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22/06/2018 Fragment: I won a backpack with some prizes inside, including some boxing gloves, a basketball and other exercise paraphernalia.
21/06/2018 Dream 1: I was transporting a bunch of babies and toddlers via a hovercraft sort of thing, I was being chased by some monsters. One was a dog and another was spiderman except corrupted by symbiote stuff. Fragment: I was watching TV with some friends, it was a nice setup with 3 TVs, deciding on what movie to watch later. Dream 2: I was at the gym learning how to bench press, nearly dropped the bar onto myself. I then spotted for someone.
2/8/16 I did have a fragment or maybe a full dream, but I forgot to write it down and as of yet it has slipped from my mind
23/2/16: When I woke up I recalled 1 full dream and a fragment, however I forgot to write any of it down when I woke up and so it has drained out of my brain now and I can't remember it :/
21/2/16: That cryptic title means I woke up sure I had had a few dreams but not waking during the REM period they all... slipped away as soon as I woke .
6/2/16: I am pretty sure I did have a dream to recall but I woke up very suddenly, moved about and shocked myself, causing it to slip away :/
1/02/16: I woke up a few hours early and remembered a dream perfectly before going back to bed, but I forgot to write it down so now I can't remember a thing O.o, except that maybe it had something to do with a car.
30/01/16 Didn't really remember anything last night, had an 18th birthday party sooo yeah
27/01/16 I didn't remember any dreams really when I woke up initially, however when I was going back to sleep I entered a hypnogogic state and almost managed to have a WILD. I could feel myself falling asleep, hearing a static noise with a fog coming over my mind and losing feeling of my body. When I realised this though I go a bit excited and made myself focus on keeping my consciousness, however I think I concentrated too hard and moved my mouth a bit and it jolted me back awake unfortunately :/.
2/1/16 I did remember a dream from an earlier awakening but I forgot to write it down before going back to sleep so I've forgotten it now :/.
I didn't remember anything really. I know I definitely had a couple of dreams but when I woke up they were gone . 17/12/15
I can't really remember anything, didn't sleep very well or for long. I did have an afternoon nap with a dream in I though, so yeah haha. Tonight will be better though . 5/12/15
Here is a quick jot down of my dreams from my 2 days away. 1/12/15: 1: Some sort of Ubuntu party in Sweden 2: Being in a record store, seeing some records from Bindrune 3: Catching a train with some mates. We end up going to a party house (like we actually did haha) along with some other people. 4: Playin an mmo, kinda like a more horror-y version of Skyrim. I kept getting advice on how to debunk myths people had about the game, eg. seeing a dead child at night, gotta squat over them for some reason or other. Kinda forgot the details here. 5: Two women on a quiz show, like the Chase. They got caught for cheating, using radio earpieces. 2/12/15: 1: A war with Turkey (The country lol) 2: Athletics at Pascoe Vale, barely a fragment 3: Watching a game of football with my dad, there were 4 teams playing the one game as a giant free for all. 4: Cheese and Spaghetti on a giant pizza (yum).
I slept terribly last night, got a few less hours than normal and kept on waking up through the night but I've remembered 4 dreams and a fragment, so its all good hehe. 1: I was a character inside a video game, sort of a cross between Minecraft and Skyrim. I sorta chose my character and then was told of my mission, to infiltrate the enemy city and see what was going on there. I had a fake name and everything, Greta Blair, even though im male(lol?), and I set off hiking through the forest to get to the city. I eventually arrived and went into a cafe/hotel to find a place to stay the night. he owner became suspicious upon seeing me, demanding my name and citizenship papers etc. I stumbled saying "Matthew Bla.. uh, Greta Blair (pronounced Gree-ta Blair), but when I showed them the papers they accepted me a bit. I retired to my room and set about hatching a plan for what to do next. FRAGMENT: I found my brother had started a facebook account, checked out what was on it. 2: My brother and I caught the tram to school for a few days in a row, and every day a friend would have bought me a pie for breakfast. The first few times I was like, ooo yummy thanks but after a while I got suspicious, asking him why he was buying only me pies and not my brother etc. He said it was a social experiment, seeing if he could fatten me up and seeing what my brothers reaction would be. From then on I refused to eat anymore and things got a bit sour lol. 3: I was driving a car with the rest of my family in it. The brakes weren't working properly and I kept on just crashing into other cars where i would normally have stopped before them. When we got home however the brakes failed completely and I crunched into the wall. I then tried reversing back a bit so the car was in the normal spot but again I couldn't stop it. They were yelling at me about how I was doing it wrong etc and I was trying everything, but stamping on the brakes, handbrake, tapping; nothing worked. We managed to stop rolling just before backing out onto incoming traffic on the road, phew. 4: A sort of montage of me playing basketball, being somewhat the cause/involved in us losing a few games in a row horribly. I resolved myself to improve, and slowly but surely over the next few games, although we still lost, got closer and closer. In the final game, we were neck and neck with the other team well into the dying stages of the game. Finally we managed to pulla 4 point lead on them with a minute to go. Timeout was called and the coach gave an inspiring speech, the contents completely forgotten but I'm sure it was good . We went back out to play then, but I oke up as the game was finishing.I think we won though hehe.
1: Fragments, something to do with darts I think 2: (non-lucid) I arrive back at school,starting the new year, and I go to a room with lockers in them to find my own. I worry aboit forgetting to bring my lock, but it turns out good, so I set about finding my new locker. Unfortunately it turns out that only the bottom locker is left, which is a real pain (I'm 6 foot 5/6 iwl), so I complain about it trying to persuade someone to swap, but no luck. I see a friend from primary school there as well, which should have set me alarm bells off, but alas. Anyway, I then collect some for of payment in an envelope and get it signed by classmate, then head oer to my English class and remind everyone else that thye have it to. When I arrive I take a seat near the front and a girl sits down next to me. At this point I wake up rather suddenly. -------This breaks my rather long drought of dream recall, I think it is my first in over a fortnight, so hopefully this trend continues. Being at school is basically my only dream sign and considering I'm on holidays at the moment I should have known it was a dream but oh well, next time I will be more aware