anime that was ending and I was with a bunch of people trying to preserve it/create memorabilia for it. We were at Disneyworld and all these people came by trying to take stuff from the anime. I'm sure there was more detail to this but it has been a while and I've forgotten.
Updated 02-09-2016 at 10:10 AM by 63366
31/1/16: I had 4 dreams tonight but they all sort of disappeared when I woke up unfortunately. I can just remember a fragment about me giving someone a car that was automatic instead of manual or something like that and another fragment about money. Ah well the rest might come to me.